This is a little creepy
reminds me of something but I can't quite put my finger on it.
reminds me of something but I can't quite put my finger on it.
Thats a lovely accent you have. New Jersey?
Post edited by Unknown User on
Is it not possible for people to think that kids in this country are CONCERNED about their future.. I know my kids are and I do not go out of my way to discuss a ton of political matters with them.
My 13 year old daughter WANTS to watch the debates.. she wants to watch the news.. she cares about her future and she believes that who the next president will be can really change the path this country is heading and she does want Obama to be the next president.. not because that is who I am for, but who she sees as a glimpse of hope and positivity for her future.
These kids are generation 9/11 kids.. they saw something at a young age that we never had to go through as children.. they then were witness to a war.. I know there was not a war when I was growing up or any of the horrific images of 9/11 played over and over again on tv. They are faced with things that none of us have had to comprehend as children.
If these kids feel the desire to sing a song for Obama more power to them.. if kids want to sing a song to McCain more power to them as well. I say just because a kid does not go into that election booth does not mean they do not have a say to the candidate running the country they will soon inherit.
As individual fingers we can easily be broken, but together we make a mighty fist ~ Sitting Bull
slightly more than bizarre....
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
I'm not saying vote for McCain but anyone who votes for this weasel is an idiot. Just don't vote.
6/30/98 Minneapolis, 10/8/00 East Troy (Brrrr!), 6/16/03 St. Paul, 6/27/06 St. Paul
Are you dense? You think the kids wrote this song? They are clearly being conducted by a psycho lefty teacher/songleader (i.e. "average elementary school teacher")
6/30/98 Minneapolis, 10/8/00 East Troy (Brrrr!), 6/16/03 St. Paul, 6/27/06 St. Paul
I really feel sorry for those kids. Come one. Regardless of your politics, you don't have to infuse it in your kids. Sure you can certainly share your opinons.... but, these kids can't even vote. Come on. This has psycho-parent(s) written all over it.
Politics should not involve kids.... hence why they can't vote.
"I used you because I needed a cute face to buy land."
Umm.. no I am not dense.. and where exactly in my post did I say ONCE that these kids wrote this song?
How do any of you know that these kids did not VOLUNTEER to be in this singing group?
As individual fingers we can easily be broken, but together we make a mighty fist ~ Sitting Bull
So because they may have volunteered to be a part of this singing group, that means they have even the slightest clue as to what they're singing about?
Those parents could've told them that Obama is the ice cream man, and those kids would've been more than happy to sing that song.
What this boils down to is parents using their children to sell a political agenda. IMO, that's quite aweful. That's like parents telling their children to accept the love of Jesus or burn in hell for eternity.
Are you serious that you dont think these kids know who Obama is? A man who could possibly be the next president of this country?
Do you have children?
I have two kids.. 13 and 8.. both of them know what Barack Obama and John McCain stand for.. they watch the news.. they have dicussions in school about current events.. in fact my son did his own "polling" to his class mates to see who they thought would be the best person to be president.. and ALL the other 3rd graders had an opinion.. my children are not mindless zombies who have not a clue as to the world around them. My kids are not the exception here.. most of my friends who have kids are just as "in tune" to the world as mine.. they have opinions about the war.. they have opinions that we are getting this country into debt that they may have to pay back when they are out of college.. they have opinions about what we are doing to the planet. They will be inheriting all of what we do.. IT MATTERS TO THEM.
For you to assume these kids know no difference between Obama and the ice cream man is pretty insulting to these kids and ignorant of you.
As individual fingers we can easily be broken, but together we make a mighty fist ~ Sitting Bull
reporter: cute little girl, why do you want ron paul to be president?
cute little girl: cause my mommy told me so.
I guess I could see how in your case, your views on politics and world events are so limited and confined, that you really can go on believing that grade schoolers are informed enough to actually form an opinion that is a reflection of their beliefs and values, and at the same time is a realistic portrayal of the candidate for whom they voice their support.
In fact, why don't we just make it so that elementary schoolers can cast a vote this election season?
woah..I was making the point that if parents tell their kids that Obama sells ice cream for a living, they'll believe it. Do you really think that the views of your children were formed independently of your parental brainwashing?
The point that I'm making -and which you still don't understand- is that these children don't have their own opinions. They're the opinions that were instilled in them by their parents.
In most cases, those opinions are a watered-down version of the opinions of their parents, as in most cases the opinions of their parents are usually more complex and informed.
However, you might be the exception with your devotion to proving how able these kids really are in forming such an opinion.
And, no, I do not have children. Do you really believe that a person needs to have children of their own in order to understand how they think?
That last sentence there is interesting. Would it be fair to say also "that's like parents bringing their children to church with them, sending them to any kind of religious function, and infusing their belief in them"? I wonder how many people who are outraged by this video actually have kids. Kids will be influenced by what their parents believe and, if parented right, will question those beliefs in due time. My son is an Obama freak. He is eight. There is absolutely nothing wrong with it.
As a matter of fact I DO think in your case that you need to have children to understand how they think.. because it seems to me you think children are clueless to the world around them.. so you keep believing that and you continue to think that kids only care about Sponge Bob and Hannah Montana. I will go on with my "limited and confined" view in world events and politics ~ happily knowing I, as well as my friends, are raising smart children who care for and about the world.
Oh.. by the way.. my 13 year old daughter asked me this morning if she could have some of her friends over to watch the vice presidential debate.. they, I think the last count was seven of them, are really excited to see Sarah Palin make an ass of herself. It is going to be a party!
As individual fingers we can easily be broken, but together we make a mighty fist ~ Sitting Bull
It is their choice if they want to vote or study the bible, i have to say the last things on my 6 yr old son or 14 yr old nephews minds are conservative policies, why bother with that shit when Transformers and football are much more interesting! 'innocence' i think its called!
To break down borders and realise that we are one species and then the true patriotism comes from pride and love of the human race, not from the tribes of which we currently are divided, open your eyes your mind will see! - ME
It's not a matter of caring. It's a matter of understanding.
Of course they don't. Their perception isn't blinded by adoration for their own children, or the sense of pride from having their own beliefs mirrored by their children out of a sense of admiration for their parents.