Leave the Pope Alone

What he said has been taken unbelievably out of context. He meant to harm in what he said.
Why has there been such an aggressive reaction to it? There was not an aggressive reaction from teh christian west as arabic newspapers portrayed Jesus on the cross in fancy dress. in an attempt to retaliate against the danish cartoons. Why are they always looking for something to pick a fight with?
By saying they, i do think, and hope i mean a minority. Most Arabs, and Muslims i know are simply peaceloving people.
for those of you who havent heard.
i saw tv footage of demonstrations in Iran with people burning the crucifix.
i do not think insulting Islam is a good thing at all. but i do not think that the Pope was doing this at all. he was merely quoting, using an example.
so id like to make it clear im not defending an attack on islam, just the right to both free speech, and to be able to mention Islam, without being labelled a Muslim-Hater.
Why has there been such an aggressive reaction to it? There was not an aggressive reaction from teh christian west as arabic newspapers portrayed Jesus on the cross in fancy dress. in an attempt to retaliate against the danish cartoons. Why are they always looking for something to pick a fight with?
By saying they, i do think, and hope i mean a minority. Most Arabs, and Muslims i know are simply peaceloving people.
for those of you who havent heard.
i saw tv footage of demonstrations in Iran with people burning the crucifix.
i do not think insulting Islam is a good thing at all. but i do not think that the Pope was doing this at all. he was merely quoting, using an example.
so id like to make it clear im not defending an attack on islam, just the right to both free speech, and to be able to mention Islam, without being labelled a Muslim-Hater.
Post edited by Unknown User on
i guess you'd call it this world..
it was a tweak, plain and simple. and would have been more effective has he, for instance, simulateously drawn reference to, say, the crusades, or bush's jesus-babble whilst defending his war.
but hey, it doesn't take much to piss off a cleric.
the popemobile better get another bubble. and some bomb-proof undercladding.
Just like the Danish cartoons this is something which has been blown completely out of proportion and is just yet another excuse by Muslims trying to look for attention and scare non-Muslims into fearing them.Pathetic.We should just ignore them.The Pope's comments were intended to describe how God in all faiths should be someone of compassion and peace not of voilence and hatred.The Muslim reaction to these comments just like the Danish cartoons completely justifies them.
But you're gonna have to serve somebody.
what happened to the sirens... and the Celts
oh ya...what happened to the enlightenment
An angry muslim is as common as wet rain
angry muslims kill people thats why.
Every two minutes some jerk-off Muslim is insulted and whining about something. Fuck 'em!
Try being a reasonable human being, as opposed to a mindless lemming for some contrived, make believe man-made religion.
I say everyone make fun of Islam and their culture. Draw up some caricurtures, parodies and skits on Islam and Muslims.
They constantly insult everyone else and parody other cultures and religions. Ohhhhhhhh...but don't anyone make fun of them or insult them.
Ah, fuck you!
Screw the Pope, too!
That should be reason enough for the world to take a stand against Muslims and Islam.
That's reason enough to make them responsible and accountable. They're no better than anyone else and their ridiculous religion is no more accurate or realistic than all the other ficticious religions.
Exactly. Right on target.
What has been blown out of porportion is a few Muslim countries. Maybe that has something to do with why they get so irate.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
Well, they probably shouldn't have started fucking with everyone.
Newsflash, not everyone wants to be a Muslim. Not everyone believes in their religion. And no one should be forced to accept Islam or die.
They've been bullying, threatening and trying to intimidate the world ....for thousands of years, Screw them!
and let's all just pretend no one has been fucking with them and it's all just been one sided. :rolleyes: Whatever gets you by, dude.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
A sense of humour would help these folks out a lot. What a dour bunch ... I'm sure some of them laugh when an infidel gets killed, but beyond that, its 100% serious 100% of the time.
Yeah, because you're always expressing both sides of the issue, in a fair and balanced manner:rolleyes:
give me a break. ya' can't get more one-sided than you are, in posting.
how so?
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
get well soon.
You mean radical muslims, muslim terrorists, not Islam or Muslims.
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