China to run the Olympic torch through Tibet

If any of you have kept up on what's happening in Tibet lately, this is just another stab at them by the Chinese.
They (the Chinese) are now in the process of clearing the entire country of all media outlets. China led a tightly scripted tour of only Chinese media (who an barely run anything real in their programs to begin with) and luckily, a handful of monks were able to crash the party and tell them the Chinese government is lying to them. None of that footage was run in China, only the BBC carried it. Those monks were then taken away. No one knows yet what has happened to them.
Please write to your local representatives, write the presidents, tell your friends! Do not attend the 2008 Olympics, discourage the president from going. Steven Spielberg and Condi Rice have voiced their disinterest in attending unless China changes the way they handle Tibet. Contact the National Olympic Committee of your country and ask them to reason with the International Olympic Committee to reroute the Olympic torch AWAY from Tibet! It is only going to incite more disturbances and allow the Chinese to murder more people.
If you live anywhere near San Francisco (the only US city to see the torch) protest! April 9th is the date of the torch run there.
We also need to urge the American media to give this situation more attention.
Check out and (they have all of the BBC videos up on the main page)
They (the Chinese) are now in the process of clearing the entire country of all media outlets. China led a tightly scripted tour of only Chinese media (who an barely run anything real in their programs to begin with) and luckily, a handful of monks were able to crash the party and tell them the Chinese government is lying to them. None of that footage was run in China, only the BBC carried it. Those monks were then taken away. No one knows yet what has happened to them.
Please write to your local representatives, write the presidents, tell your friends! Do not attend the 2008 Olympics, discourage the president from going. Steven Spielberg and Condi Rice have voiced their disinterest in attending unless China changes the way they handle Tibet. Contact the National Olympic Committee of your country and ask them to reason with the International Olympic Committee to reroute the Olympic torch AWAY from Tibet! It is only going to incite more disturbances and allow the Chinese to murder more people.
If you live anywhere near San Francisco (the only US city to see the torch) protest! April 9th is the date of the torch run there.
We also need to urge the American media to give this situation more attention.
Check out and (they have all of the BBC videos up on the main page)

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but rock n roll will live forever! - ray davies