*NEWSFLASH* Jeremiah Wright is NOT running for President ***NEWSFLASH***

He is not Barack Obama. He does not SPEAK for Barack Obama. He is not running for President.
just thought i would help point that out :rolleyes:
just thought i would help point that out :rolleyes:
Post edited by Unknown User on
Do you think if Barack Obama had left his seriously ill wife after having had multiple affairs, had been a member of the “Keating Five,” had had a relationship with a much younger lobbyist that his staff felt the need to try and block, had intervened on behalf of the client of said young lobbyist with a federal agency, had denounced then embraced Jerry Falwell, had denounced then embraced the Bush tax cuts, had confused Shiite with Sunni, had confused Al Qaeda in Iraq with the Mahdi Army, had actively sought the endorsement and appeared on stage with a man who denounced the Catholic Church as a whore, and stated that he knew next to nothing about economics — do you think it’s possible that Obama would have been treated differently by the media than John McCain has been? Possible?
And — this is fun to contemplate — if Michelle Obama had been an adulteress, drug addict thief with a penchant for plagiarism — do you think that she would be subject to slightly different treatment from the media than Cindypills McCain has been? Anyone?
1. Most of the more controversial Wright rants have been fairly recent - post 9-11. Obama claimed that while he knew Wright to be a controversial figure, he hadn't heard the "looped" rants. Possible. Obama's had a pretty busy political life since 9-11, so maybe he wasn't attending church as regularly, who knows? Still, he didn't disown him. Instead, he gave the guy the benefit of the doubt, while making it clear that he didn't believe the more outlandish charges Wright was leveling (as most people don't believe everything their priests/reverends/whatever say). Then he proceeded to talk at length about the very real and lasting disconnect between white and black communities.
2. Wright makes a few appearances where he reiterates these rants - even expands on them - while implying that Obama actually believes them too. It's just that Obama is a politician, so he has to pretend he doesn't to get elected. He then proceeds to do a "white people are like this, black people are like that" routine followed by a goofy dance.
3. Obama responds with "what-the-fuck-ever, dude. You've become a characature of yourself, and you don't speak for me. I'm done."
Yeah, it's probably politically staged. But, as far as political break-ups go, it does follow a pretty logical pattern; and a fairly common one for us normal people.
He went a little farther than just embrace him, didn't he refer to Wright as a father figure at one point? I just find it amusing that Obama was exposed to this man's racist shit for 20 years and never denounced him until now. Kinda convenient ain't it.
And Bill Clinton isn't running for President either but that did not stop the Obama surrogates from making Hillary's campaign about him. Same shit.
thats how i see it, call me crazy
I can't listen to all this stuff about Rev. Wright and Obama vs Hillary anymore.
2010: Newark 5/18 MSG 5/20-21 2011: PJ20 9/3-4 2012: Made In America 9/2
2013: Brooklyn 10/18-19 Philly 10/21-22 Hartford 10/25 2014: ACL10/12
2015: NYC 9/23 2016: Tampa 4/11 Philly 4/28-29 MSG 5/1-2 Fenway 8/5+8/7
2017: RRHoF 4/7 2018: Fenway 9/2+9/4 2021: Sea Hear Now 9/18
2022: MSG 9/11 2024: MSG 9/3-4 Philly 9/7+9/9 Fenway 9/15+9/17
2025: Pittsburgh 5/16+5/18
i heard they engaged in homosexual intercourse several times. :rolleyes:
neither can i
The Obama campaign hasn't made hillary's presidential bid about Bill. BILL has made hillary's campaign about BILL. BILL is the one wagging his finger from the back of pick up trucks as an ACTIVE member of the Hillary campaign. Shit, hillary herself has used the national stage to make her campaign about Bill. Obama's folks didn't have shit to do with that.
The Houston Chronicle ran a pretty good piece about the controversy (Desperado's Page).
"With all the controversy continuing to swirl around the Obama/Wright relationship, an important question remains. What did Obama know and when did he know it? There have been many different versions of an answer to this question from Senator Obama, ranging from never hearing these sermons, to them being taken out of context, and yesterday when Obama said this was not the man he met 20 years ago.
A focal point is Wright being "uninvited" to the announcement of Obama’s presidential candidacy. In an interview with the New York Times, Wright had this recollection of the disinvitation, from RealClearPolitics:
"Mr. Wright said that in the phone conversation in which Mr. Obama disinvited him from a role in the announcement, Mr. Obama cited an article in Rolling Stone, "The Radical Roots of Barack Obama."
According to the pastor, Mr. Obama then told him, "You can get kind of rough in the sermons, so what we've decided is that it's best for you not to be out there in public."...
In the debate in Philadelphia, when questioned about the disinvitation, Obama said:
"I've discussed this extensively. Reverend Wright is somebody who made controversial statements but they were not of the sort that we saw that offended so many Americans."
So if Senator Obama knew enough about Wright’s statements to uninvite him to his presidential announcement, why did he later say he never heard such statements? Here is a fact of my own, these words are nothing new. They reflect who Rev. Wright is and who he has always been. It all comes down to honesty and believability. There is a lesson I assumed all politicians learned from Watergate, the cover-up is always worse than the original offense."
nope- he'd be the shoe-in in november!
"Obama's main opponent in this election on November 4th (was) not John McCain, it (was) ignorance."~Michael Moore
"i'm feeling kinda righteous right now. with my badass motherfuckin' ukulele!"
~ed, 8/7
obama is our best hope, whether he's green, orange, purple or polka-dotted, for someone real & human in the white house. anyone who's ever gone to church knows for a fact that there are times when your minister/priest/pastor/whatever will say things you disagree with. there are MILLIONS OF CATHOLICS who go to sunday mass, where certain beliefs- esp about sexuality- are expressed - or go unexpressed but are just UNDERSTOOD- such as being anti-birth control, anti-choice, anti-women priests... then they go home and have sex with condoms or on the pill, their daughters get knocked up and have quiet abortions, and their women run businesses competently. imagine that! attending church services but then living differently from what is preached!
get off your fucking high horses, america, and face reality. this is and should be treated as a NON-ISSUE. we are at war. the mortgage debacle is at crisis level. we have millions of families in this country who have no healthcare coverage. our nation is being run by a handful of greedy fucks and their corporate cronies. WAKE THE FUCK UP. we have REAL problems to tackle. MOVE ON.
"Obama's main opponent in this election on November 4th (was) not John McCain, it (was) ignorance."~Michael Moore
"i'm feeling kinda righteous right now. with my badass motherfuckin' ukulele!"
~ed, 8/7
cant be said better then that
as genuine as cheese wiz
but i like cheese wiz :(
maybe on a cracker, but not in the white house!
"Obama's main opponent in this election on November 4th (was) not John McCain, it (was) ignorance."~Michael Moore
"i'm feeling kinda righteous right now. with my badass motherfuckin' ukulele!"
~ed, 8/7
Spinbrett is all over youtube on this already.
i almost kicked my TV when she did that fake shot...
Have you seen the Man speak? If he is not Obama then he is Obama's pupeteer