Meghan McCain: NH, I'll get tattoo for you

i love these stupid stories...
If Sen. John McCain wins the presidency in a little more than three weeks, his daughter said she'll tattoo "Live Free or Die" somewhere on her body.
Of course, he would have to win in New Hampshire, too, said Meghan McCain, who was in Nashua yesterday thanking volunteers at the McCain-Palin campaign office.
The tattoo, which would probably go on her wrist, would be her way of commemorating her father's run for the presidency, she said. It was in New Hampshire that McCain revived his faltering presidential bid during the presidential primary in January.
If Sen. John McCain wins the presidency in a little more than three weeks, his daughter said she'll tattoo "Live Free or Die" somewhere on her body.
Of course, he would have to win in New Hampshire, too, said Meghan McCain, who was in Nashua yesterday thanking volunteers at the McCain-Palin campaign office.
The tattoo, which would probably go on her wrist, would be her way of commemorating her father's run for the presidency, she said. It was in New Hampshire that McCain revived his faltering presidential bid during the presidential primary in January.