ABC news poll: should bush be impeached?



  • catefrancescatefrances Posts: 29,003
    Can someone explain how 47% of democrats think Bush should be impeached, yet only 28% of Americans think Bush should be impeached. Where are these other 19% of democrats coming from?

    of the total people polled 28% think he should be impeached. and within that of ALL the people polled who were democrats only 47% of them believe in inpeachment.
    hear my name
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    this could be the day
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    i just need to say
  • AbuskedtiAbuskedti Posts: 1,917
    and the fact that congress "reluctantly" support the war and presdient bush make a difference to u.both things are wrong and both will go down as a dark time period in this once great will just have a lasting effect

    the fact that congress supported the president against their better judgement in a time of crisis and war is not a problem for me..

    However, the fact they has sat as they are dragged around for 5 years of this does.
  • aNiMaLaNiMaL Posts: 7,117
    prljam85 wrote:
    you forget that Bush back in '03 when this war started recieved the same intelengence that Clinton received.Bush knew as much about Saddam's WMDs as Clinton and made the same conclusion. You must not remember Clinton bombing Iraq on the night of his impeachment. Clintons reasons for bombing Iraq were the same Bush spoke of at the UN and congress in '03. Katrina was the falt of FEMA and those individuals in New Orleans who decided to stay before Katrina hit. They had the option of leaving which many of the N.O. citizens did. These people were told to leave by their state and local gov't's but many of them refused, so thats their fault for not listening to their elected leaders advice not Bush's.
    Dude, if you can defend the Federal Governments response to hurricane Katrina, then there is something SEVERELY wrong with you. And this clearly shows what kind of person you are.
  • Abuskedti wrote:
    He has repeatedly been dishonest with the American People. This however, is the American way. Impeaching him would imply that we demand better - and obviously we do not.
    Great post.
  • prljam85 wrote:
    there is no reason to impeach president Bush since he has done nothing wrong and has followed the same intellengence info that president Clinton received and stated. Clinton refered to saddam and the threat of Saddam and his WMD's back in the late 90's right around the time he was being impeached so to impeach Bush for following the same intelengence as Clinton is stupid considering Clinton was the one who lied under oath in front of congress and America and engaged in unsavory activities in a federal office.
    Bush didn't follow anyone's "intelligence." He manufactured it. It's already been proven that his administration forged documents to make it look like Iraq was buying nuclear weapon supplies from Africa. And as for him not lying under oath - bullshit. Isn't he under oath when he's sworn in as President? He's sworn in and agrees to DEFEND THE CONSTITUTION. Not wipe his ass with it like he's done.
  • qwerty1qwerty1 Posts: 142
    Can someone explain to me how a blow job is more scandalous than the Iraq war?
    This sidewalk is for regular walking, not for fancy walking!
  • qwerty wrote:
    Can someone explain to me how a blow job is more scandalous than the Iraq war?
    Oh no, it's not the blow job. It's the fact that he lied about the blow job under oath during an eight-year independent counsel investigation (that cost the American taxpayers over $40 million) into a land deal years and years before in which he lost money.

    So no, it wasn't the blow job. :rolleyes:
    "Things will just get better and better even though it
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    idea . . . Hope didn't get much applause . . .
    Hope! Hope is the underdog!"

    -- EV, Live at the Showbox
  • bootlegger10bootlegger10 Posts: 16,110
    Bush didn't follow anyone's "intelligence." He manufactured it. It's already been proven that his administration forged documents to make it look like Iraq was buying nuclear weapon supplies from Africa. And as for him not lying under oath - bullshit. Isn't he under oath when he's sworn in as President? He's sworn in and agrees to DEFEND THE CONSTITUTION. Not wipe his ass with it like he's done.

    Weren't the documents forged in Great Britain? I don't know. Keep whining all.
  • Hope&Anger wrote:
    Oh no, it's not the blow job. It's the fact that he lied about the blow job under oath during an eight-year independent counsel investigation (that cost the American taxpayers over $40 million) into a land deal years and years before in which he lost money.

    So no, it wasn't the blow job. :rolleyes:

    hahaha hihi hahahaha hehehehe

    Damn it, What's about the lies Junior said?

    I mean, EVEN if Clinton lied to a commision blah blah blah, all it was about was first that blow job. A few days later only, it was more important if he lied or not, probably cause republicans realized they wouln't be able to do anything with that blow job thing.
    Reality isn't what it used to be.
  • stuckinlinestuckinline Posts: 3,384
    when clinton lied, nobody died!
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