The post was rude (though might have been meant as just a tease), but frankly, the starter of the thread was annoying as hell with her moaning (though just ignoring the thread would have been simpler)...I wanted to puke by the end of the post.
But only an American would take that comment as sexist...she lives in the UK?? my god with all teh sexual banter here, she must be having fits everyday!
This thread is sexist,why do u assume it's only males who are sexist?
perhaps the better term for the original complaint is misogynist people/posts. regardless, maybe i missed the part where the original post said only males could be sexist?
if you wanna be a friend of mine
cross the river to the eastside
Actually there is a scene in that movie where one guy does grab the other guys ass so I could fit you in there too if you are feeling stressed.
hey, i thought it hysterical...and believe me, i get accused of being 'too PC' often. hell, when 'off-balance'...we can all use more sex, nothing sexist about that. gettin' laid is quite a cure-all.
but what does that MEAN, exactly? just wondering. i mean, are you assuming that because the person you're talking to can't punch you in the face if you say something rude, then it's okay to be rude? i've always wondered what people mean when they say that "it's the internet!" like "whoo-hoo, let's just act like obnoxious assholes, it's cyberspace after all!" :rolleyes:
i think you should treat each other the same way here that you would in person. call me kooky.
absolute agreement. i think far too many take license with the fact that we are not face to face. however, also have to consider....we are completely missing TONE here. in person, i am sure chipboy's post would've come off exactly as it was intended, as humor. given the contents of the thread, it did read as humor, and if one read all the posts...more than likely that would be evident. however, far too often we lose so much through written words difficult to judge at times.
people say things on the internet that they would not say face to face. get used to it.
And I read the other thread. Didn't sound sexist to me. Sounded like you need to get sexed up good to make you feel better.
"If you remove the English army tomorrow and hoist the green flag over Dublin castle, unless you set about the organisation of the socialist republic then all of your efforts would have been in vain. England will still rule you through her capitalists ,landlords and commercial institutions"
The post was rude (though might have been meant as just a tease), but frankly, the starter of the thread was annoying as hell with her moaning (though just ignoring the thread would have been simpler)...I wanted to puke by the end of the post.
But only an American would take that comment as sexist...she lives in the UK?? my god with all teh sexual banter here, she must be having fits everyday!
I'm a woman btw, before anyone jumps on me
carolina, not england. but i agree. i didnt see anything sexist in that post. it was clearly an attempt to cheer her up or make her laugh.
I'm sorry, but that just made me laugh. It's like you're in junior high or something: you're just jealous!
Just because you're a "girl" doesn't mean you can't be a hater.
what the fuck is junior high.
"If you remove the English army tomorrow and hoist the green flag over Dublin castle, unless you set about the organisation of the socialist republic then all of your efforts would have been in vain. England will still rule you through her capitalists ,landlords and commercial institutions"
perhaps the better term for the original complaint is misogynist people/posts. regardless, maybe i missed the part where the original post said only males could be sexist?
WEll you weren't paying attention then
'' really don't get how people who clearly hate women, and have such messed up views about them, can be pearl jam fans.''
''I think it's stuff that a lot of people pass off as being jokes or just immaturity or boys will be boys, whathaveyou. But it still not only hurts me but boggles my mind.''
Very sexist towards males.
It may be the devil or it may be the Lord
But you're gonna have to serve somebody.
WEll you weren't paying attention then
'' really don't get how people who clearly hate women, and have such messed up views about them, can be pearl jam fans.''
yea, i have to say...that's a bit far over the line. first of all...i got no 'woman-hating' at ALL from that particular post, i read it completely as HUMOR...besides the fact...yea, i believe chipboy is long-married?...and sounds rather happily so? i've read many of his posts, and many are filled with much humor....i think it a bit over the top to label someone as a 'woman-hater'...from one post. besides the fact, i find it VERY amusing...the whole....'i don't know how _____________ can be pearl jam fans." like being a pj fan would ever make someone somehow 'better'...different, etc. odd.
I'm not sure it was sexist. He would have probably told a guy that he needed to get laid too. There IS some sexism around online, no doubt, and I've experienced it AT PJ shows and seen it on the boards on occasion. However, in all fairness, I think your original post in the other thread is something more to be shared at a 'women only' kind of life support board - and I don't mean this disrespectfully. I might feel the way you do at times, but you have to remember that this board has a majority male members, and they obviously are going to have a male perspective. Not necessarily a bad thing, but you're going to get different comments from guys on a post like your original one than women would say.
R.i.p. Rigoberto Alpizar.
R.i.p. My Dad - May 28, 2007
R.i.p. Black Tail (cat) - Sept. 20, 2008
WEll you weren't paying attention then
'' really don't get how people who clearly hate women, and have such messed up views about them, can be pearl jam fans.''
''I think it's stuff that a lot of people pass off as being jokes or just immaturity or boys will be boys, whathaveyou. But it still not only hurts me but boggles my mind.''
Very sexist towards males.
It's funny. You sound just like what you're condemning.
Lord. I didn't say that. It's just the whole 'by the way, i'm a girl' sentiment.
gotcha. i thought it was just an attempt to short-circuit the dismissive "typical male resopnse" comment that we all knew somebody around here would have thrown out eventually.
gotcha. i thought it was just an attempt to short-circuit the dismissive "typical male resopnse" comment that we all knew somebody around here would have thrown out eventually.
i was speaking to the general 'you' in the sense that just because someone's a woman doesn't mean that she can't be hateful towards women. saying, 'oh, i'm a girl' doesn't automatically mean you can't be accused of something. i wasn't saying anyone specifcally here was sexist. frankly i don't have the time to pay enough attention.
i only have enough time to take citizen quizzes.
if you wanna be a friend of mine
cross the river to the eastside
i was speaking to the general 'you' in the sense that just because someone's a woman doesn't mean that she can't be hateful towards women. saying, 'oh, i'm a girl' doesn't automatically mean you can't be accused of something. i wasn't saying anyone specifcally here was sexist. frankly i don't have the time to pay enough attention.
i only have enough time to take citizen quizzes.
Give me the keys to your country, I only missed one. And I'm not even from here.
"Of course it hurts. You're getting fucked by an elephant."
"If you remove the English army tomorrow and hoist the green flag over Dublin castle, unless you set about the organisation of the socialist republic then all of your efforts would have been in vain. England will still rule you through her capitalists ,landlords and commercial institutions"
i like you
But only an American would take that comment as sexist...she lives in the UK?? my god with all teh sexual banter here, she must be having fits everyday!
I'm a woman btw, before anyone jumps on me
yeah kinda.
perhaps the better term for the original complaint is misogynist people/posts. regardless, maybe i missed the part where the original post said only males could be sexist?
cross the river to the eastside
hey, i thought it hysterical...and believe me, i get accused of being 'too PC' often. hell, when 'off-balance'...we can all use more sex, nothing sexist about that. gettin' laid is quite a cure-all.
absolute agreement. i think far too many take license with the fact that we are not face to face. however, also have to consider....we are completely missing TONE here. in person, i am sure chipboy's post would've come off exactly as it was intended, as humor.
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
carolina, not england. but i agree. i didnt see anything sexist in that post. it was clearly an attempt to cheer her up or make her laugh.
WEll you weren't paying attention then
'' really don't get how people who clearly hate women, and have such messed up views about them, can be pearl jam fans.''
''I think it's stuff that a lot of people pass off as being jokes or just immaturity or boys will be boys, whathaveyou. But it still not only hurts me but boggles my mind.''
Very sexist towards males.
But you're gonna have to serve somebody.
ok, i blew it there... i dont know what a playa-hata is either. so what's a hater in the context you used it?
yea, i have to say...that's a bit far over the line. first of all...i got no 'woman-hating' at ALL from that particular post, i read it completely as HUMOR...besides the fact...yea, i believe chipboy is long-married?...and sounds rather happily so? i've read many of his posts, and many are filled with much humor....i think it a bit over the top to label someone as a 'woman-hater'...from one post. besides the fact, i find it VERY amusing...the whole....'i don't know how _____________ can be pearl jam fans." like being a pj fan would ever make someone somehow 'better'...different, etc. odd.
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
R.i.p. My Dad - May 28, 2007
R.i.p. Black Tail (cat) - Sept. 20, 2008
But you're gonna have to serve somebody.
It's funny. You sound just like what you're condemning.
I feel awkward answering this question. It's like if someone asks, "What is 'bling'?"
Anyway, all I meant was that just because you're female doesn't automatically exclude you from hating women.
cross the river to the eastside
what about your reply made you think she hated women?
Lord. I didn't say that. It's just the whole 'by the way, i'm a girl' sentiment.
cross the river to the eastside
wise man.
that's not sexist, it's just smart!
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
why thank you... i try to share my wisdom once in a while
gotcha. i thought it was just an attempt to short-circuit the dismissive "typical male resopnse" comment that we all knew somebody around here would have thrown out eventually.
i was speaking to the general 'you' in the sense that just because someone's a woman doesn't mean that she can't be hateful towards women. saying, 'oh, i'm a girl' doesn't automatically mean you can't be accused of something. i wasn't saying anyone specifcally here was sexist. frankly i don't have the time to pay enough attention.
i only have enough time to take citizen quizzes.
cross the river to the eastside
Give me the keys to your country, I only missed one. And I'm not even from here.
How do you figure?
But you're gonna have to serve somebody.
Well....ok then.Good luck with that....Eh,I guess.....???
But you're gonna have to serve somebody.