So When Does the Title Conspiracy End?

Been doing a lot of reading and it seems Alex Jones (notorious of Prison Planet) landed a gig on C-Span discussing faux's of the 9/11 "officaial story" to what I see...recorded amount of viewers too....seems that this "conspiracy" might hold a little weight...but in reality how could it...the offical story came from the honourable (never once told a lie and everyone found out about it) Bush government, that beams with when does conspiracy finally be moved to a "maybe" because honestly with the shit that has come from the Bush & Co's mouth I do not understand how people can say their story is correct....end story...I believe there is more to this faux pas then people know....its funny because those that will fight tooth and nail to keep their taxes low have been notorious for their fight against big governement..yet they are the ones that trust so much in it...too funny....
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Who knows, maybe all skyscrapers above a certain height have explosives pre-rigged, meant for just such a contingency plan. But those "theorists" who would have us believe that the US was behind it all from the get go, are idiots(imho) Too much to lose, too little to gain by doing that.
Not sure I follow this. Its unbelievable that a) Islamic extremists would commit a terrorist act, b) that they could hijack a plane with edged weapons (a plane where no one else was armed), and c) Al Qaida is responsible for the act, even though they freely admitted responsibility?
a)on that scale and without some form of U.S. cooperation, to me, yes, it's unbelievable.
b)without question, unbelievable to me
c)refer to answer b.
The only reason anyone fucking believes the official conspiracy theory that the U.S. government endorses is because we're born and raised to believe the U.S. is an honorable and upstanding country. There's some kind of inherent trust that is absolute bullshit. I pledge allegiance to the blah blah blah fuck the flag and fuck the idea that the U.S. is some kind of morally supreme state. If people could see the U.S. for the brutal terrorists that they are then don't you think we would look at their story as unbelievable? We absolutely would. It's not the other theories that are fucked up, it's people's perception of the U.S. that's fucked up.