And how do you propose they get the FOOD they need? By their thought and action? By yours? Will their need provide a harvest? Will their desire build their shelter? Will their whims fill their stomachs?
How do you live? Do you grow your own food, or is it provided for by the minds and hands of others? Did you build your own shelter, or was it provided to you by the minds and hands of others? Did you weave your own clothes, or were they provided to you by the minds and hands of others?
No, need, desire and whims will not end world poverty. It's not their fault that they were born WHERE they were. It's not all corruption WITHIN their own countries that has them dying. It's not their fault they were born in a land where it's near impossible to grow food or find water to drink that won't kill you.
The Astoria??? Orgazmic!
Verona??? it's all surmountable
Dublin 23.08.06 "The beauty of Ireland, right there!"
Wembley? We all believe!
Copenhagen?? your light made us stars
Chicago 07? And love
What a different life
Had I not found this love with you
Detailed research of these complaints will show you that the actual anger is at the cooperation of big business and government. Big business, after all, is just as capable of trampling the rights of citizens as a dicatorial government - and fascism is just as deplorable as authoritarian communism.
Balance is the key - which, ideally, is something that can be achieved with a democratic government.
Agree. But we already see that government has problems acting ethically whne it becomes intertwined with business. Yet some push for government to have complete power over business.
I have no problems with capitalism as the form of economy. I have much bigger problems with unions and businesses being able to contribute to politicians and political issues.
“One good thing about music,
when it hits you, you feel to pain.
So brutalize me with music.”
~ Bob Marley
Agree. But we already see that government has problems acting ethically whne it becomes intertwined with business. Yet some push for government to have complete power over business.
I have no problems with capitalism as the form of economy. I have much bigger problems with unions and businesses being able to contribute to politicians and political issues.
Would you support some kind of legislative barrier between private sector jobs and public service/government jobs?
"Of course it hurts. You're getting fucked by an elephant."
Capitalism does not put profit before and above people. INor does it kill the planet or do any of the other things you ascribe to it.
Capitalism does allow a person to use their own morals in running their own business. If the person has no connection with his/her community the they may run it in a greedy way. On the other hand if the business owner is compassionate then that too will reflect in the business. Just look at some of the amazing work that Gates is doing.
As far as the environment goes communism was by far the worst. They had no reason to improve as they had no competition. Communism has been the favored form of economy for most dictators.
It always puzzles me that it seems to be the people who complain the most and loudest about the government also sing the praises of a government run economy.
Hitler, Mussolini and Franco never used Communism. Can't get anymore dictatorial than that. Their form of Fasicsm was Capitalism taken to its extreme.
Stalin and Mao, (carried through to this day the modern Peroples Republic of China), did not use the defining principles of Communism as means of power from below, from the workers, as laid down by Marx, Engels, Lenin or Trotsky upon which to build an economy. They developed their own bastardised version of state run capitalism.
All known forms of economic development, be it Capitalism or Statist Communism, have failed the majprity of the people under which they operate.
Both forms create and maintain divisions based upon wealth (and in the case of those of us in the richer 'north', it is nothing more than luck we are born into the 'richer' part of the world). How many people are below the poverty line in the USA, that champion of Capitalism?
What effect has Capitalism had upon the avergae Mexican, African or Asian worker? What effect has the race to bottom, for the battle to obtain the most for the least possible cost had upon the environment and upon the lives of the vast majority of the worlds population?
I don't champion a goverment run anything. Government should walk away, be smashed down and the peoples be allowed to control themselves and their own destiny. In Catalonia in 1936/7, and in the Paris Commune in 1870, we have seen glimpses of how power and control from below, by the workers for the workers, can be done. In both cases, military enforced Capitalist power destroyed that true, pure Socialist progress.
Do not fall for the myth of the small business owner, the individual who runs his own hardware store in Greensfield USA or some other idylic place that no longer exists in reality. Once he gets big enough, he wil sell out or be swallowed by a bigger, non-accountable monster we cal the Corporation.
As for Bill Gates, you really need to look depper into what he's done, and why he's done it.
if you google a few things like, oh for instance:-
trips (Trade related intelectual property rights),
HIV vaccine in South Africa,
US state department investigation into Microsoft Monopoly,
and link the dots, I'm sure you'll catch the cut of my gib.
There is a pretty strong case for Bill Gates actually causing more deaths than he alleges he is trying to save.
To summarise, here are some irefutable facts that are in the public domain.
In the late nineties, at the same time as the US justice department was requesting Microsft to divulge its proprietary codes and licence Windows software to Al Gore's campaign contributors AOL and Oracle, Nelson Mandela suggested that in order to help fight the AIDs epidemic in South Africa, the South African government should issue compulsory licenses for the local manufacture of cheap AIDS drugs. This violated the so called cartel friendly TRIPS trade rules. So big -pharma, also huge contributors to the Al Gore / Bill CLinton election fund, called in a favour, and big Bill sent little Al to South Africa where he threatened the Mandela government with punishment under WTO rules.
SO if these intellectual property rights are breached for Microsoft software, then it will come from the need to get cheap drugs to Africa. And under trips, there is no distinction between drugs to save lives, or software that increases a corporations profits.
In short, Bill gates has donated 2 billion to cover the cost of these drugs left due to the US governments constant WTO veto over trips, but maintained his monopoly over the software market. Oh and yeah, he also bought 200 million worth of stocks in the drug companies that develop and market the AIDS drugs he really does not want being sold at a tenth of cost price if trips does not uphold international medical patents.
Also, name 2 products that relied heavily on the lifted intellectual discoveries of others? MSDOS and Windows. Hypocrisy is a good word, and its one il use now.
A tyrant must put on the appearance of uncommon devotion to religion. Subjects
are less apprehensive of illegal treatment from a ruler whom they consider
god-fearing and pious: Aristotle
I don't champion a goverment run anything. Government should walk away, be smashed down and the peoples be allowed to control themselves and their own destiny.
Then you are a capitalist.
Too bad you likely don't believe the last part of your statement.
I never said it was your fault but in a way it's all of our faults so... yeh! We can help and make things different for the next generation and our refusal to put life before profit is certainly our fault.
And do you never think about how lucky you were to have been born where to were? To not have to worry about stupid things like where your next meal might come from? Would you not like to think that were you in a situation where you were starving and couldn't find food anywhere that somebody would help you? Isn't that the basic human way? To help eachother? What do you do if you see a blind person struggling to cross the road? Do you say 'well it's not my fucking fault he's blind' and watch him get knocked down?
The Astoria??? Orgazmic!
Verona??? it's all surmountable
Dublin 23.08.06 "The beauty of Ireland, right there!"
Wembley? We all believe!
Copenhagen?? your light made us stars
Chicago 07? And love
What a different life
Had I not found this love with you
Would you support some kind of legislative barrier between private sector jobs and public service/government jobs?
What we have here has worked quite well so far.
The Astoria??? Orgazmic!
Verona??? it's all surmountable
Dublin 23.08.06 "The beauty of Ireland, right there!"
Wembley? We all believe!
Copenhagen?? your light made us stars
Chicago 07? And love
What a different life
Had I not found this love with you
Too bad you likely don't believe the last part of your statement.
Wow, you really don't seem to grasp the difference in concepts do you?#
It isn't about 2 choices, there are others!
I am an Anarchist, but first a Socialist. how does that make me a Capitalist?
Under classic Anarchist thought, their should be no government. See Guerin or Proudhon or Bakhunin for examples of their thought. Even Chomsky laid down his principle of Anarcho-Syndicalist theory as far back as 1970 that blended the 2 systems, which deviated from the mainstream black or white choice of Capitalism or Communism.
Anarcho-Syndicalists, as was witnessed and carried out in Barcelona and Catalonia, did not rely on a centralised government to run the city tram or telephone systems, did not take profits for their operations. THe same with food distribution.
Do you want to go get an education before discussuing these complex subtleties, or do you want to continue bleating the same old KKK, sorry Republican party dogma?
A tyrant must put on the appearance of uncommon devotion to religion. Subjects
are less apprehensive of illegal treatment from a ruler whom they consider
god-fearing and pious: Aristotle
If it is accepted that what we know as Capitalism, and what we know as Statist-Communism has failed the majority of the world's peoples, is Socialism the only answer we have left?
What are the alternatives?
If Bolivia and Venezuela, (possibly even Brazil and Chile, who are having troubled times) can see through their Socialist, Bolivarian experimental revolution, without outside interference, then I think it could be a lesson to us all that there need be no divide between peoples based upon wealth, or the lack of it. Argentina has showed what can be done when it steps out of the shadows of the IMF and the World Bank.
Right now, im guessing ffg is busy searching the net for a riposte to true Socialism. Better rewrite it properly my friend, or I'll catch you out for plagiarism and the inability to defend an opinion with heart!
A tyrant must put on the appearance of uncommon devotion to religion. Subjects
are less apprehensive of illegal treatment from a ruler whom they consider
god-fearing and pious: Aristotle
Do you want to go get an education before discussuing these complex subtleties, or do you want to continue bleating the same old KKK, sorry Republican party dogma?
I'm guessing when you answer posts in this manner that you dont really want to discuss anything.
“One good thing about music,
when it hits you, you feel to pain.
So brutalize me with music.”
~ Bob Marley
I'm guessing when you answer posts in this manner that you dont really want to discuss anything.
attack attack attack, bleat bleat bleat, deflect and divert, the Republican party way.
I comprehensively answered the points you made (see above), and this is the best you can retort with?
And what is it with throw away one liners? Do you all think you're Bill Hicks or something?
A tyrant must put on the appearance of uncommon devotion to religion. Subjects
are less apprehensive of illegal treatment from a ruler whom they consider
god-fearing and pious: Aristotle
I'm guessing when you answer posts in this manner that you dont really want to discuss anything.
I don't champion a goverment run anything. Government should walk away, be smashed down and the peoples be allowed to control themselves and their own destiny.
Then you are a capitalist.
Too bad you likely don't believe the last part of your statement.
Really mate, when al I get in response is the above, how else am I to react? The above displays such a lack of intelligence, sorry understanding of the issue, that it beggars belief. To call me a capitalist just because I want the end of Government, wel it is just pure, good ole fashioned crazy talk.
A tyrant must put on the appearance of uncommon devotion to religion. Subjects
are less apprehensive of illegal treatment from a ruler whom they consider
god-fearing and pious: Aristotle
Completely agreed. Therefore, I'll amend my statement:
In a mix of the men of food and the men of poison, the men of poison always win.
Now it's just nonsense really.
"Men of food" "Men of poison"? Bad guys always win? You dont need that long argumentation to say "Bad guys always win", you know... Just admit that your original saying is sapped of meaning and leave it dead.
Communism is poison and capitalism is food, eh? Subtle.... And of course completely opinion and ideologically based on your part. But I know in what way you talk of it, and you know by now how I talk about it by now.
"Every judgment teeters on the brink of error. To claim absolute knowledge is to become monstrous. Knowledge is an unending adventure at the edge of uncertainty." - Frank Herbert, Dune, 1965
Therefore, with the evidence provided above, I propose that you, until you take your meds, take off the KKK mask, bring something resembling reality to the table, have no right to a repsonse to anything you say.
You bigot. If anybody who has the power, and is reading this, I propose that farfromwhatever be banned. Your views are right wing, fanatical, wrong, and should not be allowed to air on this public forum.
If I disavowed the holocaust, I would be banned. You diosavow the African holocaust of hunger and poverty and the suffering of millions. You regard those in Africa as less than human, as animals, and that makes you a non-person.
You've used the word "bigot" twice in this post.
n : a prejudiced person who is intolerant of any opinions differing from his own
You've put farfromglorified in a category with the KKK, you've alluded to him taking medication, you've called his views "wrong", called him racist, asked for his banning...and with the link you've provided, we get to see you ask if he's clinically insane among other degradations. All this because you disagree with him? Another look at the definition of bigot, with added emphasis:
n : a prejudiced person who is intolerant of any opinions differing from his own
"The opposite of a fact is falsehood, but the opposite of one profound truth may very well be another profound truth." ~ Niels Bohr
Now it's just nonsense really.
"Men of food" "Men of poison"? Bad guys always win? You dont need that long argumentation to say "Bad guys always win", you know... Just admit that your original saying is sapped of meaning and leave it dead.
I'm not saying bad guys win (always or otherwise).
Wow, you really don't seem to grasp the difference in concepts do you?#
It isn't about 2 choices, there are others!
Of course. But this thread is about 2 choices.
I am an Anarchist, but first a Socialist. how does that make me a Capitalist?
If you do not believe in governmental authority, then you reject the right of governments to hold a monopoly on force. That makes you an anarchist.
If you believe people should have the right to "control themselves and their own destiny", then your respect the primacy of the individual to set and achieve his or her purpose. That makes you a capitalist.
If you claim to be a Socialist, that means you desire one of two things. You wish to see the means of production controlled by the "people" or the "state". Ignoring the practical fact that those two terms always amount to the same thing, you are left with the same contradiction:
You believe that a man's work is owned by himself and his neighbors.
Unfortunately, this contradiction ignores a very basic reality. If you remove the neighbors, you do not necessarily remove the product of the man's labor. If you remove the man, your necessarily remove his product.
Your type of mindset fails time and time again because the men repeatedly remove themselves, thereby proving your fallacy. And that's when people like you start believing in the state.
Under classic Anarchist thought, their should be no government. See Guerin or Proudhon or Bakhunin for examples of their thought.
You're talking to an anarchist, if you haven't figured that out already.
Even Chomsky laid down his principle of Anarcho-Syndicalist theory as far back as 1970 that blended the 2 systems, which deviated from the mainstream black or white choice of Capitalism or Communism.
Anarcho-Syndicalists, as was witnessed and carried out in Barcelona and Catalonia, did not rely on a centralised government to run the city tram or telephone systems, did not take profits for their operations. THe same with food distribution.
Certainly. Why do you assume that capitalism equates to profit?
Do you want to go get an education before discussuing these complex subtleties, or do you want to continue bleating the same old KKK, sorry Republican party dogma?
I will defend my life against force. I will not use force to achieve my life. Do you understand the difference?
When someone comes at you with a gun and you are overcome with fear, are you sure you will know the difference? Afterall, fear is a "lower" brain function and can distort logic.
"The opposite of a fact is falsehood, but the opposite of one profound truth may very well be another profound truth." ~ Niels Bohr
Really mate, when al I get in response is the above, how else am I to react? The above displays such a lack of intelligence, sorry understanding of the issue, that it beggars belief. To call me a capitalist just because I want the end of Government, wel it is just pure, good ole fashioned crazy talk.
I called you a capitalist because you believe peoples should "be allowed to control themselves and their own destiny". But I suspect that you actually believe that you should be allowed to control peoples to achieve your own destiny.
When someone comes at you with a gun and you are overcome with fear, are you sure you will know the difference? Afterall, fear is a "lower" brain function and can distort logic.
The gun I carry is a rejection of fear, not a tool of it.
The man who points a gun at you is a man telling you not to think. He tells you to sacrifice your mind for your fear. I seek to disappoint such men.
"We are fast approaching the stage of the ultimate inversion: the stage where the government is free to do anything it pleases, while the citizens may act only by permission; which is the stage of the darkest periods of human history, the stage of rule by brute force....Force and mind are opposites; morality ends where a gun begins.....One of these centuries, the brutes, private or public, who believe that they can rule their betters by force, will learn the lesson of what happens when brute force encounters mind and force" -Ayn Rand
The gun I carry is a rejection of fear, not a tool of it.
The man who points a gun at you is a man telling you not to think. He tells you to sacrifice your mind for your fear. I seek to disappoint such men.
"We are fast approaching the stage of the ultimate inversion: the stage where the government is free to do anything it pleases, while the citizens may act only by permission; which is the stage of the darkest periods of human history, the stage of rule by brute force....Force and mind are opposites; morality ends where a gun begins.....One of these centuries, the brutes, private or public, who believe that they can rule their betters by force, will learn the lesson of what happens when brute force encounters mind and force" -Ayn Rand
Since an external object cannot meet an emotional need (guns, food, sex, whathaveyou) I ask the question again:
"When someone comes at you with a gun and you are overcome with fear, are you sure you will know the difference? Afterall, fear is a "lower" brain function and can distort logic."
"The opposite of a fact is falsehood, but the opposite of one profound truth may very well be another profound truth." ~ Niels Bohr
"When someone comes at you with a gun and you are overcome with fear, are you sure you will know the difference? Afterall, fear is a "lower" brain function and can distort logic."
Perhaps I need to be more clear: I do not fear men with guns. Do you understand this now:
"The gun I carry is a rejection of fear, not a tool of it.
The man who points a gun at you is a man telling you not to think. He tells you to sacrifice your mind for your fear. I seek to disappoint such men."
Verona??? it's all surmountable
Dublin 23.08.06 "The beauty of Ireland, right there!"
Wembley? We all believe!
Copenhagen?? your light made us stars
Chicago 07? And love
What a different life
Had I not found this love with you
Is it mine?
Very true.
No it's certainly not.
I have no problems with capitalism as the form of economy. I have much bigger problems with unions and businesses being able to contribute to politicians and political issues.
when it hits you, you feel to pain.
So brutalize me with music.”
~ Bob Marley
Would you support some kind of legislative barrier between private sector jobs and public service/government jobs?
Hitler, Mussolini and Franco never used Communism. Can't get anymore dictatorial than that. Their form of Fasicsm was Capitalism taken to its extreme.
Stalin and Mao, (carried through to this day the modern Peroples Republic of China), did not use the defining principles of Communism as means of power from below, from the workers, as laid down by Marx, Engels, Lenin or Trotsky upon which to build an economy. They developed their own bastardised version of state run capitalism.
All known forms of economic development, be it Capitalism or Statist Communism, have failed the majprity of the people under which they operate.
Both forms create and maintain divisions based upon wealth (and in the case of those of us in the richer 'north', it is nothing more than luck we are born into the 'richer' part of the world). How many people are below the poverty line in the USA, that champion of Capitalism?
What effect has Capitalism had upon the avergae Mexican, African or Asian worker? What effect has the race to bottom, for the battle to obtain the most for the least possible cost had upon the environment and upon the lives of the vast majority of the worlds population?
I don't champion a goverment run anything. Government should walk away, be smashed down and the peoples be allowed to control themselves and their own destiny. In Catalonia in 1936/7, and in the Paris Commune in 1870, we have seen glimpses of how power and control from below, by the workers for the workers, can be done. In both cases, military enforced Capitalist power destroyed that true, pure Socialist progress.
Do not fall for the myth of the small business owner, the individual who runs his own hardware store in Greensfield USA or some other idylic place that no longer exists in reality. Once he gets big enough, he wil sell out or be swallowed by a bigger, non-accountable monster we cal the Corporation.
As for Bill Gates, you really need to look depper into what he's done, and why he's done it.
if you google a few things like, oh for instance:-
trips (Trade related intelectual property rights),
HIV vaccine in South Africa,
US state department investigation into Microsoft Monopoly,
and link the dots, I'm sure you'll catch the cut of my gib.
There is a pretty strong case for Bill Gates actually causing more deaths than he alleges he is trying to save.
To summarise, here are some irefutable facts that are in the public domain.
In the late nineties, at the same time as the US justice department was requesting Microsft to divulge its proprietary codes and licence Windows software to Al Gore's campaign contributors AOL and Oracle, Nelson Mandela suggested that in order to help fight the AIDs epidemic in South Africa, the South African government should issue compulsory licenses for the local manufacture of cheap AIDS drugs. This violated the so called cartel friendly TRIPS trade rules. So big -pharma, also huge contributors to the Al Gore / Bill CLinton election fund, called in a favour, and big Bill sent little Al to South Africa where he threatened the Mandela government with punishment under WTO rules.
SO if these intellectual property rights are breached for Microsoft software, then it will come from the need to get cheap drugs to Africa. And under trips, there is no distinction between drugs to save lives, or software that increases a corporations profits.
In short, Bill gates has donated 2 billion to cover the cost of these drugs left due to the US governments constant WTO veto over trips, but maintained his monopoly over the software market. Oh and yeah, he also bought 200 million worth of stocks in the drug companies that develop and market the AIDS drugs he really does not want being sold at a tenth of cost price if trips does not uphold international medical patents.
Also, name 2 products that relied heavily on the lifted intellectual discoveries of others? MSDOS and Windows. Hypocrisy is a good word, and its one il use now.
are less apprehensive of illegal treatment from a ruler whom they consider
god-fearing and pious: Aristotle
Viva Zapatista!
Then you are a capitalist.
Too bad you likely don't believe the last part of your statement.
And do you never think about how lucky you were to have been born where to were? To not have to worry about stupid things like where your next meal might come from? Would you not like to think that were you in a situation where you were starving and couldn't find food anywhere that somebody would help you? Isn't that the basic human way? To help eachother? What do you do if you see a blind person struggling to cross the road? Do you say 'well it's not my fucking fault he's blind' and watch him get knocked down?
Verona??? it's all surmountable
Dublin 23.08.06 "The beauty of Ireland, right there!"
Wembley? We all believe!
Copenhagen?? your light made us stars
Chicago 07? And love
What a different life
Had I not found this love with you
Verona??? it's all surmountable
Dublin 23.08.06 "The beauty of Ireland, right there!"
Wembley? We all believe!
Copenhagen?? your light made us stars
Chicago 07? And love
What a different life
Had I not found this love with you
Wow, you really don't seem to grasp the difference in concepts do you?#
It isn't about 2 choices, there are others!
I am an Anarchist, but first a Socialist. how does that make me a Capitalist?
Under classic Anarchist thought, their should be no government. See Guerin or Proudhon or Bakhunin for examples of their thought. Even Chomsky laid down his principle of Anarcho-Syndicalist theory as far back as 1970 that blended the 2 systems, which deviated from the mainstream black or white choice of Capitalism or Communism.
Anarcho-Syndicalists, as was witnessed and carried out in Barcelona and Catalonia, did not rely on a centralised government to run the city tram or telephone systems, did not take profits for their operations. THe same with food distribution.
Do you want to go get an education before discussuing these complex subtleties, or do you want to continue bleating the same old KKK, sorry Republican party dogma?
are less apprehensive of illegal treatment from a ruler whom they consider
god-fearing and pious: Aristotle
Viva Zapatista!
What are the alternatives?
If Bolivia and Venezuela, (possibly even Brazil and Chile, who are having troubled times) can see through their Socialist, Bolivarian experimental revolution, without outside interference, then I think it could be a lesson to us all that there need be no divide between peoples based upon wealth, or the lack of it. Argentina has showed what can be done when it steps out of the shadows of the IMF and the World Bank.
Right now, im guessing ffg is busy searching the net for a riposte to true Socialism. Better rewrite it properly my friend, or I'll catch you out for plagiarism and the inability to defend an opinion with heart!
are less apprehensive of illegal treatment from a ruler whom they consider
god-fearing and pious: Aristotle
Viva Zapatista!
when it hits you, you feel to pain.
So brutalize me with music.”
~ Bob Marley
attack attack attack, bleat bleat bleat, deflect and divert, the Republican party way.
I comprehensively answered the points you made (see above), and this is the best you can retort with?
And what is it with throw away one liners? Do you all think you're Bill Hicks or something?
are less apprehensive of illegal treatment from a ruler whom they consider
god-fearing and pious: Aristotle
Viva Zapatista!
I don't champion a goverment run anything. Government should walk away, be smashed down and the peoples be allowed to control themselves and their own destiny.
Then you are a capitalist.
Too bad you likely don't believe the last part of your statement.
Really mate, when al I get in response is the above, how else am I to react? The above displays such a lack of intelligence, sorry understanding of the issue, that it beggars belief. To call me a capitalist just because I want the end of Government, wel it is just pure, good ole fashioned crazy talk.
are less apprehensive of illegal treatment from a ruler whom they consider
god-fearing and pious: Aristotle
Viva Zapatista!
Now it's just nonsense really.
"Men of food" "Men of poison"? Bad guys always win? You dont need that long argumentation to say "Bad guys always win", you know... Just admit that your original saying is sapped of meaning and leave it dead.
Communism is poison and capitalism is food, eh? Subtle....
"Every judgment teeters on the brink of error. To claim absolute knowledge is to become monstrous. Knowledge is an unending adventure at the edge of uncertainty." - Frank Herbert, Dune, 1965
What's the policy?
You've used the word "bigot" twice in this post.
n : a prejudiced person who is intolerant of any opinions differing from his own
You've put farfromglorified in a category with the KKK, you've alluded to him taking medication, you've called his views "wrong", called him racist, asked for his banning...and with the link you've provided, we get to see you ask if he's clinically insane among other degradations. All this because you disagree with him? Another look at the definition of bigot, with added emphasis:
n : a prejudiced person who is intolerant of any opinions differing from his own
Rhinocerous Surprise '08!!!
How is it our fault that someone was born in a place where it's "impossible to grow food"? What action did I commit that caused such a birth?
But I don't put profit before life. I ask no one to die or suffer so that I can profit. I ask the opposite.
I think that all the time.
Um....I feed myself. I grow food at my home and I work such that I can have something of value to exchange with those who also grow food.
But I'm not starving. Nor do I intend to starve. And I don't need to force someone to ensure that.
Of course! But what you're talking about isn't help. It's sacrificing some people to others.
I help them. I don't force the guy next to me to do it.
Of course not. But I also won't let someone tell me "it's your fault he's blind so if you don't help him I'll shoot you."
Rhinocerous Surprise '08!!!
I'm not saying bad guys win (always or otherwise).
I'm saying people get what they ask for.
Of course. But this thread is about 2 choices.
If you do not believe in governmental authority, then you reject the right of governments to hold a monopoly on force. That makes you an anarchist.
If you believe people should have the right to "control themselves and their own destiny", then your respect the primacy of the individual to set and achieve his or her purpose. That makes you a capitalist.
If you claim to be a Socialist, that means you desire one of two things. You wish to see the means of production controlled by the "people" or the "state". Ignoring the practical fact that those two terms always amount to the same thing, you are left with the same contradiction:
You believe that a man's work is owned by himself and his neighbors.
Unfortunately, this contradiction ignores a very basic reality. If you remove the neighbors, you do not necessarily remove the product of the man's labor. If you remove the man, your necessarily remove his product.
Your type of mindset fails time and time again because the men repeatedly remove themselves, thereby proving your fallacy. And that's when people like you start believing in the state.
You're talking to an anarchist, if you haven't figured that out already.
Certainly. Why do you assume that capitalism equates to profit?
Now, who makes those profits? Tigers?
Such a thing is never necessary.
I will defend my life against force. I will not use force to achieve my life. Do you understand the difference?
Not quite...I was having lunch with my fellow clansmen.
Now, who makes those profits? Tigers?
Now, who makes those profits? Tigers?
When someone comes at you with a gun and you are overcome with fear, are you sure you will know the difference? Afterall, fear is a "lower" brain function and can distort logic.
Rhinocerous Surprise '08!!!
I called you a capitalist because you believe peoples should "be allowed to control themselves and their own destiny". But I suspect that you actually believe that you should be allowed to control peoples to achieve your own destiny.
To use a gun to coerce food is to defy the mind. A gun cannot produce an ounce of food.
The gun I carry is a rejection of fear, not a tool of it.
The man who points a gun at you is a man telling you not to think. He tells you to sacrifice your mind for your fear. I seek to disappoint such men.
"We are fast approaching the stage of the ultimate inversion: the stage where the government is free to do anything it pleases, while the citizens may act only by permission; which is the stage of the darkest periods of human history, the stage of rule by brute force....Force and mind are opposites; morality ends where a gun begins.....One of these centuries, the brutes, private or public, who believe that they can rule their betters by force, will learn the lesson of what happens when brute force encounters mind and force" -Ayn Rand
"When someone comes at you with a gun and you are overcome with fear, are you sure you will know the difference? Afterall, fear is a "lower" brain function and can distort logic."
Rhinocerous Surprise '08!!!
Tell that to those who wish me to "feel" something at the point of a gun. I'm quite aware of the fact above.
Perhaps I need to be more clear: I do not fear men with guns. Do you understand this now:
"The gun I carry is a rejection of fear, not a tool of it.
The man who points a gun at you is a man telling you not to think. He tells you to sacrifice your mind for your fear. I seek to disappoint such men."
Rhinocerous Surprise '08!!!
Yes, but not really in the way you mean.
Certainly. This is quite problematic for anyone who believes that emotions are means rather than ends.