Wow, Keith Olberman nails bush with this one!
so, i really used to like him as an anchor on sportscenter back in the day...but now i really like where he is going on MSNBC... i think his show could be improved, but i have found his honest statements the last few years refreshing on cable news... and this is the best of them all, a few minutes long, he rips right into bush and continues to back it up... finally asking him to sign up and go to iraq
so, i really used to like him as an anchor on sportscenter back in the day...but now i really like where he is going on MSNBC... i think his show could be improved, but i have found his honest statements the last few years refreshing on cable news... and this is the best of them all, a few minutes long, he rips right into bush and continues to back it up... finally asking him to sign up and go to iraq
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1. american public is definitely partly to blame for this mess ... if it wasn't so apathetic and uninterested - maybe there wouldn't be all this suffering
2. i think both bush and cheney need to be impeached in order for america to gain back any sense of integrity and honour ... right now - the fact that these liars and sell-outs are still in power is reflecting poorly on the american spirit
i couldnt agree more
if i told you that i slept with jessica alba last nite - would you believe me?? ... the lies they told were so blatant that only people who weren't interested in the truth would fall for them ...
so, in this particular case - there is obvious blame to the people telling the lies but also to those that bought it ...
"It takes two people to lie Marge. One to lie and one to listen"
--Homer Simpson
So worried, that this would last...
But now I'm learning, learning that this will pass...
Its not as simple as that. Every American is tolerant of a culture steeped in lies. Whenever a question is asked to a politician, he seems to answer a completely different question. Their strategy is to 'answer the question they wish has been asked'. No one ever challenges them on it. We let them do this, so can not act fully innocent.
Hell, just look at our TV commercials, which are pretty much all lies.
So you can shirk ressponsibility by passing the buck, but the culture that permits this is our collective creation.
Politics is a special case, where we willingly choose to believe lies if it serves our political purposes.
Do liberals hate America? No but its convenient for some to think that.
Do pro-lifers want to suppress woman's rights? no, I imagine they are disgusted at the killing of unborn children. But its convenient for some to believe that.
In fact he'll stop at all the gas stations but forget to buy gas, ask for directions, or get the damn map.
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
I thought the world...Turns out the world thought me
Yeah you bloody moaners, why can't you roll over and let Bush fuck you in the arse without bringing up the war and all that death stuff......
and you're a teacher? :rolleyes:
someone whining about people whining....yeap.
please stay away from sharp objects if not supervised
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
He is the son of privelage and sons of the privelaged don't fight wars - they start them.
I've been pointing this out for years. That middle-aged men (and occasionally women) get to declare war. And then young people have to fight it
I just read this awesome chapter in a book today that reaffirms your point. It's titled "The American People Can't Be Trusted" by Toby Miller, and it's in a book called Contesting Empire Globalizing Dissent: Cultural Studies after 9/11 (Denzin and Giardina, 2007). Another one by Lawrence Grossberg claims that the American people aren't apathetic just resigned. You can see by all the political talk on here and all around the internet, and in schools that we have a political and invested populace our government, corporate capitalism, and the rise of the church in our society has helped to suppress it unfortunately.
Why is this so hard to do? Does America's Next Top Whatever take precedence over America's last breath!?!?!
There were a lot of us out there that knew he was full of crap from the beginning. I didn't vote for him. I wrote my congressman. I wrote the white house. I posted my beliefs on the internet.
What else could I do? You make it sound like it would have been easy to stop this war. Believe me, if snapping my fingers and yelling, "Bullshit" was enough, this war would have never been started.
That might quite possibly be the dumbest argument I've ever heard, to be honest with you.
I think FRD's polio-ridden ass should have been forced to fight in World War II.
for the least they could possibly do
If you can't see the difference then there is no hope for you.