Wow... Thats a reasonably sized poll too. More than 10%.
Believe me, when I was growin up, I thought the worst thing you could turn out to be was normal, So I say freaks in the most complementary way. Here's a song by a fellow freak - E.V
My guess is, that only people who want him impeached would bother wasting their time with that poll. Losers fill out polls online anyways. Yeah!!!!! Pearl Jam is beating out Evanescence. Woohoo!!!! Stupid.
My guess is, that only people who want him impeached would bother wasting their time with that poll. Losers fill out polls online anyways. Yeah!!!!! Pearl Jam is beating out Evanescence. Woohoo!!!! Stupid.
312,913 respondants.......... thats a LOTTA losers.
My guess is, that only people who want him impeached would bother wasting their time with that poll. Losers fill out polls online anyways. Yeah!!!!! Pearl Jam is beating out Evanescence. Woohoo!!!! Stupid.
Yep, I just filled it out too. (singing) I'm a looser baby, so why don't you kill me.....! I love that song!
and its from msnbc. the percentage of liberals who frequent that page is 97.32%
what about people from foreign countries as well...i agree with the results of that poll...of the people (of whom we have no idea their demographics) who took the poll they want him impeached ... hardly representative.
make sure the fortune that you the fortune that you need
so what? the report that said 655,000 iraqis have been killed in the war WAS a scientific survey, yet a lot of people here think it's bullshit.
Was that a poll? I wouldn't argue with the fact that many think that's the number of people killed but I wouldn't know what the number is.
The point is that people here say 87% support impeachment. Those people are using an extremely flawed poll (so much so that even the poll itself says it is not a scientific one) to back up their extremely flawed opinion. It is idiotic to say the least.
Was that a poll? I wouldn't argue with the fact that many think that's the number of people killed but I wouldn't know what the number is.
The point is that people here say 87% support impeachment. Those people are using an extremely flawed poll (so much so that even the poll itself says it is not a scientific one) to back up their extremely flawed opinion. It is idiotic to say the least.
this poll doesn't necessarily represent the entire population.. but with over 300,000 votes, i think its a good indicator of how many, if not most, people feel.
i'm more a fan of popular bands.. like the bee-gees, pearl jam
so what? the report that said 655,000 iraqis have been killed in the war WAS a scientific survey, yet a lot of people here think it's bullshit.
A lot of people here aren't scientists and believe what they choose to believe. The report stands on it's own regardless. They are quite happy to accept reports from the same department, which rely on the same methods, when those reports contain statistics which don't involve casualty figures in a war.
this poll doesn't necessarily represent the entire population.. but with over 300,000 votes, i think its a good indicator of how many, if not most, people feel.
You can vote multiple times in a poll like that, a real poll is not advertised on message boards, etc... That is not even close to a decent indicator as to how any decent percentage of the population feels. It's an indication of how some gullible people on liberal blogs and message boards throughout the country feel.
You can vote multiple times in a poll like that, a real poll is not advertised on message boards, etc... That is not even close to a decent indicator as to how any decent percentage of the population feels. It's an indication of how some gullible people on liberal blogs and message boards throughout the country feel.
exactly. you know that if it was a poll stating something like 80% want abortion made illegal the first thing the left would ask is who are the people being polled and they'd be the first to jump all over it and say it is not reflective of the population.
make sure the fortune that you the fortune that you need
My guess is, that only people who want him impeached would bother wasting their time with that poll. Losers fill out polls online anyways. Yeah!!!!! Pearl Jam is beating out Evanescence. Woohoo!!!! Stupid.
answering a 5 second poll is no worse than posting to this watcha think fellow looser.
Was that a poll? I wouldn't argue with the fact that many think that's the number of people killed but I wouldn't know what the number is.
The point is that people here say 87% support impeachment. Those people are using an extremely flawed poll (so much so that even the poll itself says it is not a scientific one) to back up their extremely flawed opinion. It is idiotic to say the least.
sends a really strong can't deny that.
The neo-cons did not design the war, nor execute it. Advocate it? Yes. Run it? No. That was W and Rummy. Did they screw it up? Maybe. Maybe what we tried to do was impossible. But it was worth a try in my opinion. Three years plus into this, it is too bad the barbarian Muslim hordes in Iraq are too interested in kidnapping fellow Muslims, and using power drills on their skulls instead of building a functional country.
Occupied and conquered Germany and Japan weren’t slaughtering their own after WWII. Sorta helped rebuild both societies much quicker, don’t ya think?
Nobody really wants to talk about this, because it’s so politically incorrect. In hindsight, I suppose a more realistic assessment of how far down the human ladder some societies remain would have been a good idea before charging in there.
But I didn’t hear THAT argument before war, not even from Howard Dean.
Had a politician said before the war: "Look. These people are blood thirsty ghouls, and it practically takes a maniac like Saddam Hussein to keep a lid on their urges. Let's just leave that pot covered for now, even though there might be some really nasty shit brewing inside. It's a risk, but hey, I don't think these f’ers have any idea how to run a real country on their own."
Had somebody said that, they would have been shouted down as a racist, Muslim hating fanatic. Of course, he would have been right.
So as for the election, we (The Republicans) got the loss we deserved, no doubt. Our party lost its way, and got sloppy. This Republican in particular, wants to see the checkbook reeled in. Maybe our team will get that in ‘08.
Still, all in all, here's YOUR team's problem, oh Donkey Fan. You ran on an empty platform. It was simply: "we ain't them." It worked. Congrats. Now you have to go govern. You need to get a plan. You need to sell it to the American public. And have fun tamping down the insane left fringe that will want to gas up the tanks tomorrow, and get out of Iraq while the gettin's good. I don’t believe the American public voted for that on Tuesday, just a new direction. So, it should be a fun fight there, I'll have my popcorn ready.
Just remember, after you wash all that confetti out of your hair, you had the STIFFEST anti-presidential wind blowing on the hardest "hole" on the golf course (the 2nd term prez's mid-term election) and you cleared the water by 8,000 votes in one state, and about 7,000 in another. You had Abramoff, Mark Foley, "maccaca" and a mainstream network and newspaper army pushing the entire way across the finish line.
Not much to moon walk about. But have your day. Have your party.
Enjoy the wheel. 2008 is coming quick, and Team Elephant will bounce back. Believe it or not, do have some pretty good coaches, who have already started breaking down the game film
and are taking notes.
who said that? I would have to agree with alot of that
Was that a poll? I wouldn't argue with the fact that many think that's the number of people killed but I wouldn't know what the number is.
The point is that people here say 87% support impeachment. Those people are using an extremely flawed poll (so much so that even the poll itself says it is not a scientific one) to back up their extremely flawed opinion. It is idiotic to say the least.
Actually, I said 86% of respondants said yes. Would be very interesting to see the results of a more scientific and accurate poll.
And to whoever made the comment saying that people from outside the country could have so? The question didnt ask if Americans feel Bush should be impeached did it? You dont have to be american to form an opinion about him.
312,685 responses.
312,913 respondants.......... thats a LOTTA losers.
Not as many as the ones who voted him back in, in 2004.
Yep, I just filled it out too. (singing) I'm a looser baby, so why don't you kill me.....! I love that song!
that's .1 % of the population. hardly the will of the people, and really, i'd be willing to say that .1% of our population are losers
and its from msnbc. the percentage of liberals who frequent that page is 97.32%
Maybe Fox news should run an identical poll then?
what about people from foreign countries as well...i agree with the results of that poll...of the people (of whom we have no idea their demographics) who took the poll they want him impeached ... hardly representative.
maybe, and then you and I can march down to the white house and demand the president be impeached. o wait, you dont even live in america.
"Not a scientific survey"
Was that a poll? I wouldn't argue with the fact that many think that's the number of people killed but I wouldn't know what the number is.
The point is that people here say 87% support impeachment. Those people are using an extremely flawed poll (so much so that even the poll itself says it is not a scientific one) to back up their extremely flawed opinion. It is idiotic to say the least.
this poll doesn't necessarily represent the entire population.. but with over 300,000 votes, i think its a good indicator of how many, if not most, people feel.
A lot of people here aren't scientists and believe what they choose to believe. The report stands on it's own regardless. They are quite happy to accept reports from the same department, which rely on the same methods, when those reports contain statistics which don't involve casualty figures in a war.
You can vote multiple times in a poll like that, a real poll is not advertised on message boards, etc... That is not even close to a decent indicator as to how any decent percentage of the population feels. It's an indication of how some gullible people on liberal blogs and message boards throughout the country feel.
exactly. you know that if it was a poll stating something like 80% want abortion made illegal the first thing the left would ask is who are the people being polled and they'd be the first to jump all over it and say it is not reflective of the population.
sends a really strong can't deny that.
10% of what?
i don't see how any poll is valid. this one, foxnews, cnn...none of them. it's skewed.
from my window to yours
who said that? I would have to agree with alot of that
Or a few people took a lot of time to express their dislike and frustration at the administration.
Actually, I said 86% of respondants said yes. Would be very interesting to see the results of a more scientific and accurate poll.
And to whoever made the comment saying that people from outside the country could have so? The question didnt ask if Americans feel Bush should be impeached did it? You dont have to be american to form an opinion about him.