West Memphis Three latest news

Investigators review evidence in West Memphis Three case
Janice Broach reports
Investigators review evidence in West Memphis Three case
Reposted From: WMCTV.COM - Action News 5 - Memphis, TN
There are new developments in the case of the West Memphis Three; the three men convicted of murdering and mutilating three little boys 14 years ago this month.
For the first time ever, world-renowned forensic investigators are looking at evidence in the killings.
Two experts in bite marks, attorneys, investigators, two forensic pathologists, Michael Baden- who worked on high profile cases like O.J. Simpson, actor Robert Blake and NBA star Kobe Bryant, and Vincent DiMaio, who worked on the Scott Peterson case and the Arkansas prosecutor in the West Memphis Three case, all met at the state Crime Lab in Little Rock to look at evidence in the 14 year old case.
They spent almost two hours behind closed doors looking at wounds and what caused them in what could be considered the most horrific murder case in the Mid-South.
"The discussion we agreed would be privileged and will just continue to pursue these issues," says San Francisco Attorney Dennis Riordan.
Riordan, who heads the team, did not want to talk about what happened during the meeting but he did say there is movement toward getting a new trial for the West Memphis Three- Damien Echols, Jason, Baldwin and Jessie Misskelley.
"Both sides are really discussing some serious issues and doing it openly and its just really a fruitful exchange and we'll see where it all leads," adds Riordan.
No one else in the group would talk.
Prosecutor Brent Davis has been very closed mouthed about this whole thing.
Jessie Misskelley's father is hopeful the team will find something saying, "it's looking good. I hope they get results."
The West Memphis Three say they didn't do it.
A member of the investigative team in Little Rock says they hope to have a hearing on their findings by mid-summer that could lead to a new trial for the West Memphis Three.
Janice Broach reports
Investigators review evidence in West Memphis Three case
Reposted From: WMCTV.COM - Action News 5 - Memphis, TN
There are new developments in the case of the West Memphis Three; the three men convicted of murdering and mutilating three little boys 14 years ago this month.
For the first time ever, world-renowned forensic investigators are looking at evidence in the killings.
Two experts in bite marks, attorneys, investigators, two forensic pathologists, Michael Baden- who worked on high profile cases like O.J. Simpson, actor Robert Blake and NBA star Kobe Bryant, and Vincent DiMaio, who worked on the Scott Peterson case and the Arkansas prosecutor in the West Memphis Three case, all met at the state Crime Lab in Little Rock to look at evidence in the 14 year old case.
They spent almost two hours behind closed doors looking at wounds and what caused them in what could be considered the most horrific murder case in the Mid-South.
"The discussion we agreed would be privileged and will just continue to pursue these issues," says San Francisco Attorney Dennis Riordan.
Riordan, who heads the team, did not want to talk about what happened during the meeting but he did say there is movement toward getting a new trial for the West Memphis Three- Damien Echols, Jason, Baldwin and Jessie Misskelley.
"Both sides are really discussing some serious issues and doing it openly and its just really a fruitful exchange and we'll see where it all leads," adds Riordan.
No one else in the group would talk.
Prosecutor Brent Davis has been very closed mouthed about this whole thing.
Jessie Misskelley's father is hopeful the team will find something saying, "it's looking good. I hope they get results."
The West Memphis Three say they didn't do it.
A member of the investigative team in Little Rock says they hope to have a hearing on their findings by mid-summer that could lead to a new trial for the West Memphis Three.
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~*STONEY PONY all the WAY!*~
"For the world, not for the war"-Neil Finn
from my window to yours
I can't answer for everyone, obviously. However, knowing that Michael Baden is involved, I believe that the truth will come out (his work is amazing) and if it states that the WM3 are in fact guilty and do not deserve another trial then I will be satisfied with the outcome.
"The leads are weak? Fuckin' leads are weak? You're Weak! I've Been in this business 15 years"
"What's your name?"
Not very likely though, there are so many inconsistencies in this case, it really is scary stuff.
Good news though.
I think West memphis Arkansas seems to be like alot of bible belt towns, a place where any crime at all, and especially youth crime, is taken to be satanist in nature. These kids were growing up to be god fearing christians, and that upset the community. I have heard about an addiational case, where some family who lived in Robin Hood Hills, where the boys bodies were found, had their terrier stomped to death. Sickening stuff but the crime wasnt called a crime. The community said it was the work of satanists. This was maybe a year or so after the WM3 murders
We all should support the immediate release of the WM3 for one main reason: many people on this board, including myself, could have been accused of this crime. I have long hair, and like heavy metal, and wear black t-shirts with bands names on it. I like Stephen King.
Check out some of the boards on the net. There is a great WM3 bbs site that i frequent.
His behavior on the Paradise lost movies is bizaare, and disturbing, even for a father who lost his son. John mark Byers has admitted as a kid he was abused and possibly molested in a ditch, in a incident strikingly similar to the Wm3 crime.
And I also think almost anyone can agree that the decision by the state to allow prosecutors to ask Damien about his music and book taste has NOTHING at all to do with his guilt or innocence.
Other items that should have been red flags to investigators about the innocence of the WM3:
Bojangles man-a black man walked into a Bojangles restaurant near the crime scene, near when the murders occured, and was covered in blood, sawdust and human waste. Nothing ever was investigated about this man.
Christopher Byers-one of the victims, had a backpack on. and supposedly told the parents and several of his friends he was running away on the day of the murders. His father had beaten him.
Nothing about the crime or the crime scene at ALL implies a Satanic cult commited the acts. Nothing.
i would move onto the next case. But I wouldnt be involved in this case if i thought they were guilty. I have supported a number of people in prison who I felt was inncoent. Mumia and Peltier are 2 of the most famous.
Another is Clerence Elkins. A white man, who was accused of murdering his mother in law and raping his niece. I immediately felt he was innocent. The only evidence was the testimony of the niece who said "it looked like unlce clerence". This guy served a number of years. Miraculously, in a plot even a movie couldnt come up with, this guy clerence elkins was housed in a cell with this man who said he in fact killed this guys mother in law and raped his neice. A smoked ciggarette butt was recieved by elkins and he sent it to investigators. Sure enough the DNA matched. Clerence elkins is innocent. And spent years in jail for a crime he didnt commit
like i mentioned - just playing devil's advocate...i believe them to be innocent too. mumia...i don't want to get started on that one.
we'll see...
from my window to yours
I think your missing the whole point here, people arent just chassing after things here for the sake of it.
these guys deserve a fair trial based on evidence against them..this was not the case...its the least they deserve.
so if they get a fair trial then the people calling for it will have won the day.
go back your grandma's knee...
if this evidence determines that they were the culprits of the acts then there is NO need for a new trial...
don't bother responding to me if you are incapable of comprehending the written word.
from my window to yours
If a new and fair trial shows in fact that they are guilty I will be on board with keeping them in prison. I just think that the first trial was so botched that a new one where all the evidence is examined is a good thing. I believe they are innocent, but if I am proven wrong I wont hesitate to admit it. And I'll be the first person to say they should spend the rest of their lives behind bars.
Peace and Love
No matter what the evidence shows they deserve a fair trial, but I'll shut my mouth if the evidence shows they are guilty. I for one wont continue going on about it.
Peace and Love