31 Die in Suicide Bombing (No Not in Iraq hippies)

American Liberal: "Radical Islamic terrorists attack us because we have bases in the middle east and interfere too much."
Me: "Why did they just kill 31 innocent people in Pakistan? Because the USA has bases in Iraq?"
Radical Islamic terrorists do not care about US bases. They care about spreading their Islamic law. Those who do not comply, they must be killed. That is our enemy. The US being in the middle east is stopping radical Islam from taking over, for now. Liberals want to pull back and try and talk to these people. Good luck. These people hide behind children when fighting. They have no souls to talk to. They are animals.
Point is, 31 people died in a suicide bomb in Pakistan. America did not create terrorism.
American Liberal: "Radical Islamic terrorists attack us because we have bases in the middle east and interfere too much."
Me: "Why did they just kill 31 innocent people in Pakistan? Because the USA has bases in Iraq?"
Radical Islamic terrorists do not care about US bases. They care about spreading their Islamic law. Those who do not comply, they must be killed. That is our enemy. The US being in the middle east is stopping radical Islam from taking over, for now. Liberals want to pull back and try and talk to these people. Good luck. These people hide behind children when fighting. They have no souls to talk to. They are animals.
Point is, 31 people died in a suicide bomb in Pakistan. America did not create terrorism.
Post edited by Unknown User on
Freedom is Slavery
Ignorance is Strength
Yep, it is our fault. These people would be flowering their gardens all day if we didn't get in their way. Wake up and find out who the enemy is instead of blaming America every chance you get.
If we could fight this war outside of the towns, we would do it. These animals needs innocents to be killed because they know they cannot beat us militarily, but they can beat us by using our media and counting on the weakness of the American people.
Correct. These people in power are idiots. Every last one of them. Although now Al Qaeda is in Iraq, so we gotta kill em there.
Well if you invade a country then be prepared for how things are going to be fought don't come on here and whine..."bastards won't fight us in the open"...blah blah blah....get over it this is the reality that your country choose now deal with the reprecussions (that were told prior to invasion to what woudl occur but the warbirds had to go right in...act first think second mentality)....do you expect your enemy to fight according to some rules especially coming from a person whose nation is notrious for breaking the rules when it comes to warfare.....give me a break....plus the American army has done enough killing innocents albeit accidently or intentionally....
As for using the media...I guess its a shame that your view of the war is now not the populcar choice and I guess (even though I still see otherwise) the media is somehow reflecting that....as an outsider who had to listen to pro-war shit for the last few years I like the change in view...now you get used to it....
Also clue-in buddy anti-war does equate to hippie.....
It means now your enemy is crossing borders...the entire Iraq policy has just hrown gasoline on an existing inferno.....which has now spilled into other countries unfortuantly..
We're supposed to be fighting a war on terror, which means finding and stopping terrorists who practice terrorism, and yet we're in Iraq, killing people who are fighting us because we invaded their country under false pretenses.
Makes no sense to me.
Well you brought them there...blame your superiors instead of spouting off about hippies and crap....
The entire concept of the war on terror is flawed.....just another brain dead policy that people believed was the saving grace for their problems...it hs only exagerrated the problem....
Now tell that to my President.
I have a hunch it would mean nothing to a man who believes he is above the law....
Come on, don't take my hippy comment seriously. It just makes me laugh when I type it, so I do. As for not knowing that we would have to fight in the middle of towns when we went to Iraq, that is absurd. It is war. People are going to die. Innocent people are going to die. THERE IS A DIFFERENCE THOUGH when you shoot a missile to kill insurgents and fighters and accidently kill civilians, than blowing yourself in a market just to kill innocent people. My point is that these people don't care who dies. They have no respect for anyone, so this talking shit you guys keep spouting about is not going to work. Hell, we supported Bin Laden once, and you saw where that got is with him, so you think they are going to care about what we can bring to the peace table? No. They want us gone!
A simple question then....to keep things civil....why do they want you gone?
And please for the love of everything holy do not say our freedoms.....
They at least would not give in to the terrorists. They at least understand that the fight against terrorism will be a long battle never fought before. Yet, they fight it like idiots.
You say this like the U.S. cares about the innocent civilians that we kill on a daily basis. How is that respect? Giving their families $2500 is a show of respect?
Freedom is Slavery
Ignorance is Strength
It will never be won this way....never.....I am 100% confident in that decision...your policy creates terror.....sadly it does and do not for one second believe that I enjoy saying that but I do not...the faux war on terror has lead to many deaths of those that wanted no part of this madness....do you really expect your nation to put up with long years of this stuff...your deaths you label as accidental creates more "terrorists" even as we speak and some cannot fathom the simplicity of why that happens...
You're brainwashed.
all posts by ©gue_barium are protected under US copyright law and are not to be reproduced, exchanged or sold
except by express written permission of ©gue_barium, the author.
They don't care about our freedoms! They care about their Islamic law. They care about mistreating women. They care about using young boys as play toys. They care about fighting until the end (they believe they are rewarded spiritually for killing, so their nature is to fight). You saw what the Taliban did in Afghanistan. That is what they care about. And the US and West stands in the way of their expansion. China and North Korea are even more oppressive, so why fight them?
Also, a lot of us (myself included) believed education could stop terrorism. Well, now we see even doctors can be terrorists.
Nope. Realistic. If I were brainwashed I wouldn't be able to say that Bush and Cheney are idiots.
What's this extreme right side propaganda nonsense. You're doing exactly what they want you to.
You're dancing for them, and they are rubbing their hands together and laughing at you.
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
That doesn't have anything to do with it.
all posts by ©gue_barium are protected under US copyright law and are not to be reproduced, exchanged or sold
except by express written permission of ©gue_barium, the author.
It is war. Our intention is not to kill civilians. Theirs is. That's all.
No, the anti-war America is who they are laughing at. Because, when anti-war Americans get their way and we leave Iraq, they will control Iraq.
Do not give me any sort of spirtual arguement when your commander and chief preaches about God being on your side...so that to me is crappy reason for them fighting...same shit different pile...both using religion in some capacity to justify their actions....just done in different psychological fashions....
Personally I believe Iraq/Middle East stands in the way of American expansion....based upon natural resources and one nations(actually many nations not just one) inability to learn how to conserve....
More oppressive nations???...stop being hypocrites and fight nations that are even worse...why not Saudi Arabia that has public hangings, leaves women who have handicapped kids to die the desert with their new-borns...why not them then?????
And where is the evidence of education....I see politicians lying and getting caught lying about even going to war...I see no education.
America's policy has HELPED their enemies that is the irony of everything...everything you have done as only empowered those that wish to see you dead...and that is what I see....
I thought it was to kill you?
The anti war movement is the end to their little diabolical plan.
Who is they who will control Iraq?
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
Which do you feel is the bigger threat, Radical Islamist groups such as those who bombed this mosque, or the US and its actions?
(in Iraq, etc..) as well.
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
It would've been BANG, we won. That is what happens when you screw with the US. Any questions potential terrorists? Instead for some reason the US military backed off, let him go, and moved on to Iraq.
The previously held views of the USA's overpowering military and advanced technology were swept away by a guy living in a cave. The only thing the "war on terror" did was to legitimize the views of a few nuts who were basically a non-state sponsored militia that was frowned upon by most of the region.
I'm hoping the US doesn't decide to have a 'war on abortion clinic bombers'.
They'd have to let the main guy for the cause remain free and speak to the media at will(somewhere in Texas). Then attack California because intelligence says they were directly involved. I'm sure he'd get followers pretty quick after people realize that there is little chance of them ever getting caught. The continuing bombing of abortion clinics would keep people aware of the need for the war of course.
Both are equal threats.
Freedom is Slavery
Ignorance is Strength