Vote for Change Film...Galvanized indeed

UnkeptUnkept Posts: 65
edited November 2008 in The Porch
Ya know I was amazed and disappointed when Bush was re-elected in 04...but hindsight being what it is (20/20) It's pretty obvious that it was the beginning of a means to an end. Obama is our new President, and while I wouldn't say that it's because of the Vote For Change tour of 04, in fact one could argue that the choice of celebrities choosing to lay a bit lower this go around helped to not polarize mid america, or just flat turn them against the democrats candidate, I will say that it seems like an awaking did occur. Maybe times have gottne son bad that folks have seen the Leftist Celebrity elite as actually having a point. Which apparently thry did...

All that to say that I loved this film, and somehow feel like it's the best Documentation of PJ yet. Oh I know, it's not a concert in full, but it sure did a better job of giving fans a better inside view of the band members, and a better view of how PJ fit's into the World at least I think so. Anyway, thanks to PJ for putting this up for everyone. Can't wait for the new disc, and the next go around. Hang in there kids, there is hope. America is apparently not all narrow minded, stupid, fear filled hillbillies. That is good to know...
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