So When Does American Style Freedom Come to Iran

I really hope so...becauase you know what people in the Middle East need to taste some freedom....Iraqi style.....those people couldn't be more than happy of what America brought chaos....murdering/raping soldiers, suicide bombers (which were not even existing in Saddams days) killing people at holy sites, making a walk to the market a matter of life and death....etc.....
I definetly think Iran needs some of this so called freedom and for that matter Lebanon too...damn bastards in their democratically elected government that does not fit the western ideology of government. Well actually they are all ready getting a taste of the west and man couldn't they not be happier. Hell why waste your time constructing your own democratucally government...when you can simply get invaded have a few thousand people die for real I love the western version of freedom.
My comments arise from watching three hours worth of "fair and balanced" news last night...yes an evening of me, my 55" HD, and Fox News. I finally went to the other side to see where the "real" story comes from and needless to say I am dumbfounded. Old men saying how it is proposterous to suggest the notion that Iraq (and Lebanon) could lead to increasing amount of terror. They actually suggested terror activity has been on the decrease.....WTF! Where have these people been....funny but not the best yet.
They showed polls suggesting who will be leading Congress come Novemeber and it showed support 48% for the Democrats and 30% for Republicans...then they said well after the recent terror alerts and arrests the Republican party should improve on those fear does work well for this party....
Then came the flamng of Lamont...who is a true American realist in my eyes....for suggesting that the troops come home....pretty much saying what the war mongeres hear preach about "staying the course"...yeah keep staying the course...put some more blood on your hands...keep increasing the level of hate in this world because that is something that has proven successful in the war on terror....more terror....
I hope America votes in these "nuts" who want to bring the troops home before we have the real nuts promoting freedom marching down the streets of Tehran or elsewhere...funny someone posted here a defintion of facism and I would like to post another one as well actually a couple:
A system of government marked by centralization of authority under a dictator, stringent socioeconomic controls, suppression of the opposition through terror and censorship, and typically a policy of belligerent nationalism and racism.
A political philosophy or movement based on or advocating such a system of government.
A social and political ideology with the primary guiding principle that the state or nation is the highest priority, rather than personal or individual freedoms
An extreme form of nationalism that played on fears of communism and rejected individual freedom, liberal individualism, democracy, and limitations on the state.
a political system in which all power of government is vested in a person or group with no other power to balance and limit the activities of the government. Fascist governments are often closely associated with large corporations and sometimes with extreme nationalism and racist activities. Modern fascism is often called "CORPORATISM".
"A philosophy or system of government that is marked by stringent social and economic control, a strong, centralized government usually headed by a dictator, and often a policy of belligerent nationalism
Minus the dictator I see one country headed that way....followed by half its people....a country that is currently supporting the massive expansion of big government, the labelling and smearing of Liberal activites (just watch Fox news where everything that is kooky or extreme is now Liberal), institutes laws to reduce personal freedoms for the sake of the country's freedom, nationlistic in such a manner of lying and provoking war with sovreign nations that go against their policies, rascist comments coming through (also last night on Fox they said Sen. Mackinney may indeed be a terrorist because of Arab surnames on her contribution list...that is freaking racist and I dont care what anyone says...pure ignorant crap....pretty much saying if your Arab your a terrorist), etc.
Funny some people can see Iran in this view and I can agree as well but I also see another country heading that way to ever so people call me whatever you want I don't care Im sick of this world of war, violence, and fear, something needs to change and I hope it comes soon....a big part would have these "nuts" that support the pull-out brought back home. People can change this path and it needs to be done quickly.
But who cares right Im just a whacky kook Liberal fool who is bent on destroying the Western world.
I definetly think Iran needs some of this so called freedom and for that matter Lebanon too...damn bastards in their democratically elected government that does not fit the western ideology of government. Well actually they are all ready getting a taste of the west and man couldn't they not be happier. Hell why waste your time constructing your own democratucally government...when you can simply get invaded have a few thousand people die for real I love the western version of freedom.
My comments arise from watching three hours worth of "fair and balanced" news last night...yes an evening of me, my 55" HD, and Fox News. I finally went to the other side to see where the "real" story comes from and needless to say I am dumbfounded. Old men saying how it is proposterous to suggest the notion that Iraq (and Lebanon) could lead to increasing amount of terror. They actually suggested terror activity has been on the decrease.....WTF! Where have these people been....funny but not the best yet.
They showed polls suggesting who will be leading Congress come Novemeber and it showed support 48% for the Democrats and 30% for Republicans...then they said well after the recent terror alerts and arrests the Republican party should improve on those fear does work well for this party....
Then came the flamng of Lamont...who is a true American realist in my eyes....for suggesting that the troops come home....pretty much saying what the war mongeres hear preach about "staying the course"...yeah keep staying the course...put some more blood on your hands...keep increasing the level of hate in this world because that is something that has proven successful in the war on terror....more terror....
I hope America votes in these "nuts" who want to bring the troops home before we have the real nuts promoting freedom marching down the streets of Tehran or elsewhere...funny someone posted here a defintion of facism and I would like to post another one as well actually a couple:
A system of government marked by centralization of authority under a dictator, stringent socioeconomic controls, suppression of the opposition through terror and censorship, and typically a policy of belligerent nationalism and racism.
A political philosophy or movement based on or advocating such a system of government.
A social and political ideology with the primary guiding principle that the state or nation is the highest priority, rather than personal or individual freedoms
An extreme form of nationalism that played on fears of communism and rejected individual freedom, liberal individualism, democracy, and limitations on the state.
a political system in which all power of government is vested in a person or group with no other power to balance and limit the activities of the government. Fascist governments are often closely associated with large corporations and sometimes with extreme nationalism and racist activities. Modern fascism is often called "CORPORATISM".
"A philosophy or system of government that is marked by stringent social and economic control, a strong, centralized government usually headed by a dictator, and often a policy of belligerent nationalism
Minus the dictator I see one country headed that way....followed by half its people....a country that is currently supporting the massive expansion of big government, the labelling and smearing of Liberal activites (just watch Fox news where everything that is kooky or extreme is now Liberal), institutes laws to reduce personal freedoms for the sake of the country's freedom, nationlistic in such a manner of lying and provoking war with sovreign nations that go against their policies, rascist comments coming through (also last night on Fox they said Sen. Mackinney may indeed be a terrorist because of Arab surnames on her contribution list...that is freaking racist and I dont care what anyone says...pure ignorant crap....pretty much saying if your Arab your a terrorist), etc.
Funny some people can see Iran in this view and I can agree as well but I also see another country heading that way to ever so people call me whatever you want I don't care Im sick of this world of war, violence, and fear, something needs to change and I hope it comes soon....a big part would have these "nuts" that support the pull-out brought back home. People can change this path and it needs to be done quickly.
But who cares right Im just a whacky kook Liberal fool who is bent on destroying the Western world.
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Never said it did...I think I mentioned suicide bombers...Saddam was a creep said it many times...just saying things are worse now than before...once again mission failed...please leave.... save some pride.... get some respect back....nothing bad about admitting you were wrong....
Glad to know they have you to speak for them.
If Clinton had invaded Iraq after numerous cease fire conditions were broken, yes, I would have supported Clinton on this matter.
The situation in Iraq is a complete DISASTER! It's very obvious and painful this administration had NO idea that insurgents would run amuck like they have. Piss poor planning resulting in tragic loss of life. YES, as a vet, I KNOW there is death in war, however, death resulting from HORRIFC planning on the part of ANY administration is nothing less than a tragedy!
Here is where I'm caught!... Do I want our troops home as soon as possible after this debacle? ABSOLUTELY! However, I HATE (believe me) to admit this, but we are caught up in a quagmire. A complete withdrawl now will fuel the fire in the "radical facists world" even more so, and thus proving bin laden right when he tells his "boys" that America cannot stay in a war for a long period of time seeing their soldiers murdered, making him even more of a hero.
In my eyes, we are stuck! What I don't understand is, this horrific military strategy, or lack thereof. If I were in charge on the ground, I would put 1/4 troops on the eastern border, and a 1/4 on the western border, control the borders and stop the insurgency. But then again, we can't even secure the U.S. border so that's out the window..
sorry for the long rant, but it's time I got this off my chest.
Either way, I didn't agree with the war going into it. But I can see now that leaving Iraq will send it into a state of anarchy, which may be inevitable, I don't think Iraqis are going to settle for an american dictator.
Yes you are a whacky kook liberal but what you, myself and everyone else on the forum are doing is expressing our ideas. Were free from opression of our goverments to say what we feel about whatever we want regardless if were right or wrong. People in other countries dont have these freedoms, war lords are taking medical supplies and school supplies in other countries and are turning that in for money so they can buy more guns to carry out their destruction. I hope you dearly enjoy the freedoms you have and respect what other people have gave before you so you could continue to live your life how you see fit. I hope that along with these blogs you, I and everyone else writes on here you are making contributions to some good fight to stop fighting and bring peace on earth. Im currently in Korea, I can tell you first hand that a ceasefire like that is proposed in Isreal is only that end to the shooting ...for now. One day when you are gone and you children's children are left, that violence will start up again because people were still harboring those feelings of hatred and too damn stubborn to say "sorry". I support the troops of every nation no matter where they are that are doing their JOB. A nations military is a precious resource and when some of those fall between the cracks and sabatoge the integrity of the armed forces it's a complete shame because the general public is so ignorant and like sheep, believe every terrible thing they hear must be true for eveyone in that circle.
Go Cubs!
Yeah I do promote peace and I think you country's heading in the hole...I have sent many PM's today asking Americans about their country expressing how I USED to love this fine nation...but now it is delporable at best....I want to see the America that was respected....not a nation lead by the foolish who never get questioned.....the only fools are the ones that don't question...and I still believe America is heading down a road of facism...thats how I see I like fucking bet I dont....but everywhere in your media is the labelling and branding of those who have the courage to stand up to your disgusting government...but yet I am proud of those that still have the courage to do call us sheep...I dont know how? We are the ones quesitoning....where millions say "how high".....
I am an outsider looking in...but I see anyone who questions authority publically branded in the media and by others as nuts or worse terrorist sympathizers which is complete bull-shit but that won't stop me I rather be labelled a terrorist symapthizer and know in my own head that all I want is peace...peace to Iraq...peace to Israel....peace to Afganistan....peace to Sudan.....peace to Iran....peace to Lebanon...and fucking peace for the USA....its time people take a stand to this war and realize its a fucking vicious circle....and your damn right that my children will live in a world of violence unfrotunatly because we currently are promoting hate world-wide Western hear those say that its absurd to think the military actions have increased terrorists...yeah right....the evidence is all around us of how it has failed...and realize that I have always said Saddam was an ass who needed it is time for the US to be removed...
Where is the action for peace in Sudan.....?????? Well I guess if they had something that may be exploited the US would come to the rescue (and BTW I am sickened that my own country has turned a blind eye to this just as much or more!)
Also I respect MOST of those in the military you may believe you are there to help the people but I think it is a low agenda item when compared to other reasons held by people with more power....I believe the ones that sign to fight should only do so under the most dire circumstances....not attacking a country based on false info.
Anyway I respect you...I think your man of honour however I will never agree to your country's actions or current direction...I will never agree to war as an option when others can be made available.....I will never agree to war based on sketchy evidence.....we should not be putting the lives of you in danger unless absolutly necessary...
BTW hope to see your peers home sooner rather than later....sorry for the language and bad speech...a little drunk and too much tonight was spent discussing a nutshell Im sick of people dying and those saying its necessary for a greater peace...I just do not buy it ...Iraq & Lebanon are not Nazi Germany.....anyway I hope peace will prevail.....
The fact is, had Saddam not planned to move the value of Iraqi oil off of the dollar and onto the Euro, he'd still be in power. That was going to be his response to continued sanctions.
I have a feeling that Iran will do the same if sanctions are imposed on it.
old music:
Serious question - how do we do this? Okay, it's a mess, there's no WMD, they don't want us there, so we leave. What happens in Iraq then?
We were no more prepared to take him out then than we are now. What today shows, if anything, the wisdom of the first gulf war. If we took him out and tried to impose a US style government in Iraq after the first war - it would have been just as it is now. It is wrong now, and would have been wrong then
Thanks I appreciate a thought out and intelligent response. Why we may not agree on war in general, I believe that this administration and the one before it with Clinton and even further back than that Bush 1 have done nothing as far as helping the public school systems or the overall helping out with America at home. One thing that I still dont understand is how are we supposed to make peace. I'm not sure everyone wants peace. From the racists and biggots in America who are taking religion in their own context and burning churches to the people in the Middle East who are doing the same and wanting that all non-belivers of Allah to be killed. So the question of do we let innocent become terrorized by the extremeists and stand aside why they are killed. Or do we as Americans go in and try to help but which way, humanitarian or combatant type missions. I know it all depends on whats going on at the time and place. But with you I am sick of seeing not only America but other countries that hold the same belifs and morals that America was founded on are being criticized by the media. Then the thought of "is the media to blame?" If the media wasnt there "covering" the war would there be all these anti-suooprters? In WWII there was no CNN or Fox News or ABC that chose to show negative stories of America and Allied forces of how thousands lay dead on the beaches just as the boats pulled up. There was no postive support on television either. There was just the news paper and radio where people got their news. But yet Americans, British, French and men and women and children of all nations supported what happened back then.
"There aint no communist, there aint no socialist, there aint no capitalist, there aint no imperialist, there aint no democrat, sure aint no ####### republican either, theres only one party I know and that is FREEDOM!"
Pearl Jam/Irivine CA/June 3rd 2003
Go Cubs!