Gee, I don't understand why Palestinian civilians are killed...
Oh, now I get it.
Oh, now I get it.
Post edited by Unknown User on
I find it awfully interesting that the media will point out Palestinian civilians and Lebanese civilians dying with such intensity......yet when 200 rockets are fired into Israel indescriminately, hitting neighborhoods (aka, not aiming at military targets) isn't reported with equal or even near equal intensity.
But we're all behind the Jews when Mel Gibson makes some drunken remarks.... :rolleyes:
That's because they're Israeli Jews - which must mean they're Zionists - so their life isn't worth anything.
Yes! Now lets account for the other half of that equation:
Now I get it.
I see an apartment building partially destroyed; a location where Palestinian terrorists were hiding and blending in, much like Hezbollah, among the civilian population, like the cowards they are.
Thanks for further proving my point.
Are you telling me that you can only see a man with a gun when that gun is pointed at you, rather than away from you?
No, thank you.
Oh, I see. So your point is that Israel shouldn't have an army. That's brilliant. There would be no Palestinian deaths and no war - just total annhilation of Israel and genocide of its civilians.
At least you're paying attention
Boy... you truely and deeply have a lot of hatred stored up in your heart, don't you?
I hope that some day, you'll find peace.
Hail, Hail!!!
That's not my point at all. My point is that the picture you posted is meaningless without the picture I posted.
Hatred? Nope. Just a great deal of common sense.
No... it's hate... I can tell the difference.
You know... the Germans in 1939 thought it was logical solution to their socio/economic problems by expulsing the Jews (and the Slavs and the Gypsies) from their region... and a lot of them considered it good common sense, too.
Hail, Hail!!!
Yup. I'm a Hitler youth. You got me. It's amazing that you know so much about me through a computer screen.
Well, when Hizbullah launches 185 rockets and kills 2 people. Then Israel launches 85 airstrikes and kills a few hundred people. The media coverage is going to be proportional.
You're right... all I know you from is through your computer. Your computer that bombards us with message after message of hatred and destruction for one group of people... Arabs. What else are we to surmise when all you ever talk about is your hatred for Arabs and the justification of their deaths?
And you completely missed the point about Germany in 1939... which didn't surprize me one bit. I was hoping that you'd be able to see the comparison of rationalizing hatred by trying to disguise it as 'Common sense' or for the 'Common good'. But, predictably, your true colors came shining through and you revert to this childish, empty response.
I really hope that you find peace, someday... however... I don't think you ever will because even if every Muslim/Arab is dead and gone... you will find someone else out there to hate.
I'm guessing it'll be the poor or the Mexicans.
Hail, Hail!!!
Once again, what a fountain of original and productive thought you are. Take comfort in your mantra - it's not uncommon for grown individuals to need security blankets and other devices to shelter them from difficult questions and complex issues. Just keep believing it's as simple as it could possibly be.
By the way, why didn't you reply to my post in the other thread? You know, the one where I pointed out one of your nonsensical arguments and corrected your false statement about Siniora's term as PM of Lebanon. I laughed pretty hard when you blamed him for not dealing with Hizbollah five years ago. It showed how such a narrow and repetitive view can obscure even basic facts.
Egyptian blogger Sam titles this post, “Some slightly uncomfortable questions.”
I had an interesting conversation yesterday with a co-worker, on the concept of the disporportinate Israeli attacks on Lebanon compared to Hezbollah attacks. He pointed to me his dismay at Hezbollah’s rockets ineffeciency at hitting targets. He said “If you noticed, they bomb each other almost equally in amounts of missiles shot, but 90% of Hezbollah’s rockets miss or hit nothing, while all of Israel’s rockets hit something. If Hezbollah had better rockets, the civillian death toll on the Israeli side would be huge, and they would be really hurting by now.”
Impressed by this point of view that I haven’t considerd before, I asked him what he would’ve thought, if a Hezbollah rocket had attacked a building in Israel, killing 55 civillians, of which 30 were children. He responded immeidtely “I would’ve thought it was great! A7san!”.
So I repeated the same question to 8 other co-workers, and the responses so far have been as follows: 7 said they would celebrate, and 2 said that such an attack would’ve been bad, but justified! Yeah! Not a single person said that the death of any civllian, on either side, is an equal tragedy. Civillians dead on our side is tragic, civillian deaths on their side cause for celebration. And if you think I am being unfair or demonizing arabs or whatever, do me a favor and try it at your work place and/or with members of your family. Conduct this little social experiment and see for yourself. The results are very interesting.
This begs another question: If we were the ones who had the superior military machine, would we have shown them any mercy, or any regard to their civillian casualties? Would we have hesitated to wipe them all out? Armed forces, civillians, whatever? Would any of us have felt bad about it at all? Or would we be filled with the feelings of Pride, honor and dignity that we keep talking about day and night?
I am just wondering!
What do you think?
Yeah..cause if Israeli bomb just blew your family to bits you'd welcome them with open arms. Like i've said before you cant play the victims anymore....
Or maybe it's because over 900 Lebanese have been killed - half of them children, compared to about 90 Israelis - most of them soldiers. I suppose you also consider the conflict between Israel and the Palestinians to be an equal one aswell??
I couldn't care less about those numbers - whether they're real or not (they are most likely overblown casualty figures being fed to you and the media by the Lebanese government - remember "40 people massacred...oops, I mean, I person.").
The numbers don't tell the true story. The conflict isn't equal at all. One side of it uses despicable cowardly tactics such as blending in with the civilian population...of course there will be more civilian casualties as a result. Should Israel have to sustain massive civilian casualties to get your sympathy (and thw world's)?
As the great Golda Meir said, "'We Jews,are used to collective eulogies, but Israel will not die so that the world will speak well of it."
That's fine. But could you not care less about what those numbers represent?
What should they die for, in your opinion?
Solution 2: Change the reasons why the hate is so deep, and take actions to change that mentality.
-Jean-Jacques Rousseau
Do you have a sense of does not matter who gets killed one innocent who dies is one too many, no matter which side you are on.....your logic puts higher value on Jewish life than Muslim life....
Baaaaaah. Enjoy the warm shelter of your simplistic propaganda. It will defend you from the challenges of subtlety.
By the way, why won't you reply to my posts and acknowledge your ignorance about Siniora and his role in Hizbollah's activities 5 years ago?
Can someone show me some proof that Hizbullah uses "human shields"?
Would the UN Forces daily reports work for you?
And I quote: Hezbollah fired rockets from the vicinity of UN
positions in At Tiri and Tibnin. UNIFIL strongly protested all the incidents to
the Lebanese and Israeli authorities respectively.
Pretty much a daily occurance, daily reports here for your perusal.
Now recognize that further proof might be difficult as Hez is effectively censoring media coverage from their side, and yes, so too is Israel. What kind of proof you looking for? Photos might be hard to come by -- but I can find that one of the rocket being launched from next to an apt building that was then destroyed by Israel the next day....
Let me know what kind of proof would suffice, and might as well let me know what you think this concept of "human shield" is so I can be specific for you....
It should also be noted that Hizbollah used these tactics in earlier battles. Apparently the only person this is new to is Ahnimus.
Hiding behind civilians, wearing the other side's uniforms, deliberate targeting of civilians ... These guys wipe their asses with the Geneva Convention.