ABC News: Pages ‘Sending All Sorts of Messages About Possible Other Members’

looks like there's a chance we may be hearing more about congressman and pages.
such wonderful people we have running our country. liars, murderers, torturers, pedophiles.. what a fine upstanding bunch.
such wonderful people we have running our country. liars, murderers, torturers, pedophiles.. what a fine upstanding bunch.
i'm more a fan of popular bands.. like the bee-gees, pearl jam
Post edited by Unknown User on
You're not ashamed of this story? Also, the reason you don't live in Iran is because you live in Chicago. It has nothing to do with hating the government of Iran and the people running it.
your right, the story is disgusting and anyone involved should be jailed. that we agree on.
So why attack the original poster for his comment of, "such wonderful people we have running our country. liars, murderers, torturers, pedophiles.. what a fine upstanding bunch". He didn't take a side, he didn't put down America at all. Yet you, once again, pull out your magic "thats why I'm so confused on why you want to be an american?" card.
By saying that you think the leaders of this country who commit crimes "should be jailed", shouldn't we then ask why you want to live here?
In my mind, it begs the question of whether people knew of this but timed the announcement in order to do the most damage to the election.....which means those people who knew were putting these teens at risk for political gain.
...are those who've helped us.
Right 'round the corner could be bigger than ourselves.
Didn't Foley come out and resign before any press had caught onto the story?
that's why hastert and others are in hot water also. it seems like people knew about this, but were sitting on it.. perhaps until after the elections? who knows. i'm just completely disgusted with our "leadership" in this country. on both sides of the aisle.
Democrats knew nothing about it, according to most accounts. Hastert needed three days to remember that he talked to Reynolds. Shimkus, head of the Page Board, didn't feel the need to inform the Democrats on the board of the emails. It doesn't appear that the Republicans who were aware of the problem made any real effort to investigate. Shimkus instructed Foley to cease communications with the page. Foley assured Shimkus that there were no other emails/IMs, and Shimkus was apparently satisfied with that answer. Seems like a pretty big effort to keep it in-house and to find out as little as possible.
I wasnt attacking his one comment. he happens to make post upon post of how evil our government is. for this example, I agree. I happen to, however, trust many of the people in our government. the one sicko, foley, is already gone. had he not resigned and subsequently not fired, or our country allowed pedophiles, or condoned such people in power, I might consider leaving.
Looks like a lot more of your republican heroes knew long before anyone else, chief...
Shimkus is a fucking twat anyway, I can't stand that man. I hope that in 2 years that area of Illinois gets split up (I mean seriously, look at the 17th), and Costello and Shimkus have to run against one another. Jerry would kick his ass.
I suppose they can create these conspiracy theories, but it doesn't explain why nothing was done about it by those notified. When someone does something that bad and you are caught covering it up... it is pretty tasteless to call it politics as usual IMO.
Edit: grammar, lol.
I ain't no Democrat...
...ain't no Republican either...
...are those who've helped us.
Right 'round the corner could be bigger than ourselves.
Leaders of this country are a reflection of human beings as a whole. We all suck. You and I.
thanks for joining us...
do you want be leader or something..?
Breaking News-Former Rep. Mark Foley was molested as a teenager between the ages of 13 and 15 by a clergyman, his lawyer says.
See that's why I'm proud to be Canadian, so far we don't have any pedophiles in government. Not that we know of anyway.
I won't deny that we have liars, murderers and torturers though.
you have to remember that people believed to be a certain way are, nonetheless, victims of statistics...the one thing you can never hide from.
from my window to yours
Actually it will fulfill the circle. Democrats blame Foley, then they blame religion. It works perfectly to where no one person has responsibility.
Don't forget the lessons of 9/11. We need to protect our children from these evildoers so our Republican leadership can sexually assault them.
old music:
It takes an amazing leap of logic to start talking about Foley's actions and somehow progress to taking a shot at Democrats.
maybe the prison psychiatrist can help him out with that
Eh, this is a creative group. Any thread in this forum can turn into a bush bash, and anti-iraq thread or a 9/11 thread.
But I agree with you. Let's not take the focus off of that pedophile Foley and the rest of his enablers.
in the uk i think the govt changed it a few years ago from 18 down to 16 bringing it in line with hetrosexual relationships.
so, foley gets a free pass? I guess, in your view, pedophilia is ok...that's sad and sick....
What the hell does that have to do with the price of tea in China?
Make your life a mission - not an intermission. - Arnold Gasglow