our ally in the war on terror? fucking disgusting

i cant stand the fucking hypocricy... some of you guys keep buying all the lies being fed to you... worried about "radical" Iran having the nuke in 10 years, guess what, Pakistan already has it, and oh yeah, their premier Nuke scientist was selling the shit to everyone...but they are "OUR STRONG ALLY"... worried about islamic fundamentalists? how about Pakistan? THEY WONT LET OUr militray in the borders to find osama and you guys say nothing? one day you will realize that your leadership has sold you the fuck out
AMERICANS ARE MAKING IT EASY FOR THESE GUYS TO GET AWAY WITH MURDER...these are no ally of mine, and neither is my currect government
Pakistan Rape Reform Fails After Musharraf Caves In
By Jerome Taylor
The Independent UK
Tuesday 12 September 2006
In a setback for women's rights in Pakistan, the ruling party in Islamabad has caved in to religious conservatives by dropping its plans to reform rape laws.
Statutes known as the Hudood ordinances, based on sharia law, currently operate in Pakistan. They require a female rape victim to produce four male witnesses to corroborate her account, or she risks facing a new charge of adultery.
The ruling party in Islamabad, made up of a coalition of groups allied to President Pervez Musharraf, had hoped the new Protection of Women Bill would place the crime of rape within the country's secular penal code, which works in tandem with sharia.
But the government said rape would remain a crime punished by Islamic law yesterday after conservatives in an opposition group, Muttahida Majlis-I-Amal (MMA), threatened to walk out of parliament in protest if the government pushed ahead with reforms.
"If there are four witnesses it will be tried under [Islamic law], if there are not, it will be tried under the penal code," said the law minister, Mohammad Wasi Zafar. "In the case of both adultery and rape, the judge will decide how to try the case." A new amended bill will now be presented to parliament on Wednesday.
The news is a significant victory for the MMA, which have vehemently opposed any attempts to lessen the influence of sharia.
The Hudood ordinances were enshrined in Pakistani law in 1979 by General Zia ul-Haq in an attempt to appease the country's powerful religious elite following his military coup. They have been routinely criticised by local and international rights groups. Previous governments under Benazir Bhutto and Nawaz Sharif have tried to repeal the laws but failed.
General Musharraf had told rights groups he was willing to back plans for rape to be tried in the secular courts as part of his much trumpeted "enlightened moderation" ideology. The timing of the amended bill will be embarrassing for the President, who is touring Europe and the United States. Pakistan's Western allies have pressured General Musharraf to improve the rights situation in his country, particularly for women.
The failure of the new bill will be also be a bitter disappointment to women's groups in Pakistan, which have campaigned against the Hudood ordinances. Most women refuse to report a rape for fear they will be treated as a criminal. Under current laws, a victim risks courting punishment if she reports a rape allegation as the Hudood ordinances criminalise all extra-marital sex. A woman who fails to prove that she was raped could then be charged with adultery under the same legislation.
According to a 2002 report by the Human Rights Commission of Pakistan, a woman is raped every two hours and gang raped every eight hours. However, because of social taboos, discriminatory laws and victimisation of victims by police, campaigners say that the scale of rape is almost certainly higher.
Despite the dangers, Pakistani women had begun to fight back. In 2002, a woman named Mukhtar Mai forced the government drastically to reassess women's rights in Pakistan after she dared to speak out publicly. She had been gang-raped by a number of men on the orders of a village council.
The Protection of Women Bill was, until yesterday, part of the government's attempts to reform Pakistan's laws following her rape.
AMERICANS ARE MAKING IT EASY FOR THESE GUYS TO GET AWAY WITH MURDER...these are no ally of mine, and neither is my currect government
Pakistan Rape Reform Fails After Musharraf Caves In
By Jerome Taylor
The Independent UK
Tuesday 12 September 2006
In a setback for women's rights in Pakistan, the ruling party in Islamabad has caved in to religious conservatives by dropping its plans to reform rape laws.
Statutes known as the Hudood ordinances, based on sharia law, currently operate in Pakistan. They require a female rape victim to produce four male witnesses to corroborate her account, or she risks facing a new charge of adultery.
The ruling party in Islamabad, made up of a coalition of groups allied to President Pervez Musharraf, had hoped the new Protection of Women Bill would place the crime of rape within the country's secular penal code, which works in tandem with sharia.
But the government said rape would remain a crime punished by Islamic law yesterday after conservatives in an opposition group, Muttahida Majlis-I-Amal (MMA), threatened to walk out of parliament in protest if the government pushed ahead with reforms.
"If there are four witnesses it will be tried under [Islamic law], if there are not, it will be tried under the penal code," said the law minister, Mohammad Wasi Zafar. "In the case of both adultery and rape, the judge will decide how to try the case." A new amended bill will now be presented to parliament on Wednesday.
The news is a significant victory for the MMA, which have vehemently opposed any attempts to lessen the influence of sharia.
The Hudood ordinances were enshrined in Pakistani law in 1979 by General Zia ul-Haq in an attempt to appease the country's powerful religious elite following his military coup. They have been routinely criticised by local and international rights groups. Previous governments under Benazir Bhutto and Nawaz Sharif have tried to repeal the laws but failed.
General Musharraf had told rights groups he was willing to back plans for rape to be tried in the secular courts as part of his much trumpeted "enlightened moderation" ideology. The timing of the amended bill will be embarrassing for the President, who is touring Europe and the United States. Pakistan's Western allies have pressured General Musharraf to improve the rights situation in his country, particularly for women.
The failure of the new bill will be also be a bitter disappointment to women's groups in Pakistan, which have campaigned against the Hudood ordinances. Most women refuse to report a rape for fear they will be treated as a criminal. Under current laws, a victim risks courting punishment if she reports a rape allegation as the Hudood ordinances criminalise all extra-marital sex. A woman who fails to prove that she was raped could then be charged with adultery under the same legislation.
According to a 2002 report by the Human Rights Commission of Pakistan, a woman is raped every two hours and gang raped every eight hours. However, because of social taboos, discriminatory laws and victimisation of victims by police, campaigners say that the scale of rape is almost certainly higher.
Despite the dangers, Pakistani women had begun to fight back. In 2002, a woman named Mukhtar Mai forced the government drastically to reassess women's rights in Pakistan after she dared to speak out publicly. She had been gang-raped by a number of men on the orders of a village council.
The Protection of Women Bill was, until yesterday, part of the government's attempts to reform Pakistan's laws following her rape.
Post edited by Unknown User on
That is a fucking disgusting law upholded by disgusting men.
There have been things they've done that have indeed benefitted us in the hunt for Al Qaeda suspects, but you must be living in a dream world if you think Musharraf does not know where Bin Laden is hiding -
Untill their will grows tired
from my window to yours
Maybe this tactic creates more harm than good... We were friends with Bin Laden... who's worse, al Qaeda or the Soviet Union? We were friends with Hussein... what did that relationship do for us in regards to Iran?
Pakistan is shit... we should not trust those fuckers... they are the Iran/Saddam our kids are going to have to deal with. We need to choose our friends wisely.
Hail, Hail!!!
A very true statement indeed
Untill their will grows tired
Cosmo, the voice of reason!
Suprising, but in this thread, I'm agreeing with those I usually wanna fight
And I try to make this kind and clear
Just a chance that maybe we'll find better days
Cuz I don't need boxes wrapped in strings
And desire and love and empty things
Just a chance that maybe we'll find better days
we use and abuse them, they use and abuse us, we condemn them, they laugh at us and then we kill them. a chosen few playing with the lives of the many. it's a game. all just a fucking game. no one knows the rules cause there are none.
take a good look
this could be the day
hold my hand
lie beside me
i just need to say