
The statement said Lt. General Dan Halutz, the chief of staff, again expressed sorrow for the deaths. “The Hizbollah organization places Lebanese civilians as a defensive shield between itself and us while the army places itself as a defensive shield between the citizens of Israel and Hizbollah’s terror,” he said. “That is the main difference between us.”
The statement said Lt. General Dan Halutz, the chief of staff, again expressed sorrow for the deaths. “The Hizbollah organization places Lebanese civilians as a defensive shield between itself and us while the army places itself as a defensive shield between the citizens of Israel and Hizbollah’s terror,” he said. “That is the main difference between us.”
Post edited by Unknown User on
And a commonality is that they both target civilians in an attempt to further their side. One does it without the support of their country, one does it with full support of their country.
when it hits you, you feel to pain.
So brutalize me with music.”
~ Bob Marley
We've gone over this arguement dozens of times. I don't consider this a new perspective. It's just flogging a dead horse. Some people feel the need to continually push a point, simply because others don't agree with them. It doesn't make them any more right.
Sry I been gone for a while and haven't read a thread on this topic.
Id still like to hear your opinion tho. Entertaining sometimes.
Supllied by the world's superpower, attacking a very poor country-the only way to resist is to be a guerilla force...
And I think people tend to overlook the fact theat Israel is the agressor here.
The best Israel has done to prove this point is released a couple of shady videos. There is no hard proof of this. It's just hollow accusations. They are using it as justification for killing Lebonese civilians. They also blame Hizbullah for Israel's atrocious attacks on Lebonese civilians. Truly sickening. If and when they provide some solid evidence, I'll believe it happens sometimes. But not all the time.
While I am very unhappy about what's going on, and, specifically, about what Israel has done to the Lebanese civilian population and infrastructure, I do realize that Hezballah had been sending rockets into northern Israel unchecked for a long time. When Hezballah conducted a raid into Israel and captured two Israel soldiers, Israel was pushed over the edge and took action. Understandable on that level.
Having said all of that, what's happening is wrong and will not end up the way everyone wants. How can you get rid of a group whose members intentionally blend into the civilian population? Even the death statistics are suspect because it's so hard to tell the good guys from the bad. What's Israel's end point? So far I haven't heard a consistent answer to that question.
Lebanon was an ally. Well, they're gone, and, one by one, even the moderate Arab nations are going to begin bending to the will of their citizens and take a stand against the Israel/American war. As if America needed any more enemies thanks to our "president".
I just don't understand the way of thinking that many people use in their approach to this conflict. Israel attacks Lebanon-their militia resists, and Israel has every right to kill civilians to get to them...that seems to be the common consensus.
When Hizbollah sends 1 rocket into wherever we hear all about it, how deplorable it was, how crazy they are and so on...but when ISrael launches a cross-border attack into a refugee camp you'll be lucky to hear about it...even from independent media sources, which very few people even go to any way.
Its very one-sided, the coverage of the conflict, so much so that many think Israel's actions are justified and civilians casualties are simply "collateral damage".
This is what I was referring to earlier...
Why would the people of Lebanon thank Israel for destroying its buildings and killing its civilians? Think about that for a second...
Would you be thanking Canada for bombing cities and schools and hospitals and kiling a bunch of americans to get at...who ever? Or Mexico? That's the mentality being used here...its ok for a foreign nation to bomb another and kill its civilians to go after a group they have labeled terrorist-despite the fact that Hizbollah is regarded as a Lebanese militia by many in Lebanon, and Iraq indcidentally, as the almost 100,000 people in Iraq who marched in support of this group shows.
Its common sense...if a guy robs a bank, do the police go into his neighborhood with machine guns and tanks, taking out everybody and all buildings, to get at the guy who robbed the bank? Again, that's the mentality beiung used here.
Hezbollah = terrorist organization.
Not because I say so, or we say so, or they say so.
Because its simply what they are.
The discussion of this conflict is as beat as a 2 dollar whore.
One group is seeing the entire picture. One group understands the nature of the enemy. One group understands that Israel is a nation allowed to defend itself, and does not wish to nor enjoy having to find enemy combatants hiding within the civilian population. That same group does not believe in the common middle eastern philosophy that Israel and Jews in general should be "wiped off the map"
and the other group are liberals.
way to resort to pattisan hackery...
Seems you're forgeting Israel invaded Lebanon, and that Hizbollah didn't instigate that.
Blinders on....fuck em.