"bomb in the building, start clearing out"

what was that? bomb in the buidling? secondary device? huh??
were these guys turning into wacko conspiracy nuts as the events were happening?
guess they beat me - and a lot of others here and all over the world - to it.
were these guys turning into wacko conspiracy nuts as the events were happening?
guess they beat me - and a lot of others here and all over the world - to it.
i'm more a fan of popular bands.. like the bee-gees, pearl jam
Post edited by Unknown User on
Janitor tells 9/11 panel of brush with WTC thug
"A hero janitor who helped victims escape from the World Trade Center's north tower before it collapsed told the 9/11 panel that he came across one of the hijackers in the building a few months before the attack.
William Rodriguez, 43, of Jersey City met with the commission for the first time last week.
A 20-year Trade Center employee who swept stairwells, he swears he saw United Airlines Flight 175 hijacker Mohand Alshehri in June 2001 and told an FBI agent in the family center at Ground Zero about it a month after the attacks. He never heard back from the bureau.
Rodriguez said he was working overtime one weekend cleaning rest rooms on the concourse and mezzanine levels when Alshehri approached him.
"I had just finished cleaning the bathroom and this guy asks me, 'Excuse me, how many public bathrooms are in this area?'" Rodriguez told the Daily News.
"Coming from the school of the 1993 [Trade Center] bombing, I found it very strange," Rodriguez said. "I didn't forget about it."
After Al Qaeda's attacks on Sept. 11, 2001, Rodriguez recognized Alshehri's mug in newspapers.
"I'm very certain, I'll give it 90%" that Alshehri was casing the towers before the attacks, the WTC ex-porter said."
no funnier than thinking the US government was behind it all.
I dont think a small group of middle eastern terrorists could get that kind of clearence into the buildings and manage to set up such a sophisticated set of bombs. It doesn't seem possible.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
they could.
Al's Super Duper Duct Cleaning. They get the job done and get it done right.
who really knows?
it seems like a bit more of a reach to me but I can see how that same feeling could come from your perpsective.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
Your perspective is a reach to me.
My mind is open but I'm having a hard time grasping the concept that our government was behind it all.... That they planned and carried out all of this.
It's borderline rediculous.
not our whole government just a few powerful members of it.
Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.
-Oscar Wilde
that seems like a poorly directed Sunday Night Movie in my eyes.
I think that we knew something could happen involving airplanes.
Planting bombs in a building? No way.
How many is a few? 4? 6? 15?
15 powerful people with a common goal of getting even richer? They schemed all of this to get more money?
Take a look at the janitor crews the next time you're in a big...BIG building. The reason that no one notices them, is that they are generally modest people of a racial minority.
It wouldn't have been a huge feat to get a team of demolitions experts disguised as cleaning staff in place over the 10 years between the first attempt on the WTC, and the second. They case the joint from the inside, while scrubbing toilets and mopping floors...find out where the bomb dogs are taken and where they're not...determine the most vulnerable structural points in the areas that are not covered by bomb dogs, and then have at it.
Plastic explosives have a shelf life, but I'd hazard a guess that you could place them up to a year out without significant failure. Plastic also takes up just about no space compared to a dynamite charge.
The government didn't have to have anything to do with it. Expand your timeline. Think like someone who has 10 years to execute a plan of attack against a fixed target. Get people inside..gather your intel...and make your plan. Not a difficult process.
The lone caveat being that I do believe that Bin Ladin would have flaunted that piece of information had he successfully pulled off that plan. What would have been more "terrorizing" to see in his message "Praise Allah for bringing down the towers today with two jets" or "Praise Allah for the 10 years that we have had to plant terrorists all over America, for now we can strike at the heart of the devil at will"?
I don't know about you, but I'd be more concerned about the latter...and if Bin Ladin had succeeded in planting people that deeply into a place like WTC, he would have thrown it in our faces...as well as baited us with all of the other terror cells he had imbeded into our national infrastructure.
I am not convinced by the "official" explanaton...having seen hundreds of controlled demolitions in my day...but the logistics of getting people into the WTC to plant bombs would have been a nightmare for either side.
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