Billionaires Up, America Down



  • SongburstSongburst Posts: 1,195
    jeffbr wrote:
    People who try to bring other down to their level rather than lift themselves up could be considered greedy bastards. People who favor coersion and use of force to "level the playing field" could be considered greedy bastards. People who think that successful people should be punished by the government could be considered losers or quitters.

    People that consider a person who rapes the poor with high interest loans to make a billion dollars successful should be shot and pissed on (along with the "successful" hedge fund manager).
    1/12/1879, 4/8/1156, 2/6/1977, who gives a shit, ...
  • know1know1 Posts: 6,794
    Songburst wrote:
    People that consider a person who rapes the poor with high interest loans to make a billion dollars successful should be shot and pissed on (along with the "successful" hedge fund manager).

    At least the poor have a choice whether to take the loan.
    The only people we should try to get even with...
    ...are those who've helped us.

    Right 'round the corner could be bigger than ourselves.
  • gue_bariumgue_barium Posts: 5,515
    know1 wrote:
    At least the poor have a choice whether to take the loan.

    How many people do you know in this country who have NEVER needed to take a loan?

    all posts by ©gue_barium are protected under US copyright law and are not to be reproduced, exchanged or sold
    except by express written permission of ©gue_barium, the author.
  • jlew24asujlew24asu Posts: 10,118
    my2hands wrote:
    wall street vs. main street

    some dont see the difference... these are the same that will also say "well if you took econ 101 at whogivesashit university then you would see the obvious reasons and benefits of this"... indoctrinated fools arguing that bill gates needs a tax cut :rolleyes:

    "a rising tide lifts all hips" hahahaha, fucking classic.... classic bullshit

    all you do is circle jerk around your liberal buddies who want to steal from the rich and give to the poor. your heart is so big and I envy your generosity. but you make a good point........pick up and econ book and you'll see that im right.
  • jlew24asujlew24asu Posts: 10,118
    Cosmo wrote:
    That trickle you are feeling on your head?
    It's piss.

    you're so funny and clever. you actually made some of your liberal friends jerk off onto their keyboard. but I'm actually more interested in talking facts then witty comebacks.


    whenever you are ready


    let me know.

  • jlew24asujlew24asu Posts: 10,118
    prism wrote:
    no kidding. Reagan's fairytale of $ raining down on everyone have been nothing but showers of another kind....ewwww. we've been hearing this bull about how tax cuts and trickle down economics will benefit all for what the last 25+ years? but people are so blind that they seem to think that it's going to suddenly showing positive effects for everyone when the only ones that benefit are the elite

    how has the economy not benefited from bush's taxes cuts? if anything, they had too much of a positive effect causing greediness throughout the economy on all levels.

    tax cuts weren't only for the rich. middle income families also saw tax cuts which in turn increased consumer spending, which created jobs.

    bush might be a horrible president but his tax policies have kept the economy growing. and tax increases would have put a halt to growth. luckily the dems have a sensible plan that will shift the percentages around and make it more fair for those in the middle.
  • my2handsmy2hands Posts: 17,117
    jlew24asu wrote:
    pick up and econ book and you'll see that im right.

    there it is again... classic!

    i took a few econ and finance courses, and did quite well actually... the last one i took the professor stated that massive layoffs are actually a good thing... because these people then start their own business or fill other jobs in need of labor... lets just say i was the first to rasie my hand and call bullshit. it is that type of mentality in the business world that is rampant and flat out disgusting
  • my2handsmy2hands Posts: 17,117
    jlew24asu wrote:
    bush might be a horrible president but his tax policies have kept the economy growing.

    who is the economy growing for? not for any of my middle class/lower income friends and family,. i can tell you that as a fact my friend

    seriously jlew, there is a huge difference between wall street and main street... just because wall street appears to be doing well, doesnt mean that main street is doing well

    do you talk to normal people? if you did then you woulddnt be spewing this bullshit that everything is fine and the economy is doing well :rolleyes:

    bottom line is this... the cost of EVERYTHING is skyrocketing, and wages are stagnant or dropping

    and no econmy is doing well when 40 million people are uninsured without health care
  • jlew24asujlew24asu Posts: 10,118
    my2hands wrote:
    there it is again... classic!

    i took a few econ and finance courses, and did quite well actually... the last one i took the professor stated that massive layoffs are actually a good thing... because these people then start their own business or fill other jobs in need of labor... lets just say i was the first to rasie my hand and call bullshit. it is that type of mentality in the business world that is rampant and flat out disgusting

    no you are the classic one, trust me. how is he wrong? you would rather the unemplyoment rate be 0.0% and every person in this country works for corporate america? I call your bullshit.

    an unemployment rate of 0% is not a positive thing. A positive rate of unemployment is the price we pay for technological development and for people chasing their dreams.
  • my2handsmy2hands Posts: 17,117
    jlew24asu wrote:
    tax cuts weren't only for the rich.

    yeah, me and all of my friends cant wait to take advantage of the estate tax relief


    the shit is so blatant a fucking 4 year old can see it.
  • my2handsmy2hands Posts: 17,117
    jlew24asu wrote:
    no you are the classic one, trust me. how is he wrong? you would rather the unemplyoment rate be 0.0% and every person in this country works for corporate america? I call your bullshit.

    an unemployment rate of 0% is not a positive thing. A positive rate of unemployment is the price we pay for technological development and for people chasing their dreams.

    go ask someone that just got laid off or their job was outsourced how he was wrong... make sure you bring boxing gloves

    some people are so naive... seriously... not a jab at you, but there is no fucking way you can say with a straight face that layoffs are good? what the fuck is that? tell that to his children that rely on that income for survival

    america has developed a very cold heart... all fueled by individual greed
  • my2handsmy2hands Posts: 17,117
    by the way jlew... i already schooled you on taxes before and how the system is designed to benefit the wealthy... so be careful
  • Pacomc79Pacomc79 Posts: 9,404
    my2hands wrote:
    there it is again... classic!

    i took a few econ and finance courses, and did quite well actually... the last one i took the professor stated that massive layoffs are actually a good thing... because these people then start their own business or fill other jobs in need of labor... lets just say i was the first to rasie my hand and call bullshit. it is that type of mentality in the business world that is rampant and flat out disgusting

    why is this bullshit? How is it disgusting? It's just competition. We don't build roads with hundreds of thousands of people now we use machines, conceived by employed educated people right?

    No one likes change at first, but we all have to adapt and learn new skills.

    What do you think we should go back to completely manual labor for everything?

    When my company restructured I was upset because a lot of my friends and collegues got laid off. A year later everyone of them has a different job most are happier and making more money. Why would you keep a company running that was losing money or operating poorly? That screws everyone, because then they have no incentive because there won't be any more raises and the work quality goes down. Part of the reason we are having all of these massive layoffs now is that companies expanded too fast in the 80's and 90's (see Delta) and now the market is readjusting downward.

    Layoffs are not good for the individual employee, but they help the company bottom line out a lot, and that in turn helps out all of the people left at the company. If it did not, layoffs would not happen. They also occur after upper management changes (in all companies, countries, football teams etc etc.) because they want to have thier people around them when they start making big decisions.

    Would you want to have to keep Bushes staff if you were the new President?

    As they say in professional sports, it's not personal it's just business.

    Now if you want to argue about accountants pissing on quality for the bottom line in manufacturing companies I'm right with you. I'm almost always willing to pay more for quality.
    My Girlfriend said to me..."How many guitars do you need?" and I replied...."How many pairs of shoes do you need?" She got really quiet.
  • jlew24asujlew24asu Posts: 10,118
    my2hands wrote:
    who is the economy growing for? not for any of my middle class/lower income friends and family,. i can tell you that as a fact my friend
    how is that a fact? cuz you read too many liberal websites I reckon.
    my2hands wrote:
    seriously jlew, there is a huge difference between wall street and main street... just because wall street appears to be doing well, doesnt mean that main street is doing well

    posting a thread about 1 article some guy wrote doesnt prove this
    my2hands wrote:
    do you talk to normal people? if you did then you woulddnt be spewing this bullshit that everything is fine and the economy is doing well :rolleyes:
    what the fuck are you talking about? normal people? who are they? or thats right, its me. I am dead center of middle class and so are 98% of people I live, work, and deal with every day. so spare me your bullshit. the economy is doing ok given some very bad happenings in the world. (subprime fallout and oil above $90)
    my2hands wrote:
    bottom line is this... the cost of EVERYTHING is skyrocketing, and wages are stagnant or dropping
    this is proof that you do not know anything about the economy.

    do you know what inflation is? or CPI?
    my2hands wrote:
    and no econmy is doing well when 40 million people are uninsured without health care

    hahahahahahahahahaha no one second hahahahahahahahahaha holy fuck hilary has officially taken your balls and put them in her back pocket.

    how the fuck does having a health care system, run by an incompetent government, have anything to do with the strength of the economy. and show me where in the American Constitution it says the government must provide our health care.
  • jlew24asujlew24asu Posts: 10,118
    my2hands wrote:
    by the way jlew... i already schooled you on taxes before and how the system is designed to benefit the wealthy... so be careful

    you wish you school me at anything so spare my your ballless gestures. socialism doesnt work, remember that
  • jlew24asujlew24asu Posts: 10,118
    my2hands wrote:
    go ask someone that just got laid off or their job was outsourced how he was wrong... make sure you bring boxing gloves

    some people are so naive... seriously... not a jab at you, but there is no fucking way you can say with a straight face that layoffs are good? what the fuck is that? tell that to his children that rely on that income for survival

    america has developed a very cold heart... all fueled by individual greed

    dude you seriously dont get it. there is no hope for you robin hood.
  • my2handsmy2hands Posts: 17,117
    Pacomc79 wrote:
    it's not personal it's just business.

    these 6 words sum up the difference between me and you on this issue
  • my2handsmy2hands Posts: 17,117
    jlew24asu wrote:
    you wish you school me at anything so spare my your ballless gestures. socialism doesnt work, remember that

    you guys are a broken record... who said anything about socialism?

    ps... capitalism doesnt work either, realize that
  • jlew24asujlew24asu Posts: 10,118
    my2hands wrote:
    you guys are a broken record... who said anything about socialism?

    ps... capitalism doesnt work either, realize that

    your a socialist play and simple. capitalism is the only way to go. you may want government to control your life, I dont.

    capitalism rewards those who work hard. you are just too enthusiastic about rewarding the lazy.
  • my2handsmy2hands Posts: 17,117
    the first thing you would read in your little econ book is that you DO NOT reduce taxes during a time of war... so your idea that reducing taxes during a "never ending war on terror" was a good thing, fly's in the face of just about every war time tax philoshophy of the last 200 years

    that is why we have a federal tax in the first place... the first federal tax was instituted during the civil war to help pay for the war effort... and the top rates have for the most part historically gone up during wars, to help alleviate the cost to the federal govt...

    here is a brief history of the TOP tax rates in this country...

    History of top rates
    In 1913 the tax rate was 1% on taxable net income above $3,000 ($4,000 for married couples), less deductions and exemptions. It rose to a rate of 7% on incomes above $500,000.

    During World War I the top rate rose to 77%; after the war, the top rate was scaled down to a low of 25%.

    During the Great Depression and World War II, the top income tax rate rose again. In the Internal Revenue Code of 1939, the top rate was 75%. The top rate reached 94% during the war and remained at 91% until 1964.

    In 1964 the top rate was decreased to 70% (1964 Revenue Act), then to 50% in 1981 (Economic Recovery Tax Act or ERTA).

    The Tax Reform Act of 1986 reduced the top rate to 28%, at the same time raising the bottom rate from 11% to 15% (in fact 15% and 28% became the only two tax brackets).

    During the 1990s the top rate rose again, standing at 39.6% by the end of the decade.

    The top rate was cut to 35% and the bottom rate was cut to 10% by the Economic Growth and Tax Relief Reconciliation Act of 2001 (EGTRRA).
  • jlew24asujlew24asu Posts: 10,118
    my2hands wrote:
    the first thing you would read in your little econ book is that you DO NOT reduce taxes during a time of war... so your idea that reducing taxes during a "never ending war on terror" was a good thing, fly's in the face of just about every war time tax philoshophy of the last 200 years

    yea I agree. the war and the cost of war is going to hurt this country for years to come.
  • my2handsmy2hands Posts: 17,117
    jlew24asu wrote:
    your a socialist play and simple.
    dead wrong... i do not subscribe to macro political philosophies... i think we should all do what is right for the people
    capitalism is the only way to go.
    spoken like a true american
    you may want government to control your life, I dont.
    neither do i... but government can be good, to help the masses. government is nothing but the populace organizing to the benefit of the masses... i see nothing wrong with that at all. and i have no problem helping my fellow man. call that socialist, call that whatever the fuck you want. i call it being a fucking human that see's more to life than stock quotes and $ signs
    capitalism rewards those who work hard.
    this is the greatest lie ever told right here... my mother has worked very hard for 40 fucking years, and all of my friends and family work very fucking hard.. and they mostly live check to check like the entire country...
    you are just too enthusiastic about rewarding the lazy.
    this shit right here makes me fucking sick... what the hell is wrong with helping the fellow man?... or building schools... paying teachers... or better highways and bridges... or better public transportation... or health care for all... or not operating in a massive deficit? the list goes on and on... but you will continue to look at it through the eyes of foxnews and wall street, continuing to spew their one line answers about stealing from the rich, socialism, and wlefare mothers...

    50,000 children die PER DAY of starvation in the world... meanwhile assholes are hoarding 50 BILLION dollars all to themselves... if you cant see a problem with that, then i dont know what to tell you

    not to mention that the western european countires with a quasi socialism system are enjoying a better quality of life then the USA...
  • jlew24asujlew24asu Posts: 10,118
    my2hands wrote:
    dead wrong... i do not subscribe to macro political philosophies... i think we should all do what is right for the people spoken like a true american neither do i... but government can be good, to help the masses. government is nothing but the populace organizing to the benefit of the masses... i see nothing wrong with that at all. and i have no problem helping my fellow man. call that socialist, call that whatever the fuck you want. i call it being a fucking human that see's more to life than stock quotes and $ signs

    this is the greatest lie ever told right here... my mother has worked very hard for 40 fucking years, and all of my friends and family work very fucking hard.. and they mostly live check to check like the entire country... this shit right here makes me fucking sick... what the hell is wrong with helping the fellow man?... or building schools... paying teachers... or better highways and bridges... or better public transportation... or health care for all... or not operating in a massive deficit? the list goes on and on... but you will continue to look at it through the eyes of foxnews and wall street, continuing to spew their one line answers about stealing from the rich, socialism, and wlefare mothers...

    50,000 children die PER DAY of starvation in the world... meanwhile assholes are hoarding 50 BILLION dollars all to themselves... if you cant see a problem with that, then i dont know what to tell you

    not to mention that the western european countires with a quasi socialism system are enjoying a better quality of life then the USA...

    spoken like a true socialist.
  • my2handsmy2hands Posts: 17,117
    jlew24asu wrote:
    yea I agree. the war and the cost of war is going to hurt this country for years to come.

    thats double speak?

    first you say the bush tax cuts are the greatest thing since sliced bread for the economy

    then you say the cost of this war are going to hurt this country for years to come?

    make up your mind.

    tax cuts during a time of war and it's massive expense are the worst possible tax/economy philisophy posible put forward

    but i guess you dont care about handing our country in ruins to our future generations... because these assholes sure dont... they are getting theirs, so they and thier families will be just fine

    wake up and realize our country is being looted and raped. your smart. you can see it. but you just cant get past the talking heads on that fucking box that neatly explain away everything and tell us not to worry
  • my2handsmy2hands Posts: 17,117
    jlew24asu wrote:
    spoken like a true socialist.

    no, i am speaking as a true human my friend... with a heart
  • jlew24asujlew24asu Posts: 10,118
    my2hands wrote:
    thats double speak?

    first you say the bush tax cuts are the greatest thing since sliced bread for the economy

    then you say the cost of this war are going to hurt this country for years to come?

    make up your mind.
    I didnt say they were the greatest thing since sliced bread. good try though. I said they have benefited the economy. the war and war spending has not.
  • beachdwellerbeachdweller Posts: 1,532
    this will be the legacy of Bush, and he'll be loved by the few for it. I hope the next Dem Pres does something about this, Hillary stated plans to target many of the unfair tax practices that allow for the few to get away with tax fraud, will it's legal, but it's a travesty that a multi millionaire plus pays 16% taxes, while a middle class american pays 30%. I'm paying 32% and Bush's tax cut's are bullshit.
    "Music, for me, was fucking heroin." eV (nothing Ed has said is more true for me personally than this quote)

    Stop by:
  • my2handsmy2hands Posts: 17,117
    most consider the golden age of this counrty to be between 1945 and 1970... what a coincidence that the top tax rate for the wealthiest was between 70% and 94% during these years

    then here come the reagan jackass republicans with all their elite and big business interests... they immediately lower the top tax rates to 50% in 1981... than again lowering it to 28% in 1986 (while at the same time RAISING the bottom rate from 11 to 15%!!!(fucking blatant))... during the 1980's we operated a MASSIVE deficit, wages became stagnant and the middle class squeeze began)... then in the 90's the top rate was again raised to 39.6 by the end of the decade, and guess what, we erased the deficit and actually operated in a surplus while the economy boomed, imagine that!... 21st century opens up, and here come the asshole republicans again with their elite and corporate interests... the top rate is again reduced, and a host of tax reductions aimed towrds the wealthy are also put in place such as the estate tax... all this during a time of war... and BAM, we are right back into a MASSIVE deficit (done purposely) with no end in sight.. our dollar is weaking by the day, and the euro is taking over the world as the currency of choice... meanwhile our wealthy are hoarding massive amounts of wealth due to these insane policies catering to the elite, and average joe is struggling to keep the lights on

    i dont need a fucking econ book to do that math

    these guys have been spewing the same propaganda and bullshit lies for 30 years now... it has been proven time and time again to be bullshit and inneffective, yet they have enough of you repeating and believing their lies to get their agenda accomplished... and if you think you and I are apart of that aganda... then i have a bridge in minnesota to sell you

    when all the fish are dead, and all the tree's are gone... we will realize that we can't eat money
  • my2handsmy2hands Posts: 17,117
    jlew24asu wrote:
    I didnt say they were the greatest thing since sliced bread. good try though. I said they have benefited the economy. the war and war spending has not.

    again... you cannot say that tax cuts during a war are great for the economy... then say the war costs are going to hurs this country for years... they go hand in hand... you do not cut taxes during a war. it is bad economic policy, period.

    you can see the hypocricy in this right?
  • my2handsmy2hands Posts: 17,117
    jlew24asu wrote:
    you wish you school me at anything

    i am doing it right now

    you pumped up the dems plan for restructuring the tax code, shifting the burden towards the wealthy... if you knew your shit, you would know that was the system for 100 fucking years, until 1980 with these trickle down economics assholes

    buy a new econ book, the one you have is lying to you
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