pretty soon these nonsense writings wont matter hopefully you will go outside and see the changes earth is going through... until you do.. keep watching your crazy you tube videos.
people are looking for answers to what they see could be a problem for all of civilization..
its one thing to question theories.... but to post this bullshit about hoaxes and schemes when YOU CAN VISIT THE PLACES THAT ARE BEING HIT HARD by our irresponsibility already is BLIND AND FUCKING STUPID.
good riddance.
you've got a big mouth, a small vocabulary, and an even smaller comprehension of our world. Thanks for demonstrating this so clearly.
By the way,
got any actual responses to the information i posted,
or just more potty mouth antics?
Let me know, if you manage to survive a time out.
If I was to smile and I held out my hand
If I opened it now would you not understand?
I'm all about the environment, but global warming will not be the end of the world. It might be the end of us, but the world will be fine. Polar bears may go extinct, but they've only been around about 20,000 as they evolved from grizzly bears.
I know we are responsible for many extintions, but things will even out as we reach our own destruction and the rest of the world bounces back..
Global warming is more about our own destruction rather than the world around us.
I'm all about the environment, but global warming will not be the end of the world. It might be the end of us, but the world will be fine. Polar bears may go extinct, but they've only been around about 20,000 as they evolved from grizzly bears.
I know we are responsible for many extintions, but things will even out as we reach our own destruction and the rest of the world bounces back..
Global warming is more about our own destruction rather than the world around us.
I'm all about the environment, but global warming will not be the end of the world. It might be the end of us, but the world will be fine. Polar bears may go extinct, but they've only been around about 20,000 as they evolved from grizzly bears.
I know we are responsible for many extintions, but things will even out as we reach our own destruction and the rest of the world bounces back..
Global warming is more about our own destruction rather than the world around us.
The big issue here is that some are destroying our life here on Earth as we know it at a much greater rate than others despite all the evidence that this kind of behavior will cause dire problems for the future generations of human life yet to come. To me that's pretty fucked up, reckless and selfish.
If you want to tell people the truth, make them laugh, otherwise they'll kill you.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
The big issue here is that some are destroying our life here on Earth as we know it at a much greater rate than others despite all the evidence that this kind of behavior will cause dire problems for the future generations of human life yet to come. To me that's pretty fucked up, reckless and selfish.
and very typical of capitalism-it breeds that behavior.
The big issue here is that some are destroying our life here on Earth as we know it at a much greater rate than others despite all the evidence that this kind of behavior will cause dire problems for the future generations of human life yet to come. To me that's pretty fucked up, reckless and selfish.
To me, the BIGGER problem is that the very same few ... the elite assholes ... the ones DOING the polluting ... are the same damn assholes pushing for this carbon tax.
Because WE pay that.
So lets get this straight, THEY pollute, and WE pay?
Thats a pretty devious fucking scam they got running huh?
And then if I object, I am the one that gets demonized for not caring about the planet.
When in reality, i've probably read more books on the environment than half the people here screaming down my throat.
Let me repeat, i have no problem trying to rectify the imbalance between man and nature, but the way to do that is NOT to further line the pockets of the fat cats.
If I was to smile and I held out my hand
If I opened it now would you not understand?
by 2050 or so there will be nearly 10 BILLION PEOPLE living on the planet, with a larger percentage of those people being elderly and not contributing to the workforce. Civilisation and this planet can't handle that many people. All these problems, like global warming, oil and food shortages, fresh water, livable land, are just symptoms of this one large problem: overpopulation. why does no one even discuss this? We are screwed.
by 2050 or so there will be nearly 10 BILLION PEOPLE living on the planet, with a larger percentage of those people being elderly and not contributing to the workforce. Civilisation and this planet can't handle that many people. All these problems, like global warming, oil and food shortages, fresh water, livable land, are just symptoms of this one large problem: overpopulation. why does no one even discuss this? We are screwed.
just shut up and enjoy the fireworks!
If we think things are fucked up now, give it 50 years.. I know a lot of people are against this, and its very anti-human rights, and I have plenty of friends who come from big families, but people who have more than 2 children are the biggest culprit towards just about every problem we will face in the coming years..
Who am I to tell you how many children to have?.. I'm just looking at the big picture here and looking out for your children's children..
but people who have more than 2 children are probably the biggest culprit towards just about every problem we will face in the coming years
How about the super-elite and their large multi-national corporations which are in collusion to continue polluting the globe, acquiring a strangle hold on the food and water supply, destabilizing already unstable regions of the world, and generaly wreak havoc on earth ... and then following the "problem, reaction, solution" formula intend to further their agenda by getting you to react to all of this by forfeiting even more of your hard earned money via taxes to "fix" what they have "broke", along with every last one of your soverign rights, until finally it is your soverignty itself which is forfeited?
This is a game people.
They have us so busy fighting among ourselves that we can't see the real culprit. It is NOT US! It is the policy setting elite who see it as their destiny to own all the commodities and to throw us in to a period of contrived, false scarcity, where by we in fear for our most basic needs, will surrender every last god given right we have .... all so "they" will "save" us.
Do you guys understand the ridiculousness of us discussing things like "food shortages" when our government continues to PAY farmers to NOT grow food? Washington Post: Farm Program Pays $1.3 Billion to People Who Don't Farm ... and that is just a SMALL example of the fucking games the rich are playing with us.
They buy up all the land, they buy up all the resources, they start geneticaly engineering all kinds of shit to pollute the genome, all the while dumping toxic poisons in to the rivers to create massive problems ... to make drinkable water scarce, to make the public start to panic ...
and then what will the suggested "solution" to all of this be?
Well of course some massive government programs, and massive taxes, and massive restrictions on personal freedoms and property rights ... all of which will lead to massive loss of wealth by the masses, and massive consolidation of wealth among the elite ...
and where will you and i be?
probably sitting here arguing over whether you are more evil for having 3 kids, or I am more evil for driving 3000 miles to see Pearl Jam play.
If I was to smile and I held out my hand
If I opened it now would you not understand?
If we think things are fucked up now, give it 50 years.. I know a lot of people are against this, and its very anti-human rights, and I have plenty of friends who come from big families, but people who have more than 2 children are the biggest culprit towards just about every problem we will face in the coming years..
Who am I to tell you how many children to have?.. I'm just looking at the big picture here and looking out for your children's children..
yeah, somehow im thinking recycling my trash and driving a hybrid wont make much difference when i cant swing my arms without knocking someone else down.
Yes, the problem is us. We need the resources. Some people use more, some people use less, but eventually you run out of resources and they are just as fucked as we are.
Maybe "they" are fucking "us" over prematurely, but eventually we're all fucked.
The haves keep having more and the have nots keep having less, but what happens when the have nots have nothing.. the have nots are what are feeding the haves. There is a breaking point and it won't be good for ANYONE..
The haves keep having more and the have nots keep having less, but what happens when the have nots have nothing.. the have nots are what are feeding the haves. There is a breaking point and it won't be good for ANYONE..
google: "Continuity of government" and "Rex 84" and get back to me.
When "we" reach are breaking point, "they" will have their hyper-violent militarized police force (oh, don't forget posse comitatus no longer exists anyhow) billy club our asses and shove us off to some Rex 84 facility if we say we disagree ... yes those facilities that Bill Clinton said were for "Gun crime offenders"? That crime is going to be HAVING a gun. :cool:
Do you people really not get it?
They will milk us dry as long as they can, and steal as much of the worlds resources as possible, and the moment we wise up and try to fight back, their contingency quite simply is WMDs and concentration camps.
And its not some paranoid bullshit.
Its the sick plans of the elite.
I know ya'll love Nazi comparisons, but think about the few jews who knew the truth and tried to tell their friends, i bet THEY were "conspiracy nuts" too, huh?
Of course that is their final contingency, they'd be just as happy that it never came to that and that we get lulled in to a Brave New World type mentality ... keep a few good wars\occupations going, keep some smooth talker in "power", keep you believing there is some impending crisis (terrorism, global warming, some outbreak) and get you to give up all your money in taxes (global poverty tax, carbon tax, universal healthcare, etc) ... if they can keep that game going they'll be just happy. But the dollar ain't lookin' so hot, and the back up plan is definately to Rex 84 your and my punk asses.
If I was to smile and I held out my hand
If I opened it now would you not understand?
Hmm i have read that aliens will be coming at that time too.
Keep on rockin in the free world!!!!
The economy has polarized to the point where the wealthiest 10% now own 85% of the nation’s wealth. Never before have the bottom 90% been so highly indebted, so dependent on the wealthy.
But the singularity theory is very interesting to read about and doesn't come off like some apocalyptic, horrific end to humanity....just an end to humanity as we know it now.
But the singularity theory is very interesting to read about and doesn't come off like some apocalyptic, horrific end to humanity....just an end to humanity as we know it now.
Hehe...everyday is "an end to humanity as we know it now". That's what's so cool about the future.
Well, yeah...but I was meaning a bit more of a drastic change...and ones that come about very quickly as information piles upon information. You and your semantics.
How about the super-elite and their large multi-national corporations which are in collusion to continue polluting the globe, acquiring a strangle hold on the food and water supply, destabilizing already unstable regions of the world, and generaly wreak havoc on earth ... and then following the "problem, reaction, solution" formula intend to further their agenda by getting you to react to all of this by forfeiting even more of your hard earned money via taxes to "fix" what they have "broke", along with every last one of your soverign rights, until finally it is your soverignty itself which is forfeited?
This is a game people.
They have us so busy fighting among ourselves that we can't see the real culprit. It is NOT US! It is the policy setting elite who see it as their destiny to own all the commodities and to throw us in to a period of contrived, false scarcity, where by we in fear for our most basic needs, will surrender every last god given right we have .... all so "they" will "save" us.
Do you guys understand the ridiculousness of us discussing things like "food shortages" when our government continues to PAY farmers to NOT grow food? Washington Post: Farm Program Pays $1.3 Billion to People Who Don't Farm ... and that is just a SMALL example of the fucking games the rich are playing with us.
They buy up all the land, they buy up all the resources, they start geneticaly engineering all kinds of shit to pollute the genome, all the while dumping toxic poisons in to the rivers to create massive problems ... to make drinkable water scarce, to make the public start to panic ...
and then what will the suggested "solution" to all of this be?
Well of course some massive government programs, and massive taxes, and massive restrictions on personal freedoms and property rights ... all of which will lead to massive loss of wealth by the masses, and massive consolidation of wealth among the elite ...
and where will you and i be?
probably sitting here arguing over whether you are more evil for having 3 kids, or I am more evil for driving 3000 miles to see Pearl Jam play.
if i was your doctor...
i would tell you to lay off the Alex Jones for awhile
you've got a big mouth, a small vocabulary, and an even smaller comprehension of our world. Thanks for demonstrating this so clearly.
By the way,
got any actual responses to the information i posted,
or just more potty mouth antics?
Let me know, if you manage to survive a time out.
If I opened it now would you not understand?
your signature quote is incorrect.
I know we are responsible for many extintions, but things will even out as we reach our own destruction and the rest of the world bounces back..
Global warming is more about our own destruction rather than the world around us.
ya, I wouldnt bet against Earth.
The big issue here is that some are destroying our life here on Earth as we know it at a much greater rate than others despite all the evidence that this kind of behavior will cause dire problems for the future generations of human life yet to come. To me that's pretty fucked up, reckless and selfish.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
To me, the BIGGER problem is that the very same few ... the elite assholes ... the ones DOING the polluting ... are the same damn assholes pushing for this carbon tax.
Because WE pay that.
So lets get this straight, THEY pollute, and WE pay?
Thats a pretty devious fucking scam they got running huh?
And then if I object, I am the one that gets demonized for not caring about the planet.
When in reality, i've probably read more books on the environment than half the people here screaming down my throat.
Let me repeat, i have no problem trying to rectify the imbalance between man and nature, but the way to do that is NOT to further line the pockets of the fat cats.
If I opened it now would you not understand?
Not just capitalism. The environment under the Soviet Union and China (not today's China which is a Capitalism/Comminism hybrid) was horrible as well.
just shut up and enjoy the fireworks!
Who am I to tell you how many children to have?.. I'm just looking at the big picture here and looking out for your children's children..
How about the super-elite and their large multi-national corporations which are in collusion to continue polluting the globe, acquiring a strangle hold on the food and water supply, destabilizing already unstable regions of the world, and generaly wreak havoc on earth ... and then following the "problem, reaction, solution" formula intend to further their agenda by getting you to react to all of this by forfeiting even more of your hard earned money via taxes to "fix" what they have "broke", along with every last one of your soverign rights, until finally it is your soverignty itself which is forfeited?
This is a game people.
They have us so busy fighting among ourselves that we can't see the real culprit. It is NOT US! It is the policy setting elite who see it as their destiny to own all the commodities and to throw us in to a period of contrived, false scarcity, where by we in fear for our most basic needs, will surrender every last god given right we have .... all so "they" will "save" us.
Do you guys understand the ridiculousness of us discussing things like "food shortages" when our government continues to PAY farmers to NOT grow food?
Washington Post: Farm Program Pays $1.3 Billion to People Who Don't Farm ... and that is just a SMALL example of the fucking games the rich are playing with us.
They buy up all the land, they buy up all the resources, they start geneticaly engineering all kinds of shit to pollute the genome, all the while dumping toxic poisons in to the rivers to create massive problems ... to make drinkable water scarce, to make the public start to panic ...
and then what will the suggested "solution" to all of this be?
Well of course some massive government programs, and massive taxes, and massive restrictions on personal freedoms and property rights ... all of which will lead to massive loss of wealth by the masses, and massive consolidation of wealth among the elite ...
and where will you and i be?
probably sitting here arguing over whether you are more evil for having 3 kids, or I am more evil for driving 3000 miles to see Pearl Jam play.
If I opened it now would you not understand?
yeah, somehow im thinking recycling my trash and driving a hybrid wont make much difference when i cant swing my arms without knocking someone else down.
Yes, the problem is us. We need the resources. Some people use more, some people use less, but eventually you run out of resources and they are just as fucked as we are.
Maybe "they" are fucking "us" over prematurely, but eventually we're all fucked.
The haves keep having more and the have nots keep having less, but what happens when the have nots have nothing.. the have nots are what are feeding the haves. There is a breaking point and it won't be good for ANYONE..
google: "Continuity of government" and "Rex 84" and get back to me.
When "we" reach are breaking point, "they" will have their hyper-violent militarized police force (oh, don't forget posse comitatus no longer exists anyhow) billy club our asses and shove us off to some Rex 84 facility if we say we disagree ... yes those facilities that Bill Clinton said were for "Gun crime offenders"? That crime is going to be HAVING a gun. :cool:
Do you people really not get it?
They will milk us dry as long as they can, and steal as much of the worlds resources as possible, and the moment we wise up and try to fight back, their contingency quite simply is WMDs and concentration camps.
And its not some paranoid bullshit.
Its the sick plans of the elite.
I know ya'll love Nazi comparisons, but think about the few jews who knew the truth and tried to tell their friends, i bet THEY were "conspiracy nuts" too, huh?
Of course that is their final contingency, they'd be just as happy that it never came to that and that we get lulled in to a Brave New World type mentality ... keep a few good wars\occupations going, keep some smooth talker in "power", keep you believing there is some impending crisis (terrorism, global warming, some outbreak) and get you to give up all your money in taxes (global poverty tax, carbon tax, universal healthcare, etc) ... if they can keep that game going they'll be just happy. But the dollar ain't lookin' so hot, and the back up plan is definately to Rex 84 your and my punk asses.
If I opened it now would you not understand?
Hmm i have read that aliens will be coming at that time too.
The economy has polarized to the point where the wealthiest 10% now own 85% of the nation’s wealth. Never before have the bottom 90% been so highly indebted, so dependent on the wealthy.
I'm certain it will be as eventful as Y2K was.
Don't forget your duct tape and plastic wrap!
Read up on it, seriously! I'm not all worked up about it but this year 2012 stuff is very interesting to say the least.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
Let's all try to relax
I am relaxed.
But the singularity theory is very interesting to read about and doesn't come off like some apocalyptic, horrific end to humanity....just an end to humanity as we know it now.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
Hehe...everyday is "an end to humanity as we know it now". That's what's so cool about the future.
Anyway, the cool thing about being skeptical about the apocalypse is that there's no way someone can ever say "I told you so".
Well, yeah...but I was meaning a bit more of a drastic change...and ones that come about very quickly as information piles upon information. You and your semantics.
Yep...leaving you with the market cornered still up until then.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
if i was your doctor...
i would tell you to lay off the Alex Jones for awhile