Given To Speak

Hey guys,
I just wanted to let everyone know about my new blog site dealing with the politics. I live in a "devil town" (thank you Daniel Johnston) in Texas, where we get mostly right wing radio. We recently got Free Speech Radio Netowrk to broadcast on another station but it will be an up hill battle trying to get the word out there before Nov. 4tha dn as of right now, they don't have a local show.
I have decided I am going to challenge the host of a local radio show "The Eric Von Wade Show" (, if you want more info. on him) to a debate on the issues. He has in the past tried to just blow off any opposing view because he is a staunch conservative. I will be documenting this radio exchange on my new blog "Given To Speak" ( and I need you help. I was hoping any one interested can send me any questions or topics I should bring up and discuss them on my new blog or questions I should bring up to the local right wing guy, who by the way, in the lead anchor on the CBS affliate's local news at 10. (Nah, there's no conflict of interest there, right??!!). Let's call this guy out together. Thanks for your support.
You can read more at my blog:
I just wanted to let everyone know about my new blog site dealing with the politics. I live in a "devil town" (thank you Daniel Johnston) in Texas, where we get mostly right wing radio. We recently got Free Speech Radio Netowrk to broadcast on another station but it will be an up hill battle trying to get the word out there before Nov. 4tha dn as of right now, they don't have a local show.
I have decided I am going to challenge the host of a local radio show "The Eric Von Wade Show" (, if you want more info. on him) to a debate on the issues. He has in the past tried to just blow off any opposing view because he is a staunch conservative. I will be documenting this radio exchange on my new blog "Given To Speak" ( and I need you help. I was hoping any one interested can send me any questions or topics I should bring up and discuss them on my new blog or questions I should bring up to the local right wing guy, who by the way, in the lead anchor on the CBS affliate's local news at 10. (Nah, there's no conflict of interest there, right??!!). Let's call this guy out together. Thanks for your support.
You can read more at my blog:
"Love ain't love until you give it up." - Amongst The Waves
Post edited by Unknown User on
So - the reason he blows off any opposing views is because he is a staunch conservative? I guess he's not as open minded as the "staunch" liberals out there.
...are those who've helped us.
Right 'round the corner could be bigger than ourselves.
I know I wasn't clearer when i made my last post. It's not that he's a just a conservative. It's because of all the "red meat" that he likes to put on his show. For example, did you know that Sandra Bernhardt, the comedian, did a show for a Jewish Center adn she made alot of vulgar remarks about Sarah Palin? I didn't, until he played some of her worst remarks on the radio last Friday. He spent a whole segment talking about her and how she supposedly is the reason Dem Party is the way they are. He lumped everyone that wasn't a Republican with her. I for one, don't count her as someone that speaks for me.
I do notice that when it comes to Republicans saying racists remarks like George Allen calling someone a "Macaca", he doesn't mention it.
That's what i mean about the one-sided remarks he throws out there and people here just eat it up.
He is so busy trying to come Palin's defense with the "Lipstick on a Pig" comments. But didn't come to the defense of Obama when people were throwing out the rumor that Obama was a Muslum.
These are just two of the many one-sided comments thsi guys talks about.
Know1, i'm sure you are from a place where everyone gets thier voice heard, but i'm not. I've lived here most of my lifeand it's been that way forever. It's time to change that. That's what i want to do. I'm sorry that i didn't state examples but visit his site, it'll tell you just what he's all about.