Bush: "We've never been 'stay the course.'" Huh??

by never, did he mean always? "stay the course" has been the mantra for all of the bushies for 3 years. is there anything that this idiot will not lie about?
by never, did he mean always? "stay the course" has been the mantra for all of the bushies for 3 years. is there anything that this idiot will not lie about?
i'm more a fan of popular bands.. like the bee-gees, pearl jam
Post edited by Unknown User on
people must really enjoy being lied to. absolutely astonishing.
Oh my, they dropped the leash.
Morgan Freeman/Clint Eastwood 08' for President!
"Make our day"
Oh my, they dropped the leash.
Morgan Freeman/Clint Eastwood 08' for President!
"Make our day"
the weird thing... that interview was taped days ago .... snuffalufogus could have put together a piece of clips of him saying "stay the course" about a billion times
but i guess that would have been disrespectful?
if there is a hell
he will burn there for eternity
know that
But alas! No Daily Shows or Colbert Reports until October 30th.
what about bush saying he wants Osama dead or alive...then six months later saying hes not even fucking concerned. and people called Kerry two faced.
The most danerous thing to a politician is someone with a memory.
Vote all of them out next month. Otherwise, this Republic shall perish.
-The Duke
BUSH: The government is — look, I think the guy's been in office for about four months, Maliki. In my judgment, Maliki has got what it takes to lead a unity government.
But what you're seeing is a new form of government actually beginning to evolve after years of tyranny.
I'm patient. I'm not patient forever. And I'm not patient with dawdling. But I recognize the degree of difficulty of the task, and therefore, say to the American people, we won't cut and run.
On the other hand, we'll constantly adjust our strategy to…
STEPHANOPOULOS: Exactly what I wanted to ask you about, because James Baker said that he's looking for something between cut and run…
BUSH: Cut and run and.
STEPHANOPOULOS: … and stay the course.
BUSH: Well, listen, we've never been stay the course, George. We have been — we will complete the mission, we will do our job and help achieve the goal, but we're constantly adjusting the tactics, constantly.
STEPHANOPOULOS: But, you've been heard stating the phrase 'stay the course' in some of your speeches.
BUSH: I have?
STEPHANOPOULOS: Yes, 'stay the course' was practically a phrase that you coined.
BUSH: Oh, that was different. I was referring to a different course.
STEPHANOPOULOS: A different course?
BUSH: Yes, I was talking about the golf course. Sometimes instead of saying 'play through', I'll say 'stay the course'.
STEPHANOPOULOS: You know you sound like an idiot right now, right?
BUSH: I like to be misunderestimated.
STEPHANOPOULOS: Misunderstimated isn't a word. Did you know that if it weren't for your family connections, you'd probably be a used car salesman?
BUSH: Fuck you.
He should be impeached just on the basis of being fuckin thick!!! never mind incompetent!!
Nice 1984 quote. It's scary how much that book is relevent to our current administration. And I agree our Congress is in shambles, and the two party system just does not cut it anymore!
Q Tony, it seems what you have is not "stay the course." Has anybody told the President he should stop calling it "stay the course" then?
MR. SNOW: I don't think he's used that term in a while.
Q Oh, yes, he has, repeatedly.
MR. SNOW: When?
Q Well, in August, because I wrote a story saying he didn't use it and I was quite sternly corrected.
MR. SNOW: No, he stopped using it.
Q Why would he stop using it?
MR. SNOW: Because it left the wrong impression about what was going on. And it allowed critics to say, well, here's an administration that's just embarked upon a policy and not looking at what the situation is, when, in fact, it's just the opposite. The President is determined not to leave Iraq short of victory, but he also understands that it's important to capture the dynamism of the efforts that have been ongoing to try to make Iraq more secure, and therefore, enhance the clarification -- or the greater precision.
Q Is the President responsible for the fact people think it's stay the course since he's, in fact, described it that way himself?
I'm sure they could come up with something to excuse it.
that video does not cover 1/10th of the times this monster mumbled those words. but there are people out there, not just people you hear about in scary halloween campfire stiories, but real people, people right here on this very board who will parrot george bush and if he says "we have never been about stay the course" they will buy into it hook line and sinker. george bush can say "there is no war in iraq".... hell george bush can say "there is no such thing as iraq" and there are people on this board who will call you unamerican for doubting him. they should sell tickets to spit in his face, at 10 cents a pop it would erase the national debt.
It baffles me how the majority of the American public allows our elected officials to blatantly lie to us and get away with it. Most of us wouldn't let a complete stranger get away with attempting to pull the wool over our eyes but politicians get a free pass. I say forget Republicans, forget Democrats this Nov. 7th we need to conduct a full clean out in Congress.
No shit. I shouldn't have said they could come up with something to excuse it. I shoulda fucking said they won't need to come up with anything to excuse it, people won't even question it.
Anyway, that video I posted on the first page...man...I'm still in fucking awe over that shit. And I agree. Get rid of party titles and do a full fucking cleanup!
Oh my, they dropped the leash.
Morgan Freeman/Clint Eastwood 08' for President!
"Make our day"
I'll say it again...
And people called kerry two faced