Russia Today

i decided to watch the website/tv channel russia today to see what the Russian people are getting through on tv about the conflict in Georgia.
i was pretty disgusted by what i saw, the coverage was SO one sided. talking of russian heroism, and interviewing 'survivors' of georgian 'atrocities' (it clearly seemed they were just finding as many people as possible to speak out against Georgia in an attempt to make Russia look good for its aggressive action). i was pretty appauled by how the russian tv coverage was painting the picture.
but then thinking about it, the CNN website (im in england so dont watch CNN channel) does pretty much the same on the other side of things, i think we get a very bias viewpoint and im never 100% sure what im reading is true, or based on solid fact.
the BBC seems to me to be the inbetween, seems to be more honest about whats going on (or have a more rounded take on things anyway). so i'd suggest to anyone who wants a rounded picture of things.
from what i can gather though, i think the georgians knew they'd provoke the russians by going in to South Ossetia. But that doesn't make russia's reaction right. if it was a smaller country doing the same thing as Russia, the world would be more forceful in intervening. Sadly the UN is defunct and can do nothing, and nor will NATO be able to.
but from the media coverage i've seen, i will never be able to full trust any media again now, i can only trust what i see with my own two eyes.
this is an example of a poll currently on the russia today website:
What was the point of this conflict for Georgia?
(possible answers:)
An opportunity to restore its territorial integrity by force
An attempt to provoke Russia and be seen as a victim
A chance to test its ties with the West No point.
Saakashvili is insane, as was this war
no 'they didn't have much of a choice, they got fired upon by russian backed seperatists and responded as most countries would'
i was pretty disgusted by what i saw, the coverage was SO one sided. talking of russian heroism, and interviewing 'survivors' of georgian 'atrocities' (it clearly seemed they were just finding as many people as possible to speak out against Georgia in an attempt to make Russia look good for its aggressive action). i was pretty appauled by how the russian tv coverage was painting the picture.
but then thinking about it, the CNN website (im in england so dont watch CNN channel) does pretty much the same on the other side of things, i think we get a very bias viewpoint and im never 100% sure what im reading is true, or based on solid fact.
the BBC seems to me to be the inbetween, seems to be more honest about whats going on (or have a more rounded take on things anyway). so i'd suggest to anyone who wants a rounded picture of things.
from what i can gather though, i think the georgians knew they'd provoke the russians by going in to South Ossetia. But that doesn't make russia's reaction right. if it was a smaller country doing the same thing as Russia, the world would be more forceful in intervening. Sadly the UN is defunct and can do nothing, and nor will NATO be able to.
but from the media coverage i've seen, i will never be able to full trust any media again now, i can only trust what i see with my own two eyes.
this is an example of a poll currently on the russia today website:
What was the point of this conflict for Georgia?
(possible answers:)
An opportunity to restore its territorial integrity by force
An attempt to provoke Russia and be seen as a victim
A chance to test its ties with the West No point.
Saakashvili is insane, as was this war
no 'they didn't have much of a choice, they got fired upon by russian backed seperatists and responded as most countries would'