Foot in Mouth Repugs

Republican Sen. Conrad Burns, whose recent comments have stirred controversy, says the United States is up against a faceless enemy of terrorists who "drive taxi cabs in the daytime and kill at night."
c'mon, if the Dems cannot capitalize on stuff like this, then they do not deserve to be a party.
Between this, Allen's comments about Indians, Ted Stevens' secretly blocking bills, and Rumsfeld likening dissent to fascism, this is a sorry group of people!
wake up America!
c'mon, if the Dems cannot capitalize on stuff like this, then they do not deserve to be a party.
Between this, Allen's comments about Indians, Ted Stevens' secretly blocking bills, and Rumsfeld likening dissent to fascism, this is a sorry group of people!
wake up America!
those undecided, needn't have faith to be free
Post edited by Unknown User on
Keep rolling your eyes. Meanwhile, people get killed.
Or do you mean to imply that only people who start wars can protect us from war?
Actually, yes, I was!
People who think radical Islam is some made up threat should look no farther than Iraq, where being of the wrong sect is a freaking death sentence.
Quite frankly, I am tired of semantic quibbles about what facism means or doesn't mean. What's the goal here? Does Bush need you people to make him look dumb, or what? He doesn't do enough on his own?
Sorry, but radical Islam is a real problem. Am I saying that it requires Bush-type solutions? No, not necessarily. But what good is eye-rolling going to do?
No need to apologize, I agree with you: Radical Islam is a problem (hell, radical religion of any stripe tends to get my goat). But when I think of Radical Islam and of Bush "meeting it head on," I tend to think "Fuse, meet Match."
For me, and I can only speak for myself, I don't think the problem of Radical Islam can be solved with military action. Military action, I believe, radicalizes them further.
I have a question for you kind sir. Do you believe that our occupation of Iraq is promoting more of the Islamic people to become part of the extreme radical faction of Islam?
Yes, I do. Which is why I am not above knocking Bush's foreign policies. I just don't let things get to the point where I loathe Bush so much that I pretend that every single thing he says is a joke. I don't think he's wrong 100% of the time ... I think the term "Islamic fascism" isn't all that off-base. The problem being, his approach to "dealing" with the threat only seems to be making it worse. I believe there is a place for military action. That place is probably not Iraq.
but if islamic Fascisim isn't off base (which i believe it isn't), then what would you call what Bush is doing? I think the problem the left has with his choice of terminology is that he needs to look in the mirror. Furthermore, he (or rummy....same thing) dillutes its meaning by calling those opposed to the war in Iraq a new kind of fascism. so now dissent = fascism?