North Carolina and Indiana, you know what to do

so get out there and end this madness!!!!
any voters from those states on here? if so did you vote, want to share your vote and why, and how does it look out there?
any voters from those states on here? if so did you vote, want to share your vote and why, and how does it look out there?
Post edited by Unknown User on
...are those who've helped us.
Right 'round the corner could be bigger than ourselves.
I voted for Obama...why? I see him as a the best option. I see Hillary as divisive as Bush...
Last week I spoke to my brother, who lives in Indiana, he was leaning toward Hillary or McCain...I asked him to look into Obama...
I spoke to him today, and he stated he voted for Obama...
i agree with that all the way... and i am real tired of that style of politics
There were a lot of good comments in Obama's speech. The one thing I laughed at was when he said he would end the conflict in Darfur. Good luck Obama. How many troops are we going to lose there?
I didn't vote as I am a Republican at the moment. But I'll pay attention to the general and right now I'm at the point where I either won't vote, or I'll vote Democratic for President. It is too bad we can't believe or trust politicians anymore. Obama is risky because he doesn't have a record or many ideas. McCain and Hilary you know what you are going to get (broken promises).
hahahahaha, good one!