Regardless of what some others have said, i think this is a pretty good idea. This way a handful of people have an outlet to conduct a little circle jerk around their latest "findings" from sean hannity, fox news and any other media getting their talking points from one of these sources, and i only have ONE fucking thread to ignore. See, everyone wins.
I dont think you belong on this thread. You need to start your own anti McCain or anti Hillary thread so your views can be kept under control as well. This thread is just for Obama haters. Thank you.
Also, I have never cited Fox news and any conservative source....I might have once but I can't even remember what it was about. But the overwhelming majority of the things I post come from lefty sources and are certainly not mainstream ones like Fox News.
that, i know for a fact, is true. abook does not EVER cite foxnews or any of those idiots
that, i know for a fact, is true. abook does not EVER cite foxnews or any of those idiots
Didn't say SHE did. You'd have to be pretty naive to think even those "lefty" sources aren't secretly getting most of their Obama smear from right wing sources though.
"When all your friends and sedatives mean well but make it worse... better find yourself a place to level out."
And how many of those threads did i, personally, start? Just askin'.
I don't know I didn't look.
I don't think we need to apply rules and restriction here. I feel that if no one is interested in whatever thread...then it will drop, just as the Hillary ones and some Obama ones did...I'll even let a Nader one sink every now and again. But if people are interested then there will be replies so there's no need to jumble every issue with these candidates into one thread where things would just get buried in all the pages and it would be harder to keep up.
To be fair I have kept a ton of Pro-Nader stuff all in the same thread so as to not clutter up the board.
If you want to tell people the truth, make them laugh, otherwise they'll kill you.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
Didn't say SHE did. You'd have to be pretty naive to think even those "lefty" sources aren't secretly getting most of their Obama smear from right wing sources though.
Cornifer, you know this info out there isn't only available to conservatives, doncha?
If you want to tell people the truth, make them laugh, otherwise they'll kill you.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
I don't think we need to apply rules and restriction here. I feel that if no one is interested in whatever thread...then it will drop, just as the Hillary ones and some Obama ones did...I'll even let a Nader one sink every now and again. But if people are interested then there will be replies so there's no need to jumble every issue with these candidates into one thread where things would just get buried in all the pages and it would be harder to keep up.
To be fair I have kept a ton of Pro-Nader stuff all in the same thread so as to not clutter up the board.
Oh, i've not accused you of being unair. Personally, i still think the idea proposed in the OP is not a bad one. By all means, abook, you start the thread and every time i feel like spouting off about how much i hate hillary clinton i'll go straight to that one thread to call her an evil beeyotch .
Honestly i havn't been spending much time here as of late, partly because of pesonal time and energy constraints, but also because i've felt a need to take a break to get away from the increasing musty stink of the place. i do that from time to time for short periods. What i wish is that i had Sean's self control and could manage to pop my head out of my hole every once in a great while just long enough to let folks know i'm still around. He's got the right idea i think. i just can't seem to exercise that level of personal restraint.
"When all your friends and sedatives mean well but make it worse... better find yourself a place to level out."
Yes info. Are you claiming the stuff I post is false?
With all due and sincere respect, what i'm claiming is that most of it is very spun, greatly exaggerated, grossly embellished and well under the cool shade offered by the large umbrella of human err.
"When all your friends and sedatives mean well but make it worse... better find yourself a place to level out."
Oh, i've not accused you of being unair. Personally, i still think the idea proposed in the OP is not a bad one. By all means, abook, you start the thread and every time i feel like spouting off about how much i hate hillary clinton i'll go straight to that one thread to call her an evil beeyotch .
Honestly i havn't been spending much time here as of late, partly because of pesonal time and energy constraints, but also because i've felt a need to take a break to get away from the increasing musty stink of the place. i do that from time to time for short periods. What i wish is that i had Sean's self control and could manage to pop my head out of my hole every once in a great while just long enough to let folks know i'm still around. He's got the right idea i think. i just can't seem to exercise that level of personal restraint.
The pro-obama and anti-nader/third party stuff bugs me just as much as stuff bothers you guys but I gotta keep on truckin' And I don't ask that you not post threads or care how many you post...I'll just address the topic and that will be that.
And I have no restraint on holding back from defending Nader so I feel ya. I think that man in so incredible...I just can't shut up about it.
If you want to tell people the truth, make them laugh, otherwise they'll kill you.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
With all due and sincere respect, what i'm claiming is that most of it is very spun, greatly exaggerated, grossly embellished and well under the cool shade offered by the large umbrella of human err.
I disagree with that, obviously. I've harped on his voting record, lobbyists, and campaign contributors the most and all of that is pure fact. Could you point me to this spin I've posted?
If you want to tell people the truth, make them laugh, otherwise they'll kill you.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
I disagree with that, obviously. I've harped on his voting record, lobbyists, and campaign contributors the most and all of that is pure fact. Could you point me to this spin I've posted?
It's late. G'night, abook.
"When all your friends and sedatives mean well but make it worse... better find yourself a place to level out."
1. i cannot post on this site anymore without you or your girlfriend jumping my shit. you dont now me, so both of you back the f up of off me. thanks. you 2 follow me around like annoying children bringing up the same tired and lame shit. dont you guys focus on ANYTHING else besides who my2hands is voting for and who is supporting obama? you and your girlfriend do not have a monopoly on the truth oh enlightened ones.
um, wha? the majority of threads we interact in are ones i or abook how is replying to my own thread following you around?? and you could say you started this thread but didn't you make it partially aimed at me?
if you think my threads are the tired same, old shit feel free to not reply to them, but if you do i probably will reply, that's how it goes on messageboards, it's called a dialogue
and how do you figure we have a monopoly on anything? you and sweetpotato are the ones trying to limit where others post
3. i have never told you what to do or who to vote for. quite frankly i dont give a f what you do. it wont afftect me or my life at all. just as my suppoprt for obama will not affect yours
never said you did, in fact it was finsburyparkcarrots that said in effect we were spoiled brats for our lack of support and it was our "obligation" to vote for obama in this election
and i had no problem being friends who disagreed but you and some others have been a bit snippy for our lack of support and you know that, but i don't want to get into a 'are to!' 'are not!'
you can say you don't care who we vote for or didn't tell us who to vote for but what about your thread; vote for obama, it's the only reality, get over it! ??
maybe because *gasp* i dont have to explain anything to you or anyone else... do you see me running aorun dasking you for every detail of why you support nader? no, not even close. maybe you think i owe it to you or this borad for soem reason, but i dont. sorry to upset you :rolleyes:
no, it's not owed, but i thought the point of this section of the board was to discuss things, not just say 'i support so and so and so should you, so get over it!'
i replied to that, and really it is pointless since nader will not be winnign the election. you liek to waste your time, i dont so i am supposed to follwo you aroud and comment on every post you make? sorry dude, i dont have time for that. or the patience. i know you think you are important and all and that everyone should answer to you and your comments, but i dont.
so another attack on me... i slink away huh... why do i need to reply to you or abook...nothing willchange your mind and it is a waste of my time. your minds are made up, as is mine. what is there to dscuss?
first of all there have been threads like obama is the most liberal senator thread where, cornifer, i think called us out and said something about us not another thread when i was at a concert on a friday night and obviously could not see or reply to a post YOU had to chime in w/ "crickets " so don't act like a victim or that we follow you around. and there's a thread of sweetpotatos where she says something like "i'm talking about you, kabong" and i didn't cry about it or say i was being followed...i replied and you guys shut up
secondly, i thought the whole point of reasoned debate revolved around debate? that's how things are discussed...replies are given back and forth. now i know you do not want to discuss things, you just want to make your claim and no one should try to question or debate it and will try to keep that in mind when i see your replies from now on
and yet another attack on me... so now i am backpedaling? nice try. and again, lets niot forget that you dont even fucking know
if you read what you quoted again you will see i said 'some of you', but yes, i think you have back peddled on some issues like 'bring them the fuck home, NOW'
i have NEVER said i was anti nuclear power... anti nuclear weapns yes, with a passion... bit have never been anti nuclear energy... see, i told you that you dont know me
again, read the reply of mine you quoted 'ppl who were anti-nuke...' you are including yourself in that one
i am no fan of the democrats, i am a fan of obama and a few others... you know, like the democrat tyou and abbok supported for president... the same democrat that openly supported Obama
he supported him for one primary, has he given his endorsement? has he sent an email like the only show of support obama gave the progressive lamont?
some of you say it is my duty to vote for obama.i have never saif that, ever i have said this is an important election in a pivotal time... but i am not dumb ebnough to think that hinges on YOUR vote
again, i said "some of you" see my reply above, it was others who said that out loud
didnt you vote for kerry under your own free will? ok then, next
yup, never said anyone had a gun to my head...but i was foolish and gave in to the fear of the big, bad republicans winning. and i don't think elections will hinge on my vote, i've said before when others lashed out b/c i won't vote for obama saying it will be my fault mcwar wins that the election will not be won by a vote or 2 in SC BUT change has to start from somewhere
see last reply... no one is stopping you from doing anything
never said anyone was stopping me, just saying it's annoying to hear from some ppl that we can't afford to lose this election, they said the same shit in 04 they are saying now about how we can't let mccain win. if you guys really don't care who we vote for why do so many seem so angry about it? why did some say they will blame me if mccain wins? i never said that all applied to you, that's where the some ppl comes in, but to say it never happens is a lie
the only thing stopping nader, is fucking nader. simple and plain. keep blaming everyone else and the democrats if that is what makes you feel good though :rolleyes:
lets move on and discuss something else, jesus christ!
so....we shouldn't use this all-encompassing anti-obama thread afterall?
standin above the crowd
he had a voice that was strong and loud and
i swallowed his facade cos i'm so
eager to identify with
someone above the crowd
someone who seemed to feel the same
someone prepared to lead the way
With all due and sincere respect, what i'm claiming is that most of it is very spun, greatly exaggerated, grossly embellished and well under the cool shade offered by the large umbrella of human err.
plz tell me how those fit what you described? and we can only add to that list w ease.
it's not an exaggeration that when it was brought up in a primary that the chair of his election campaign was a lobbyist obama shook his head side to side and said 'thats not true' when it was
it's not an exaggeration that he went from no lobbyists will be in his wh to they won't dominate his wh
standin above the crowd
he had a voice that was strong and loud and
i swallowed his facade cos i'm so
eager to identify with
someone above the crowd
someone who seemed to feel the same
someone prepared to lead the way
06/24/1998 SD
10/12/2000 KS
06/13/2003 IA
06/15/2003 ND
06/16/2003 Mn
06/21/2003 WI
10/05/2004 MO
10/08/2004 FL
09/08/2005 MB
09/09/2005 ON
05/17/2006 IL
05/19/2006 MI
07/02/2006 CO
08/05/2007 Lolla
06/14/2008 B'roo
Kill Fascists.... or at least make them realize what they are.
Please post ALL Anti-Obama information and opinions in this thread.
The MT is flooded with the same people constantly attacking Obama, over and over and over and over and over. Which is fine, but it is really making this place a little repeptitive and tired. Especially thread after thread after thread after thread after thread dedicated to tearing down barack Obama...
So i figured i could help you guys out, and the rest of us MT'ers by providing you an organized platform to espouse your opinions and findings of the Anti-Obama variety.
this is not a joke, this is a real attempt to clean this joint up a little so EVERY single thread doesnt turn into some wierd "Nader vs Obama" mudslinging contest.
Thank You
The more they flood the forum with their spin, pushing the guidelines, the less likely they are to be read. So let 'em at it, I say.
The more they flood the forum with their spin, pushing the guidelines, the less likely they are to be read. So let 'em at it, I say.
What spin has been posted? Just wondering if I was included in this category of posting spin. And what guidelines are you speaking of?
Also what of the flood of Hillary threads that always sink like stones? Like I've already mentioned, I counted at least 30 that went no more than one page. But I s'pose only the Obama threads are spin and such a hindrance. Nothing like a fresh cup of bias first thing in the morning.
If you want to tell people the truth, make them laugh, otherwise they'll kill you.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
Its not anti-Obama per se, but its kinda related ...
At what point does his asshole pastor just shut up? He's still beaking off about the AIDS virus and whacky theories about the man ... How come other whackos don't get this kind of press?
People are going to post where and when they want to. As much as you and sweetpotato want to be the authority around here....nobody is listening. Sorry guys :(
see, now that's not right, making some nasty remark about me when i have and had nothing to do with this thread, until this moment. nor do i care to. i think it's too antagonistic. i for one am sick of all the bickering. count me OUT.
"Ladies and gentlemen, the President of the United States, Barack Obama."
"Obama's main opponent in this election on November 4th (was) not John McCain, it (was) ignorance."~Michael Moore
"i'm feeling kinda righteous right now. with my badass motherfuckin' ukulele!"
~ed, 8/7
I dont think you belong on this thread. You need to start your own anti McCain or anti Hillary thread so your views can be kept under control as well. This thread is just for Obama haters. Thank you.
Obama Haters Of America
that, i know for a fact, is true. abook does not EVER cite foxnews or any of those idiots
And how many of those threads did i, personally, start? Just askin'.
Didn't say SHE did. You'd have to be pretty naive to think even those "lefty" sources aren't secretly getting most of their Obama smear from right wing sources though.
I don't know I didn't look.
I don't think we need to apply rules and restriction here. I feel that if no one is interested in whatever thread...then it will drop, just as the Hillary ones and some Obama ones did...I'll even let a Nader one sink every now and again.
To be fair I have kept a ton of Pro-Nader stuff all in the same thread so as to not clutter up the board.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
Cornifer, you know this info out there isn't only available to conservatives, doncha?
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
Yes info. Are you claiming the stuff I post is false?
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
Oh, i've not accused you of being unair. Personally, i still think the idea proposed in the OP is not a bad one. By all means, abook, you start the thread and every time i feel like spouting off about how much i hate hillary clinton i'll go straight to that one thread to call her an evil beeyotch
Honestly i havn't been spending much time here as of late, partly because of pesonal time and energy constraints, but also because i've felt a need to take a break to get away from the increasing musty stink of the place. i do that from time to time for short periods. What i wish is that i had Sean's self control and could manage to pop my head out of my hole every once in a great while just long enough to let folks know i'm still around. He's got the right idea i think. i just can't seem to exercise that level of personal restraint.
The pro-obama and anti-nader/third party stuff bugs me just as much as stuff bothers you guys but I gotta keep on truckin'
And I have no restraint on holding back from defending Nader so I feel ya. I think that man in so incredible...I just can't shut up about it.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
I disagree with that, obviously. I've harped on his voting record, lobbyists, and campaign contributors the most and all of that is pure fact. Could you point me to this spin I've posted?
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
It's late. G'night, abook.
Night, cornnifer.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
um, wha? the majority of threads we interact in are ones i or abook how is replying to my own thread following you around?? and you could say you started this thread but didn't you make it partially aimed at me?
if you think my threads are the tired same, old shit feel free to not reply to them, but if you do i probably will reply, that's how it goes on messageboards, it's called a dialogue
and how do you figure we have a monopoly on anything? you and sweetpotato are the ones trying to limit where others post
never said you did, in fact it was finsburyparkcarrots that said in effect we were spoiled brats for our lack of support and it was our "obligation" to vote for obama in this election
and i had no problem being friends who disagreed but you and some others have been a bit snippy for our lack of support and you know that, but i don't want to get into a 'are to!' 'are not!'
you can say you don't care who we vote for or didn't tell us who to vote for but what about your thread; vote for obama, it's the only reality, get over it! ??
no, it's not owed, but i thought the point of this section of the board was to discuss things, not just say 'i support so and so and so should you, so get over it!'
there is my reply, i guess the board ate your reply
and you talk of attacks but instead of addressing the fact you did NOT reply to that you make absurd accusations and make light of nader.
nice job
first of all there have been threads like obama is the most liberal senator thread where, cornifer, i think called us out and said something about us not another thread when i was at a concert on a friday night and obviously could not see or reply to a post YOU had to chime in w/ "crickets
secondly, i thought the whole point of reasoned debate revolved around debate? that's how things are discussed...replies are given back and forth. now i know you do not want to discuss things, you just want to make your claim and no one should try to question or debate it and will try to keep that in mind when i see your replies from now on
cool, cos i stood up for you when ppl got onto you about all your 'bring them home' threads
did you forget you called mine a schtick???
if you read what you quoted again you will see i said 'some of you', but yes, i think you have back peddled on some issues like 'bring them the fuck home, NOW'
again, read the reply of mine you quoted 'ppl who were anti-nuke...' you are including yourself in that one
he supported him for one primary, has he given his endorsement? has he sent an email like the only show of support obama gave the progressive lamont?
again, i said "some of you" see my reply above, it was others who said that out loud
i'm the paranoid one yet you think i follow you around by replying in a lot of my own threads....yeeeeeeaaaaah
you know as well as i that for this election, as well as the 04 election, ppl said we can't let bush or mcwar/
yup, never said anyone had a gun to my head...but i was foolish and gave in to the fear of the big, bad republicans winning. and i don't think elections will hinge on my vote, i've said before when others lashed out b/c i won't vote for obama saying it will be my fault mcwar wins that the election will not be won by a vote or 2 in SC BUT change has to start from somewhere
never said anyone was stopping me, just saying it's annoying to hear from some ppl that we can't afford to lose this election, they said the same shit in 04 they are saying now about how we can't let mccain win. if you guys really don't care who we vote for why do so many seem so angry about it? why did some say they will blame me if mccain wins? i never said that all applied to you, that's where the some ppl comes in, but to say it never happens is a lie
i have never used the term sheeple
....and what of this?
do you have any links stating he has or that it's as close as what obama takes (and then lies about)?
so....we shouldn't use this all-encompassing anti-obama thread afterall?
he had a voice that was strong and loud and
i swallowed his facade cos i'm so
eager to identify with
someone above the crowd
someone who seemed to feel the same
someone prepared to lead the way
plz tell me how those fit what you described? and we can only add to that list w ease.
it's not an exaggeration that when it was brought up in a primary that the chair of his election campaign was a lobbyist obama shook his head side to side and said 'thats not true' when it was
it's not an exaggeration that he went from no lobbyists will be in his wh to they won't dominate his wh
he had a voice that was strong and loud and
i swallowed his facade cos i'm so
eager to identify with
someone above the crowd
someone who seemed to feel the same
someone prepared to lead the way
10/12/2000 KS
06/13/2003 IA
06/15/2003 ND
06/16/2003 Mn
06/21/2003 WI
10/05/2004 MO
10/08/2004 FL
09/08/2005 MB
09/09/2005 ON
05/17/2006 IL
05/19/2006 MI
07/02/2006 CO
08/05/2007 Lolla
06/14/2008 B'roo
Kill Fascists.... or at least make them realize what they are.
awww that's adorable.
ps. don't kill me, it's late, i'm a bit wasted, and i couldn't resist that.
The more they flood the forum with their spin, pushing the guidelines, the less likely they are to be read. So let 'em at it, I say.
What spin has been posted? Just wondering if I was included in this category of posting spin. And what guidelines are you speaking of?
Also what of the flood of Hillary threads that always sink like stones? Like I've already mentioned, I counted at least 30 that went no more than one page. But I s'pose only the Obama threads are spin and such a hindrance. Nothing like a fresh cup of bias first thing in the morning.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
I dont like it.
i LOVE it!
same quality
i am pretty confident that abook and kabong are not racist.
the others, given some of their remarks lately, i cannot speak for
It could be they are anti-caucasian in their support of Nader/Gonzalez over Obama too. . . depending on how they measure.
i'm throwing my support towards this message.
cross the river to the eastside
yeah. this is some good times.
cross the river to the eastside
At what point does his asshole pastor just shut up? He's still beaking off about the AIDS virus and whacky theories about the man ... How come other whackos don't get this kind of press?
Oh I don't know. The one you were involved in last year with us was a close runner up to this one.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
see, now that's not right, making some nasty remark about me when i have and had nothing to do with this thread, until this moment. nor do i care to. i think it's too antagonistic. i for one am sick of all the bickering. count me OUT.
"Obama's main opponent in this election on November 4th (was) not John McCain, it (was) ignorance."~Michael Moore
"i'm feeling kinda righteous right now. with my badass motherfuckin' ukulele!"
~ed, 8/7