strip search bill for kids approved??
under this bill, students in public schools can be searched, even strip searched, by teachers or administrators if they feel the need, based on their "experience and judgement".
now that foley resigned, maybe he could look for a teaching job somewhere..
this government of ours is out of control.
under this bill, students in public schools can be searched, even strip searched, by teachers or administrators if they feel the need, based on their "experience and judgement".
now that foley resigned, maybe he could look for a teaching job somewhere..
this government of ours is out of control.
i'm more a fan of popular bands.. like the bee-gees, pearl jam
Post edited by Unknown User on
I guess we know where Congressman Foley will be sending his resumes.
Hail, Hail!!!
please dont ever refer to that scumbag as congressman. he makes me sick
from my window to yours
Okay... Future Student Strip Searcher Foley.
Hail, Hail!!!
how about former congressman foley? it's accurate...if that makes you sick...get over it. it is a fact.
from my window to yours
ok fine call him that. he still makes me sick. he had cyber sex with a 16 year old boy, that is also a fact. and again, makes me sick.
haha I can live with that.
yu need help lady.
then go ahead and help me. tell me what part of my comment is not true.
generalizing ALL republicans. got it now? great thanks. see ya later.
Which part is not bigoted, biased, generalized, and stereotyping? Isnt comments like yours the exact type of thing that liberals accuse and condemn from Conservatives? If you arent banned from this forum for continual abuse and disregard for the forum rules, than this truly is nothing more than a refuge for wacked out liberals.
Im a conservative. I absolutely do not condone homosexual behavior from congressmen, and certainly not with underage homosexual pages. I don't condone the isolated cases of rape in the military either. And I've never jacked off to the thought of teachers strip searching kids. So much for your well thought out intellectual post. Unreal. Worse still is the amount of people in here who most likely agree with this type of hatefilled garbage.
I stand right there with you. its disgraceful that she is allowed to continually make posts like that.
He's a she? Wow. I didnt think women were capable of this kind of hate. I thought they were the loving gender. Blows my perception of women. Aside from one's who wear mullets and Birkenstock sandals.
All of it is not true. Every single word you've typed. Every "example" you cite is either very isolated occurences. I didnt vote for foley. Where do you get your information? ?
now you have resorted to calling people perverts? do moderators even exist on this board?
This just seems very wrong.
R.i.p. My Dad - May 28, 2007
R.i.p. Black Tail (cat) - Sept. 20, 2008
tell me about it. one week, they ram through a bill that legalizes effing TORTURE, and reverses the magna carta.. now, they give people the legal authority to, at their discretion, force kids to take off their clothes. and of course, they've been slaughtering innocent iraqis for 3 years, incarcerating and torturing countless other people all over the world, and now they're getting ready to bomb yet another country which has done nothing to us..
what the fuck has this country become?
I'm not sure I've ever agreed with with anything you've posted before, and I'm not sure I ever will again, but I wanted to say I totally agree with you here. I am fucking sick and tired of adults abusing children. I don't give a shit whether we're talking about teachers, congress people (dems or reps), Catholic priests, or baseball coaches. It is wrong. It doesn't matter who they are, what happened to them as kids, or whatever sympathy play they attempt. They need to be exposed, ridiculed and punished hard. And those who had a part in covering up known cases of abuse (spouse, bishop, Speaker of the House, etc...) are just as guilty and need to be called out.