The John McCain doesnt know how many houses he and his wife own



  • Notch89Notch89 Posts: 71
    At least McCain knows how many states there is.:D
  • spyguyspyguy Posts: 613
    Notch89 wrote:
    At least McCain knows how many states there is.:D

    .....states there are ;)
  • cincybearcatcincybearcat Posts: 16,609
    Man, I have no idea how many kids I have throughout the world let alone how many houses I own...what's the big deal?
    hippiemom = goodness
  • ThecureThecure Posts: 814
    robbie wrote:
    [Regarding flying the Confederate flag at the South Carolina Statehouse,] McCain said last week that many in South Carolina view the flag as a “symbol of heritage.” That phrase is used by some who want the flag to continue flying over the Statehouse.
    Source: Holly Ramer, Associated Press Jan 16, 2000

    In 1983, McCain voted against passing a bill to designate the third Monday of every January as a federal holiday in honor of King. Four years later, then-Arizona Governor Evan Mecham rescinded Martin Luther King Day as a state holiday, saying it had been established through an illegal executive order by his Democratic predecessor.

    McCain said he thought Mecham was correct in his decision.

    and didnt McCain just fote against affermative action?

    and isnt he calling Obama an elitist, and arrogant? what does he mean by this, McCain is the one supporting big buisiness over the people, McCain is the one who thinks anyone making under 5 million a year is not rich, McCain is the one with a wife spending 500 grand in one moth on her credit cards, McCain is the one tolling around in 600 dollar shoes. so who is the arrogant elitist? because of these facts, mcCain does not mean Obama is arrogant and elitist because he is out of touch with the common man, what he obviously means is that Obama does not know his place.

    regarding the first quote it is true that some people do look at the flag as a sign of their hartiage. McCain got slammed if you remember when he said that the flag was a disgrace. do you remember when McCain said those thinsg abotu jerry falwell. easy to forget i guess.

    wow he voted agianst a federal holiday for MJK. That proves it for me. maybe he believed that it was a waste of money.

    i know many people who are black who are not for affirmative action does that make them racist. wow collin powel is a racist. Please.

    next up, if you are going to try to quote someone try to get it right. mcCain never said that people not making 5 million are not rich. way to pick a smart part of McCain said and which he even said after watch peopel are going to use this agianst me.

    was there a tread alittle whiel ago that showed that Obama is getting teh most money from corporation. i am suer there was, maybe look that up. like i said before just becuase you don't have money does not mean that you can be an elisted. so what if his wife has money or he wears $600 shoes. was Edwards an elisted? he had a $400 hair cut.
    People demand freedom of speech to make up for the freedom of thought which they avoid."
    - Soren Aabye Kierkegaard (1813-1855)

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  • cincybearcatcincybearcat Posts: 16,609
    my2hands wrote:
    You know, the guy that just paid off his student loans last year...

    Oh that's I have complete confidence that Obama can reduce the huge national debt. ;)

    Oh, that's right, it's easy for him to spend other people's $.
    hippiemom = goodness
  • ThecureThecure Posts: 814
    McCain has nothing but hatred for “the gooks” who allegedly tortured him. As he told reporters on his campaign bus (The Straight Talk Express) in 2000, “I will hate them as long as I live.”

    i would hate the people that tortured me too. does that mean that i hate all people? i don't think so. also i love how you say "allegedly tortured him" like maybe all the reports are somewhat false. sorry i am also waiting for the links on your past post. take your time. :)
    People demand freedom of speech to make up for the freedom of thought which they avoid."
    - Soren Aabye Kierkegaard (1813-1855)

    If you haven't got anything nice to say about anybody, come sit next to me."
    - Alice Roosevelt Longworth (1884-1980)
  • inmytreeinmytree Posts: 4,741
    _outlaw wrote:
    you do realize that the first few examples are on a completely different level than the last point...

    I don't....

    ignorance is ignorance..
  • Thecure wrote:
    i would hate the people that tortured me too. does that mean that i hate all people? i don't think so. also i love how you say "allegedly tortured him" like maybe all the reports are somewhat false. sorry i am also waiting for the links on your past post. take your time. :)

    so why would we torture?? so "they will hate us? where was McCain on the torture bill... caving in as usual.

    google: Ted Rall, Ted Guy, Gordon "Swede" Larson, Michael Isikoff, John Jr. McCain, and grandfather, John Sr McCain, Ted Sampley, Retired Army Colonel Earl Hopper, Earl Pearson Hopper, Fernando Barral, or call this guy Mr McQuade 860-334-3661
  • anothercloneanotherclone Posts: 1,688
    _outlaw wrote:
    the memory thing? who gives a shit about how many houses he have or if he can remember that. if Obama couldn't remember how many houses he had, I wouldn't care because it's not stupid things like these that show you're a bad candidate- it's your policies.

    In my original post in this topic, I said I didn't give a rats ass how many houses he has. So, he's rich...big fucking deal. I couldn't care less.

    BUT, if you can't remember you own 10 houses (give or take), you have a memory problem. And that worries me if you are campaigning to become the leader of the US.
  • ThecureThecure Posts: 814
    In my original post in this topic, I said I didn't give a rats ass how many houses he has. So, he's rich...big fucking deal. I couldn't care less.

    BUT, if you can't remember you own 10 houses (give or take), you have a memory problem. And that worries me if you are campaigning to become the leader of the US.

    i still believe that mCcain said that he does know just as a way to make it look like he is like everyone else. i read in Esquire that mCcain remembers people childrens names and their birthdays so i don't believe that he has a memory problem.
    People demand freedom of speech to make up for the freedom of thought which they avoid."
    - Soren Aabye Kierkegaard (1813-1855)

    If you haven't got anything nice to say about anybody, come sit next to me."
    - Alice Roosevelt Longworth (1884-1980)
  • anothercloneanotherclone Posts: 1,688
    Thecure wrote:
    i still believe that mCcain said that he does know just as a way to make it look like he is like everyone else.

    interesting theory.

    too bad it isn't working out for him that way. everyone else remembers how many houses they own. :D
  • fugawzifugawzi Posts: 879
    This guy's ridiculous. Doesn't know how many houses he owns, doesn't know the difference between Sunni and Shia, doesn't know that Iraq and Pakistan don't share a border, where does all his supposed "experience" come in? A voter in New Mexico suggests reinstating the draft and the first thing McCain says is "I don't disagree with anything you just said." What is going on? I don't see how anyone is voting or considering voting for him. It's amazing.
    West Palm 2000 I & II/West Palm '03/Tampa '03/Kissimmee '04/Vic Theater '07/West Palm '08/Tampa '08/NYC MSG I & II '08/Philly Spectrum III & IV '09/Cleveland '10/Bristow '10/PJ20 I & II 2011/Pensacola '12/Pittsburgh '13/Denver '14
  • unsungunsung I stopped by on March 7 2024. First time in many years, had to update payment info. Hope all is well. Politicians suck. Bye. Posts: 9,487
    Obama got his sweetheart mortgage with the help on a convicted felon, and he also used to own many properties in Chicago that he was going to Section 8 out and be a slumlord. He failed at that though.

    John Kerry owned multiple houes as well. Somehow I doubt many here were complaining about that four years ago.
  • drew0drew0 Posts: 943
    Thecure wrote:
    i would hate the people that tortured me too. does that mean that i hate all people? i don't think so. also i love how you say "allegedly tortured him" like maybe all the reports are somewhat false. sorry i am also waiting for the links on your past post. take your time. :)

    I would say he was "allegedly tortured", at least by McCain & Bush's definition. Much of what was done to McCain is not in the limits of "torture", at least according to those two.
    Pittsburgh 6/23/06
    Madison Square Garden 6/25/08
  • drew0drew0 Posts: 943
    Thecure wrote:
    i still believe that mCcain said that he does know just as a way to make it look like he is like everyone else.

    Are you kidding me? That is one of the lamest excuses I have ever heard to justify something. That's ridiculous.

    Anyway, assuming he did say that just to "fit in", that's pathetic and desperate. If you have to try to "fit in" with the American people, you probably shouldn't run for president. That would just go to show how desperate he has become to win this thing - more desperate than trying to portray Obama as Paris Hilton. In other words, a new all time low (a bar he set himself).

    McCain is out of touch with reality. Telling Americans they wouldn't and couldn't work in a labor field for a whole season for $50/hour, to not remembering how many houses you own, to saying the whole ailing economy is just "psychological". The thought of this man determining the future economic policies of this country are beyond scary. The notion that people can actually vote for a man who plans to continue the same policies that have absolutely ruined this country (say what you want, but I call our enormous national debt, a $482 billion deficit, $4/gallon gasoline, a mortgage crisis, a student loan crisis, and rising health care a pretty big problem) is beyond my comprehension. When you vote with Bush 95% of the time of the last couple years, I have little to no respect for you. When you switch positions on countless issues just to "fit in", I don't think you deserve to run this country. McCain is desperate, pathetic, and Unfit for Command.
    Pittsburgh 6/23/06
    Madison Square Garden 6/25/08
  • drew0drew0 Posts: 943
    unsung wrote:
    Obama got his sweetheart mortgage with the help on a convicted felon, and he also used to own many properties in Chicago that he was going to Section 8 out and be a slumlord. He failed at that though.
    unsung wrote:
    John Kerry owned multiple houses as well. Somehow I doubt many here were complaining about that four years ago.

    What are you talking about? How come all McCain supporters do is defend McCain's faults with "Well Kerry did this, or Gore did that, or Clinton did this...". Personally, how many houses a candidate owns doesn't do much for me - I think McCain & Kerry are both "out of touch" with working-class America, but I can deal with that. I said that about Kerry in 2004, and I'll still say it. It's not McCain owning 7 houses that bothers me, it's the fact that he didn't know. Now, you can take it in two ways, both of which are pathetic and make me think McCain is qualified to be president. He's either losing it because of old age, or is an elitist. I think it's both - and both make me think he isn't ready to lead this country.
    Pittsburgh 6/23/06
    Madison Square Garden 6/25/08
  • unsungunsung I stopped by on March 7 2024. First time in many years, had to update payment info. Hope all is well. Politicians suck. Bye. Posts: 9,487
    I'm not a McCain supporter. I'm just calling out the double standards here.

    Obama also owned multiple properties, even if he had no intent on living in them.
  • my2hands wrote:
    and McCain tries to paint Obama as an elitist? You know, the guy that just paid off his student loans last year...

    Whats wrong with being elitist? Isn't that the best, what you want as president?
  • inmytreeinmytree Posts: 4,741
    unsung wrote:
    I'm not a McCain supporter. I'm just calling out the double standards here.

    Obama also owned multiple properties, even if he had no intent on living in them.

    of course you know this is not the issue...the issue is, mccain had no clue how many houses he owned, not that he owned multiple houses...

    no double standard here, just some fella who has no clue about is own personal finances and economic standing...
  • fuckfuck Posts: 4,069
    inmytree wrote:
    no double standard here, just some fella who has no clue about is own personal finances and economic standing...
    true. but if it took someone until this story to realize McCain has no clue about economics, then they're clearly politically inept.

    (not that I'm accusing any of you of that)
  • inmytreeinmytree Posts: 4,741
    _outlaw wrote:
    true. but if it took someone until this story to realize McCain has no clue about economics, then they're clearly politically inept.

    (not that I'm accusing any of you of that)

    I understand your point, and agree for the most part...

    Sadly, many simply see the 30 second attack ads and that's all they know...
  • slightofjeffslightofjeff Posts: 7,762
    This is such a non-issue, on both sides. McCain is fucking loaded. Obama is fucking loaded.

    You know how I know? They can afford to run for president.

    This whole line of political discourse is so distasteful. I'm sick of both candidates going down this road.

    Obama: "See? McCain doesn't know how many houses he owns! He's rich!"

    McCain: "Yeah? Well, Obama just made millions of his books. And he just took a vacation to a private Hawaiian island. And he bought a multi-million mansion with the help of a convicted felon!"

    It's so unbecoming of both candidates. It's like a giant "I'm poorer than you" dick-measuring contest ... and it doesn't matter one fucking bit in the grand scheme of things.
    everybody wants the most they can possibly get
    for the least they could possibly do
  • slightofjeffslightofjeff Posts: 7,762
    inmytree wrote:
    of course you know this is not the issue...the issue is, mccain had no clue how many houses he owned, not that he owned multiple houses...

    So you think McCain is just forgetful?

    Look, one of two things happened here:

    1) McCain didn't want to admit how many houses he owned, because he wants to paint himself as a populist.

    or 2) He's got a bunch of properties, including various condominiums ... he doesn't know what he owns and what he just rents. He didn't want to give a false answer, so he said his staff would look into it and come back with an exact answer.

    It's not like he said, "Duhhhhh! I don't know!"

    As I mentioned before, I think this is a total non-issue ... the left's equivalent of the Obama flag-pin.
    everybody wants the most they can possibly get
    for the least they could possibly do
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