The Rothschild Dynasty

Can anyone present some insight or credible source about this family? I have never heard of them until the other night and I'd like to get as acurate a story as possible. I know there's a lot of conspiracy surrounding them but I don't know what's fact or fiction.
"Tonight we're just gonna play you some good old American Rock and Roll." tom petty-7-15-05
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you will get replies soon believe me.
There are several old and authoratative books on The Rothschilds.
My dads family is jewish, and their name just happens to be "Rothschild", so we have a good few of those books ... although our family is verifiably of NO relation to THE Rothschilds.
here is a short film, which i find to be either disturbing or hillarious, mood depending.
Here is an online "iPaper" copy of the classic book, The Rise of The House of Rothschild (1928) ... which is excellent read. [though "iPaper" consistently gives several of the computers in my family a great deal of grief].
and here is the online PDF of The Rothschild Money Trust (1940) another great reference.
and here is a link to Bookfinder for Rothschild books in general:
"Rothschild" search in Bookfinder
The House of Rothschild: Money's Prophets and Volume 2 of that book are ones i am familiar with and are quite scholarly. Get the hardback or you may not have a bibliography to reference, though.
and of course, here is chapter 7 of The Money Masters, The Rise of the Rothschilds ... it is a 5 minute video to give you an overview.
here is another, way more sensational and unsourced, little 10 minute piece i found for you, from the video, The Secret Rulers of the World.
Knock yourself out.
Its all true and more.
PS - Out of curiousity, where did you hear of them for the first time?
If I opened it now would you not understand?
500 trillion is (IMHO) probably a bit conservative at this point, athough it is a figure that gets thrown around quite a bit.
god knows how much they've leveraged out their wealth, though.
You don't hear about the Rothschilds for a reason.
But once you know about them, it's always fun to try and track things back to them. Like look at my thread on The New Monetary Order ... i just find two articles talking about wanting a global monetary regulatory mechanism, and of course one of the guys tracks back to Kissinger, who is deeply entwined with the CFR, Tri-Lateral, and Bilderberg (essentialy all Rockefeller institutions) and then the second article quoting Sarkozy, the president of France. And wouldn't you know it, he is a man with deep and long zionist-jewish roots, and apparently a quite friendly relationship with the Rothschild dynasty.
Once you know whose names to pay attention for, shit starts to become pretty clear.
Like this article i found a while ago.
See what i mean? Pretty obvious once you know what\WHO you are actually reading about, right?
SO, who really is calling for this new financial order?
The Rockefellers and The Rothschilds.
Two families who have been working closely to fuck over you more than eachother for the last 100 years. :eek:
If I opened it now would you not understand?
Ending the Federal Reserve and simply giving CONGRESS the power to print money at will would be a 1000 fold better.
If you are looking for the start of a solution, removing control of the money supply from an essentially private corporation (look, i don't care what crap people post on here from the ADL or from the Fed website, its private) would be one hell of a start.
Fortunately for us, the financial system is, as of yet, NOT a globally run system. Certainly implications of the decisions\crisis in one sector (like N. America) affect the global "system" (the global network) but the global economy is NOT under one single regulatory or inflationary body. "The World Bank" and the IMF are by and large responsible for interbank lending and credits to DEVELOPING nations, and are more of a creation intended to get 3rd world nations hooked on central banking and in to the international bankers control. They do NOT control global fiscal policy though. Thank god for that.
That being said, i too would LOVE to have seen what could have come of this crisis without any intervention.
Make no mistake though, it would have been REAL ugly. Probably worse than the president and many of the pundits proclaimed, when trying to round up public support for this muck. But on principle alone, i would have enjoyed it.
But now that a bailout, pending congressional approval, seems all but upon us, our next major watchdog task is to try and ensure none of this new global regulation bullshit that "they" are pushing (see the two articles linked above) gets passed.
We simply can NOT afford to allow them further control of the monetary\regulatory system, and CERTAINLY not from a global level. If THAT happens, we truly are fucked. Fucked hard, and probably fucked permanently, since it would seemingly by nature involve treatise, and those are the mother of all bitches to get out of. :(
If I opened it now would you not understand?