Hillary Clinton promises presidential vote to PR

So this past weekend Hillary Clinton was down here campaining and one of the things she promised was to give Puerto Rico the presidential vote. What does everyone think about giving the vote to a " territory" of the US. what about DC? How would this work? I think shes full of it. any thoughts?
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wouldnt that make them a state?
Potentially, yes. And that's exactly what they should be so long as the US is extracting taxes from them and enforcing US laws upon them.
That is the argument that pro statehooders make down here. And its a valid one. oh and the fact that we also serve in the armed forces. About half the people here want to be a state and the other want what we have now which is a an abivalent status and a minority want independance. I have my doubts about congress approving statehood to a spanish speaking country. If statehood is granted that would give Puerto Rico 2 senators and 8 congressman. We would have more representation than 25 other states.
I too would be very surprised if Puerto Rico was granted statehood status. It's not very likely to happen. However, Puerto Rico's current status is a crime against democracy and reason, so I simply hope that something happens in either the statehood or independence direction.
bottom line, I agree with you, she's full of it, she's just trying to get some votes with that line.... and it will work.
Puerto Rico seems to just get ignored politically because outside of NYC and the little island out in the Ocean somewhere East of the East Coast.... It's basically politically not even on the radar. This election is the best thing to happen for Puerto Rico in a long time politically I think.
don't believe it.
does that mean no chocolate milk?
yes, sadly that means no chocolate milk
Its not that simple you know, the fact is that the mayority want some kind of relation with the US. There is Free Asociation which would grant more soverienghty to the island and then out of that soverienghty we could associate ourselves with the US. This is what the Marshall islands in the Pacific have done. Our biggest problem right now is economical, we cannot negociate with any country or go into trade agreements with others without the permision of congress. In a global economy that is certain death.