To the Anti-Israel bunch...

I've posted this in a different thread but posting it again in this way ensures that you'll all see it.
i've long since given up trying to argue specific points with the israel-bashers on here, since they don't even listen to anything except self-referential "independent" media that jives with their preconceived notions.
i'll just say that the israel-bashers on moving train are almost invariably without any moral or intellectual integrity, whatsoever.
they cast their arguments against israel in terms of high-minded, internationalist, universalist, principles. they say they are not hateful, not antisemitic, just sickened by israel's actions and speaking their minds. they can't keep silent in the face of israel's "atrocities".
[sarcasm]that must by why there are also so many threads on the moving train every day speaking out against russia's policies in chechnya. or china's policies in tibet. or sudan's policies in darfur. or the wars that have been raging in the congo and northern uganda for decades that have claimed several million lives. [/sarcasm]
and no, this post does not ignore the real suffering of the palestinians and now the lebanese. i'll just say that now to preempt that utterly predictable and played-out response.
it would just be nice if the frequency with which posters on moving train express their sanctimonious outrage at human suffering, was commeasurate with the actual amount of suffering they are against, instead of the "coincidential" nationality of the people they are condemning.
i've long since given up trying to argue specific points with the israel-bashers on here, since they don't even listen to anything except self-referential "independent" media that jives with their preconceived notions.
i'll just say that the israel-bashers on moving train are almost invariably without any moral or intellectual integrity, whatsoever.
they cast their arguments against israel in terms of high-minded, internationalist, universalist, principles. they say they are not hateful, not antisemitic, just sickened by israel's actions and speaking their minds. they can't keep silent in the face of israel's "atrocities".
[sarcasm]that must by why there are also so many threads on the moving train every day speaking out against russia's policies in chechnya. or china's policies in tibet. or sudan's policies in darfur. or the wars that have been raging in the congo and northern uganda for decades that have claimed several million lives. [/sarcasm]
and no, this post does not ignore the real suffering of the palestinians and now the lebanese. i'll just say that now to preempt that utterly predictable and played-out response.
it would just be nice if the frequency with which posters on moving train express their sanctimonious outrage at human suffering, was commeasurate with the actual amount of suffering they are against, instead of the "coincidential" nationality of the people they are condemning.
Anti Zionism is not Anti Semitism
Most antizionists are antisemites
Most antizionists are antisemites
Post edited by Unknown User on
Put simply, on the issues of Darfur, China, Congo, Uganda, Chechnya etcetera, you wil find almost total agreement between everybody on here.
Only when these atrocities involve United States and its ally, will you find people who will defend the atrocities, hence disagreements.
To some people (those who voted Republican for example, for wars to continue) to say anything against crimes committed by the US or Israel is being anti-american, unpatriotic, or anti-semite.
These same people will chastise Sudan and Somalia, Serbia or Venezuela, because it does not suit the US imperialist agenda.
Start a thread about Darfur, it will slip off because there will be total acceptance that what is happening is bad, so what is there to discuss?
are less apprehensive of illegal treatment from a ruler whom they consider
god-fearing and pious: Aristotle
Viva Zapatista!
Bravo! Very well said. Stay safe!!!
A good post. But you need not look to Russia, to China, to Sudan to see the hypocrisy. You need only to look at their tacit or explicit support for those fighting against Israel who violate, time and time again, those very same "high-minded, internationalist, universalist, principles".
Be careful with the label of anti-semite. Few here appear to actually be anti-semitic. They are simply victims of popular opinion and their own blind acceptance of it.
oh, so now we have the poster police...are you saying the since you believe there is an absence of posts pertaining to african issues, one can not address the War on Lebanon...? well, perhaps you could start those discussions...since you are concerned about it...
also, I really don't understand the blanket victim stance which is held by many who support Israel...and I don't understand the "anti-israel" scolding you've's as silly as someone labeling those who speak out against the US gov't actions in "war on terror" as "freedom-haters"...however, I do understand labels make things easier for some, it's makes things "simple"...but it does not make those labels right...
Let's be honest - do you think god is up in his kingdom thinking or saying: " Go Israel my chosen people" or "Go muslim kill the infidels"
When all of the juveniles that support war, Israel, or muslims really think about what god wants I do not feel that any war or hatred would be the result.
Let's admit one thing: Everyone involved - the us government, jews, arabs, or anyone that thinks war and killing solves issues - all of them are ill, literally ill.
The human race has reached a tipping point where a large majority of the population is mentally ill, REALLY
So if a large majority of the human race is mentally ill, of course there won't be any talk about it, most of us are already sick. Once sick, then the ones in society who are not ill will be perceived as the one's who are sick. Oh you are atheist, agnostic whatever silly/fancy words they come up with.
When we look at this realistically/logically, this is the only conclusion. The human race is extremely ill, they don't know or will admit it, but it is true.
God created all of us, all of us are his children - pretty simple stuff there, now why on earth would he/she be on anyone's side. He/she loves all of us, not just the chosen tribes of israel or the faithful muslims - he/she loves all of us. simple
All this religion that has been instilled into people's minds has made us sick - we are god's people, no we are. come on PEOPLE WAKE UP - before it is too late!
Let us just admit that it is our human short comings that thinks we should kill or that god is watching over us - makes us feel important, PLEASE seek the truth!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is the only true religion - TRUTH & JUSTICE = PEACE & LOVE that is it, again simple but so hard for the ill humans to take in
Until that happens we will have killed our species twice over
I apologize for ranting but like I said I felt compelled to do so.
Remeber, wisdom/truth/justice/love is what gets a human as close to god as possible, not blind faith or death/destruction
Take care
No apologies are ever necessary for words like the above.
if our responses are tired - claiming we don't give a rats ass about other places of suffering has gotta be twice as bad ... i would harken to bet that 7 out of 10 posts pertaining to places like Darfur or the Congo or China or anywhere for that matter are started by the same people you have so intellectually figured out with much integrity ...
Ummmm, the Israel invasion happens to be a current event unfolding in the last 2 weeks, which would explain the frequency of Israel/Lebanon related threads lateley.
If this were 1998, we'd be talking about Yugoslavia.
Get over yourself.
7-6-2006 Las Vegas. 7-20-2006 Portland. 7-22-2006 Gorge. 9-21-2009 Seattle. 9-22-2009 Seattle. 9-26-2009 Ridgefield. 9-25-2011 Vancouver.
11-29-2013 Portland. 10-16-2014 Detroit. 8-8-2018 Seattle. 8-10-2018 Seattle. 8-13-2018 Missoula. 5-10-2024 Portland. 5-30-2024 Seattle.
You forgot the UK, a great US ally who has been demolishing Iraq and massacring its citizens for more than 3 years. Start a thread about that, I guarantee you'll get a very long disscution.
You use the term 'israel-bashers' which pre-supposes that any criticism of the Israeli government and military is therefore a criticism of 'Israel'. So do you regard your government and miliitary as being at one with your country? Are they the same thing in your view? Strange that. I personally despise my British government of corrupt liars and war mongers and welcome criticism of them. You, on the other hand, apparently identify your government as being synonymous with your country. I wonder whether this sentiment is common among Israelis?
That's the way it is in those 'religious states'. The military, government, and religion is all wrapped up into one. That's what makes them so damed scary.
7-6-2006 Las Vegas. 7-20-2006 Portland. 7-22-2006 Gorge. 9-21-2009 Seattle. 9-22-2009 Seattle. 9-26-2009 Ridgefield. 9-25-2011 Vancouver.
11-29-2013 Portland. 10-16-2014 Detroit. 8-8-2018 Seattle. 8-10-2018 Seattle. 8-13-2018 Missoula. 5-10-2024 Portland. 5-30-2024 Seattle.