Jon Stewart to wed George Tenet

Now, I know Jon Stewart runs a far left leaning show, so I was fully expecting Stewart to rip into George Tenet this evening, since he was so mortified that George Bush gave him a medal. Why didn't Tenet do more? I think Jon Stewart said "administration" about 100 times, though. That is all he was concerned about. Jon Stewart provided 15 minutes to Tenet to make a few bucks to sell a book based on a war he was involved in starting and justifying, and to find another excuse to bash the "administration". Never once did Stewart challenge Tenet, especially not as much as he challenged John McCain a few weeks ago. I guess Stewart is even farther left leaning than I thought.
Edit: Forgot to mention the lead-in to the interview where Stewart tried to embarrass the media because they asked real questions of Tenet, because even they know Tenet is trying to make a few bucks and cleanse his soul by writing this book.
Edit: Forgot to mention the lead-in to the interview where Stewart tried to embarrass the media because they asked real questions of Tenet, because even they know Tenet is trying to make a few bucks and cleanse his soul by writing this book.
Post edited by Unknown User on
Now he has a story to tell when he stands to profit $4M from it.
Fuck him.
As for Stewart - I was also disappointed as well. No tough questions. Although Tenet wasn't answering them anyway so what is the difference.
You have a point, and it is just an interview so it isn't like we are being misinformed or anything. But, Jon Stewart has been considered the hero to the left and part of this new media. Even still, I was just pointing out that this hero who normally attacks the warmongers every chance he can, decided to pass on George Tenet, just because he thought he could get Tenet to bash the administration. Just hypocrisy that gets missed by the left.
Okay, but don't be that guy linking to YouTube interviews with Stewart, and his CNN interview with Tucker Carlson and that bald guy.
He still has some funny correspondents. He was lucky to get rid of Steve Carrell. That guy is bringing down The Office all by himself. Creed needs more airtime on that show. Any guy who sleeps in Canada four nights a week to get free healthcare should be the lead character on a tv show.
sure i will if i want too, i like his show and i think it is fucking hilarious. but i certainly dont expect the daily show or jon stewart to be the all encompassing watch dog. i take it for what it is, a comedic and satirical view of the current events. nothing more, nothing less. if i want a good discussion and interview i watch the bill maher show. it is longer, has a larger and more diverse panel, has great interviews, and it is on HBO which helps the artistic freedom come out. i like them both though, but i do realize they are comedy shows first.
is this what the deader than a door nail republican/right wing/conservative crowd is left with nowadays? attacking jon stewart? pretty pathetic if you ask me.
No, it is about showing the hypocrisy in the liberal media that does exist. Bill O'Reilly is blasted daily by the liberal elite. He actually brings about change in this country. When illegal immigrants killed two teenagers in Virginia Beach in a drunk driving accident, O'Reilly was the one who brought national attention to VB's amnesty law for illegals. National media care? Nope. But, O'Reilly did get the law changed so that illegals committing crimes are reported to the federal government. When child predators are given probation or a few months of jail time, O'Reilly stands up to those judges. Does the national media care? No. When terrorists are arrested in New Jersey plotting an attack on US soldiers, does the national media report that they were illegals? Nope. Did O'Reilly, yes. But O'Reilly is an idealogue I guess.
The national media does not care about protecting the innocent, but only cares about being "progressive". And this interview with Tenet was an example of not caring about one of the "war monger's" role in the runup to war, but just trying to get another jab in at the "administration," because in the end it is all about getting the Republicans out of power so the "progressive" agenda can be put forward.
On another note, why is it a problem to want one party removed from power so that your own ideals can be brought forward? I thought that's what the whole "American experiment" was all about.
I just find it funny that he and others concider Jon Stewart to be part of the media. It's like comparing The Onion to The Wall St. Journal.
Well put.
thank you
I guess protecting children from pedophiles is funny to you. You must not laugh very much when you watch CNN or MSNBC, because you don't hear a peep from them when judges let these pervs off the hook. But hey, if a couple US attorneys get fired it is the end of the world.
Why is it that all these politicians come on to the show? The first two segments of the show are for laughs. The interview is where a lot of serious discussion takes place. I know it is not a news program, but his interviews are totally different than Colbert's. While being funny, they still have substance. My main point about all of this is the hypocrisy of the left. Stewart is not a newsman, but people do tune in to hear him ask tough questions of politicians, and he let Tenet off the hook because Tenet's book was serving Stewart's purpose. He is not a newsman, but his mindset is very similar to that the of liberal media. They don't care about real issues. They don't care about pedophiles running free, or illegal immigrants plotting terrorist attacks and committing crimes. They only care about discrediting Bush.
Please get over yourself already. How many specials had liberal NBC done about catching sex offenders? Just because O'Reilly stands tough against those two issues doesn't mean that he is the only one. And while the liberal media does focus a lot of Bush and his policies lets not turn a blind eye to the slant of the conservative media and how they focus on fucking rosie O'Donnell and Sean Penn. I listen to Rush and O'Reilly and personally I think both of them have a fucking hard rock hog over Rosie. Even Coulter has called O'Reilly out on his obbsesion with O'Donnell.
To answer you question as to why politicians go on his show, exposure. The same reason why a politician whould go on jay Leno or Letterman because it is free air time.
i wouldnt even fuel his fire... he has all the talking points of typical blow hard right wing jack ass's such as coulter or hannity. attacking jon stewart?
by the way Bootlegger10, you may remember the media sucking bush's cock for about 4 years after 9/11?... now that the disaster we call our leadership is in plain view they are only stating the obvious about bush and his HORRIBLE policies. there is no "liberal bias" in the media, and anyone that believes that shit needs to turn off Rush and Laura and start making decisions for themself
or perhaps it is up to Jon Stewart to personally expose the lies leading up to the iraq invasion :rolleyes:
Isnt Stewart one of the "us" you mention tho?
He did the disclaimer in the beginning. He expected to do just that.. but every other journalist has already done that - so it was not needed.
He did the disclaimer in the beginning. He expected to do just that.. but every other journalist has already done that - so it was not needed.
For sure.
And I agree that the show has gone downhill. I used to find it pretty hilarious. A couple times in recent memory I had to turn it off in disgust.
help me out, could you tell me who in the "media" does not have an agenda...?
It still has its funny moments, but generally I am getting turned off. The BUsh humor is still pretty good, bu some of the "humor" around Iran capturing those British sailors escaped me, for instance.