CDC concedes secretly that vaccines have a link to Autism

NevermindNevermind Posts: 1,006
edited March 2008 in A Moving Train
Post edited by Unknown User on


  • Will1659Will1659 Posts: 51
    That was one isolated case where a vaccine may have, because of this girl's rare pre-existing metabolic disorder, lead to some autistic-spectrum symptoms. The CDC hasn't conceded anything. There has never been a reputable study that has shown any causal link between vaccines and autism. Thimerosal isn't even in most vaccines anymore.
  • NevermindNevermind Posts: 1,006
    Will1659 wrote:
    That was one isolated case where a vaccine may have, because of this girl's rare pre-existing metabolic disorder, lead to some autistic-spectrum symptoms. The CDC hasn't conceded anything. There has never been a reputable study that has shown any causal link between vaccines and autism. Thimerosal isn't even in most vaccines anymore.
    Did you watch the whole thing? They stated that there were 9 other cases they have heard of.
  • Will1659Will1659 Posts: 51
    I'm not aware of the specifics of those other cases, and I doubt you are either, but let's take them as the same as this most recent one for the sake of argument. That's ten kids where there may be a link. How many lives do you think have been saved by vaccines in that time-frame?
  • KannKann Posts: 1,146
    I think people tend to forget that 200 years ago when vaccination was a misunderstood and rarely used method, we had a lot more diseases. And not just little diseases which make your life hell, but life threatening diseases. It's pretty much obvious that vaccination is not riskless (like any medical procedures), but the results compared to the risks taken are well worth it (like most medical procedures which are routinely done today).
  • Will1659 wrote:
    That was one isolated case where a vaccine may have, because of this girl's rare pre-existing metabolic disorder, lead to some autistic-spectrum symptoms. The CDC hasn't conceded anything. There has never been a reputable study that has shown any causal link between vaccines and autism. Thimerosal isn't even in most vaccines anymore.

    The argument here about Thimerosal isnt that the vaccine itself causes autism, but that the mercury based preservative in them does. Whether or not it causes autism is a touchy, difficult issue. The fact that these vaccines were injecting babies with mercury levels some 50 times higher than the recommended safe limit is a huge concern. Mercury is not easily excreted by the body and is known for its harmful effects. It will be interesting to see if the rates of new diagnosed autism drops over the next few years, as a result of the withdrawal of thimerosal from all vaccinations.
  • blackredyellowblackredyellow Posts: 5,889
    It will be interesting to see if the rates of new diagnosed autism drops over the next few years, as a result of the withdrawal of thimerosal from all vaccinations.

    Have there been any stats on the past few years? From what I've read, thimerosal hasn't been used since 2001 or 2002, and would think at by now we would have data on kids vaccinated since then and autism rates.
    My whole life
    was like a picture
    of a sunny day
    “We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses.”
    ― Abraham Lincoln
  • Pacomc79Pacomc79 Posts: 9,404
    perhaps this will make the vaccination process safer, or more drawn out not all at once. We know so little about autism yet I doubt anyone can say definitively one way or the other but it'd be pretty stupid to not continue vaccinating babies.
    My Girlfriend said to me..."How many guitars do you need?" and I replied...."How many pairs of shoes do you need?" She got really quiet.
  • Have there been any stats on the past few years? From what I've read, thimerosal hasn't been used since 2001 or 2002, and would think at by now we would have data on kids vaccinated since then and autism rates.

    I found this on a website called Medical News looking for any articles that assert that autism rates continue to rise even though thimerosal is no longer used.

    An article in the March 10, 2006 issue of the Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons shows that since mercury was removed from childhood vaccines, the alarming increase in reported rates of autism and other neurological disorders (NDs) in children not only stopped, but actually dropped sharply - by as much as 35%.

    Using the government's own databases, independent researchers analyzed reports of childhood NDs, including autism, before and after removal of mercury-based preservatives. Authors David A. Geier, B.A. and Mark R. Geier, M.D., Ph.D. analyze data from the CDC's Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) and the California Department of Developmental Services (CDDS) in "Early Downward Trends in Neurodevelopmental Disorders Following Removal of Thimerosal-Containing Vaccines."

    The numbers from California show that reported autism rates hit a high of 800 in May 2003. If that trend had continued, the reports would have skyrocketed to more than 1000 by the beginning of 2006. But in fact, the Geiers report that the number actually went down to only 620, a real decrease of 22%, and a decrease from the projections of 35%.

    This analysis directly contradicts 2004 recommendations of the Institute of Medicine which examined vaccine safety data from the National Immunization Program (NIP) of the CDC. While not willing to either rule out or to corroborate a relationship between mercury and autism, the IOM soft-pedaled its findings, and decided no more studies were needed. The authors write: "The IOM stated that the evidence favored rejection of a causal relationship between thimerosal and autism, that such a relationship was not biologically plausible, and that no further studies should be conducted to evaluate it."

    As more and more vaccines were added to the mandatory schedule of vaccines for children, the dose of the mercury-based preservative thimerosal rose, so that the cumulative dose injected into babies exceeded the toxic threshold set by many government agencies. Mercury is known to damage nerve cells in very low concentrations.

    The concern about vaccines may actually be underrated, as it is generally acknowledged that the voluntary reporting of such disorders has resulted in vast underreporting of new cases. For example, the Iowa state legislature banned thimerosal from all vaccines administered there after it documented a 700-fold increase in that state alone. California followed suit, and 32 states are considering doing so.

    Up until about 1989 pre-school children got only 3 vaccines (polio, DPT, MMR). By 1999 the CDC recommended a total of 22 vaccines to be given before children reach the 1st grade, including Hepatitis B, which is given to newborns within the first 24 hours of birth. Many of these vaccines contained mercury. In the 1990s approximately 40 million children were injected with mercury-containing vaccines.

    The cumulative amount of mercury being given to children in this number of vaccines would be an amount 187 times the EPA daily exposure limit.

    Between 1989 and 2003, there has been an explosion of autism. The incidence of autism (and other related disorders) went from about 1 in 2,500 children to 1 in every 166. Currently there are more than a half million children in the U.S. that have autism. This disorder has devastated families.

    In 1999, on the recommendation of the American Academy of Pediatrics and U.S. Public Health Service, thimerosal was removed from most childhood vaccines as a "precautionary" measure - i.e. without admitting to any causal link between thimerosal and autism.

    The Geiers conclude that mercury continues to be a concern, as it is still added to some of the most commonly-used vaccines, such as those for flu:

    "Despite its removal from many childhood vaccines, thimerosal is still routinely added to some formulations of influenza vaccine administered to U.S. infants, as well as to several other vaccines (e.g. tetanus-diphtheria and monovalent tetanus) administered to older children and adults. In 2004, the Institute of Medicine (IOM) of the U.S. National Academy of Sciences (NAS) retreated from the stated 1999 goal of the AAP and the PHS to remove thimerosal from U.S. vaccines as soon as possible.As a result, assessing the safety of TCVs [thimerosal-containing vaccines] is a matter of significant importance."


    The Journal of American Physicians and Surgeons is the peer-reviewed quarterly journal of the Association of American Physicians and Surgeons (AAPS), a non-partisan professional association founded in 1943.
  • autism. it's the heavy new label they're throwing around for children these days. gotta keep them prescriptions flowing.
    "Have you ever.........pooped a balloon?"
  • Another thing I found really interesting while trying to find info about this, is the glaringly obvious lack of research into the rates of autism and autism spectrum disorders among non immunized children. It seems there is very little data about this. I found one telephone survey that was conducted through four counties in the US that appeared to show quite a contrast.The samples used were kids ranging from 4 to 17 yrs. While the figures were striking, the company conducting the poll asserted it's results were in no way definitive, but that they did warrant further, more stringent investigation.

    I found another research study from Denmark investigating this, but there were two very different interpretations of the results. One, was that there was no difference in the rate of autism or related disorders among vaccinated and non vaccinated kids. The other was that the study was extremely flawed. The children included in the study were only those aged four and under. It claimed that most autistic disorders are not diagnosed until a child begins school, which is 5 to 6 yrs old. It also only included children with regressive autism and did not include the broad range of disorders. Nor did it factor in any other immunizations other than the Measles, Mumps,Rubella (MMR) shot given at 18 months of age.

    Another article I found was related to an interview with a Doctor who is part of a large medical practice that promotes alternative medicine and sees a lot of non vaccinated children. His claim was that they almost never see an un-immunized child with autism. Again, this wasn't definitive, but indicated the need for further research. He made statements that results could be flawed because you would more typically see families in that type of practice who refuse to label their children with some kind of disorder.

    I definitely think comparative research into this is needed. It might settle the debate one way or the other.
  • autism. it's the heavy new label they're throwing around for children these days. gotta keep them prescriptions flowing.

    Do you know any autistic children?
    This is not some over used label like ADD\ADHD that may or may not have any real, significant physiological basis.

    Autism is way real.
    And the percentage of children born with some form of it has skyrocketed since the 20th century began.

    My cousin is autistic, it is definately not some label they just threw at him to keep him medicated. In fact, he isn't even on medication for it. He is a well (high) functioning autistic, who is just in some social respects "different". But i guarantee he has more friends than me, gets out more than me, and probably is generaly more happy than me. Think forrest gump. But those are the "high functioning" autistics. The bad ones are the ones with the drool in their mouth that can hardly articulate basic wants & needs. (not to be cruel, i'm just differentiating here).

    I'm somewhat skeptical of vaccinations being a major cause of autism at this point (although high doses of mercury certainly could be causing SOMETHING to go awry, biologicaly!) , but there is something in the long list of man made environmental factors that is causing this shift in percentages of autistic births. It could be injestion of plastics, the thousands of trace chemicals in the water supply, something leached in to the atmosphere, something in the vegetables ... who knows.

    You know they are finding out now that Crohn's disease has some links to geneticaly modified organisms? And that milk from RBGH cows has heavy links to high rates of breast cancer in women?

    There are all kinds of adverse physiological affect to all kinds of things man is tinkering with now, that we have NO idea about yet.

    Sadly we are just now proving that cell phones can nuke your brain and cause cancer. :(
    If I was to smile and I held out my hand
    If I opened it now would you not understand?
  • Inject me right in my blood with that sweet delicious mercury...

    mmm toxic heavy metals...

    makes my wee wee go flop...

    Progress is not made by everyone joining some new fad,
    and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
    over specific principles, goals, and policies.

    ( o.O)
  • blackredyellowblackredyellow Posts: 5,889
    autism. it's the heavy new label they're throwing around for children these days. gotta keep them prescriptions flowing.

    I don't usually agree with Drifting, but I'll second that "Wow".
    My whole life
    was like a picture
    of a sunny day
    “We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses.”
    ― Abraham Lincoln
  • Wow.
    Do you know any autistic children?
    This is not some over used label like ADD\ADHD that may or may not have any real, significant physiological basis.

    Autism is way real.
    And the percentage of children born with some form of it has skyrocketed since the 20th century began.

    My cousin is autistic, it is definately not some label they just threw at him to keep him medicated. In fact, he isn't even on medication for it. He is a well (high) functioning autistic, who is just in some social respects "different". But i guarantee he has more friends than me, gets out more than me, and probably is generaly more happy than me. Think forrest gump. But those are the "high functioning" autistics. The bad ones are the ones with the drool in their mouth that can hardly articulate basic wants & needs. (not to be cruel, i'm just differentiating here).

    I'm somewhat skeptical of vaccinations being a major cause of autism at this point (although high doses of mercury certainly could be causing SOMETHING to go awry, biologicaly!) , but there is something in the long list of man made environmental factors that is causing this shift in percentages of autistic births. It could be injestion of plastics, the thousands of trace chemicals in the water supply, something leached in to the atmosphere, something in the vegetables ... who knows.

    You know they are finding out now that Crohn's disease has some links to geneticaly modified organisms? And that milk from RBGH cows has heavy links to high rates of breast cancer in women?

    There are all kinds of adverse physiological affect to all kinds of things man is tinkering with now, that we have NO idea about yet.

    Sadly we are just now proving that cell phones can nuke your brain and cause cancer. :(

    never said it wasn't real, but i see it being applied in cases that it shouldn't be. i think a lot of doctors label things too non-chalantly these days.
    "Have you ever.........pooped a balloon?"
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