Pro War Propaganda commercials being ran in Missouri

There is a commercial being ran by the group Progress for America. This disturbing commerical is being ran only in Missouri. This group supports Jim Talent in the Senate election. If you'd like to view this commercial go to the video is on the opening page of the site.
I wish I were the verb "to trust" and never let you down
Post edited by Unknown User on
Bit overdone on the drama for my liking...They should have used the voiceover for the guy who does movie previews though...
we have to kill them before they strike again.
hopefully one day some smart cleric will teach peace and ALL muslims will follow.
what do you find so disturbing about it?
you advocate killing then go to hope a "smart cleric" will teach peace...
I suppose you don't...or won't see the irony...
There has been countless clerics denouncing fundanutalism......and promoting peace.....
I advocate killing the terrorists that want americans dead. I dont want them to kill us first.
there are so many good muslims that can stop the extremists way of thinking. I wish they would
thats a very good thing. I support them 100%
you see, while you see them as "terrorists", those who support them see them as "freedom fighters"....just as I'm sure many in the Middle East see the US occupation as "terrorism", and we say they are "spreadun' freedom"...
it's a cycle...
I think the thing is that a "war on terror" is much like a "war on cats". You will never be able to get rid of them all, they are everywhere. Not to mention the cats that live in the back alley, those are the ones to really watch out for. Homegrown terror cats
really? if you think the american government are terrorists so be it. but please, dont say that "if radical terrorists wanted to attack us they would"
care to share any of your so called research.
For example I heard a great interview (wish I could give you a clip) of the young Muslim (very devout) who turned in a group of wannabe Fundanutalists in Canada (threatening a strike in Toronto).
He was initially somewhat involved until he realized that why would a I be apart of something that would blow up Canadian's and their infrastructure where he can use his voice as protest. He realized through listening to some clerics in Canada promoting peace that this country gave him a voice, something more valuable than people realize.....
Then he thought if he was is a very fundamentalist country he would essentially have no voice, so he turned them in. Felt why punish a country that has given him more freedom than anywhere else.....
sad but true
i find it disturbing that after 5 years there are people out there that are trying to scare americans into believing in this war. it's crap.
you lost me at scare americans into believeing in this war. the war on terror? so you believe the war on osmba bin laden and al queda doesnt exsist? im trying to understand where you are coming from
yes. they use phrases like "weapons of mass destruction" and these words like "terror" and "kill" along side discussion of 9/11 and they can get away with anything. they've admitted 9/11 and iraq weren't related yet they still associate the two (and by they i mean the bush administration, and groups like the one who put out this commercial). b/c who is going to say no to punishing those responsible for 9/11? no one. the only problem is iraq didn't need punished for 9/11. al queda did.
ok now I understand. its the war in Iraq that digusts you not the war on terror. unfortunately al qeuda has infiltrated Iraq. hence the name "el qeuda in Iraq". should be blame bush for that? ok fine lets blame bush. we can sit here until we are blue in the face blaming bush. (most people literally do). it still doesnt change the fact the america is fighting al queda in the streets of baghdad. el queda is directly responisble for 9/11, so where ever they are, we have to find and kill them, before they kill us again. sadly, this make Iraq and the war on terror, related.
pychosinluv is that you?
So if it was found that a small cell (10 Fundanutalists) were in Canada...attacks on the nation would be justified....???
The thing with people blaming Bush is that Al Queda did not exist pre-Iraq war in Iraq...that is a fact...since the invasion they have inflatrated the country therefore it is IMHO fair to blame the Bush Admin. firstly for a poor thought-out engagement that has led to this disaster....
They were never related until Bush invaded Iraq therefore who else can you blame?
I would be happy for us to leave Iraq.
so el queda gets no blame for inflirtrating a country and blowing up innocent people?
if you have something to say then please share your thoughts. we should make this a 18 and older forum so maybe some adults can add to the conversation
back to the namecalling
Who wants to start a pool as to when the Train gets taken away from us again, I'm guessing Monday
do you always cry this much? I didnt call anyone any names. I was merely making a suggestion
umm...I did share my thoughts...sorry it was unclear, let me expand....
wow, which here means: wow, someone, which here means: you, really believes all the propoganda used by the current administration and it's pretty amusing that your post supporting propoganda was steeped with it....
:eek: is something called a can read more about them here...
if you need any more simple clarifcation, please feel free to ask...:) <---this means I'm attempting to be nice rather than talk down to you....
I dont have time for kids games. if you have something meaningful to say, maybe I will come back to read it. but I doubt it