Jeb Bush denied honor at U. of Florida

How humiliating. Jeez, and this is the "popular" Bush. I personally dont care for the guy but it seems they should have kept this quiet instead of embarrassing the guy like this. Maybe he deserves it, I dunno.
University of Florida President Bernie Machen says he was "tremendously disappointed" with the school's Faculty Senate vote to deny former Gov. Jeb Bush an honorary degree.
The Senate voted 38-28 Thursday against giving the honorary degree to Bush, who left office in January.
"Jeb Bush has been a great friend of the University of Florida," Machen said Friday, adding that the Senate's action is "unheard of."
Some faculty expressed concern about Bush's record in higher education.
"I really don't feel this is a person who has been a supporter of UF," Kathleen Price, associate dean of library and technology at the school's Levin College of Law, told The Gainesville Sun after the vote.
Bush's approval of three new medical schools during his tenure has diluted resources, Price told the newspaper.
Bush has also been criticized for his "One Florida" proposal, an initiative that ended race-based admissions programs at state universities.
Machen maintains, however, that Bush has benefited the university, such as by providing the funding to attract nationally recognized faculty.
Machen also pointed to Bush's First Generation Scholarship program, modeled after a University of Florida effort to help high school students at risk of not making it to college.
University officials said they could not recall any precedent for the Senate rejecting the nominees put forth by the Faculty Senate's Honorary Degrees, Distinguished Alumnus Awards and Memorials Committee. The committee determines whether nominees deserve consideration according to standards that include "eminent distinction in scholarship or high distinction in public service."
"The committee endorsed him," Machen said. "It is unheard of that a faculty committee would look at candidates, make recommendations and then (those candidates) be overturned by the Senate."
An e-mail sent to Bush by The Associated Press was not immediately returned.;_ylt=AuDcZ.kfIru.JeN1YoEmVloDW7oF
University of Florida President Bernie Machen says he was "tremendously disappointed" with the school's Faculty Senate vote to deny former Gov. Jeb Bush an honorary degree.
The Senate voted 38-28 Thursday against giving the honorary degree to Bush, who left office in January.
"Jeb Bush has been a great friend of the University of Florida," Machen said Friday, adding that the Senate's action is "unheard of."
Some faculty expressed concern about Bush's record in higher education.
"I really don't feel this is a person who has been a supporter of UF," Kathleen Price, associate dean of library and technology at the school's Levin College of Law, told The Gainesville Sun after the vote.
Bush's approval of three new medical schools during his tenure has diluted resources, Price told the newspaper.
Bush has also been criticized for his "One Florida" proposal, an initiative that ended race-based admissions programs at state universities.
Machen maintains, however, that Bush has benefited the university, such as by providing the funding to attract nationally recognized faculty.
Machen also pointed to Bush's First Generation Scholarship program, modeled after a University of Florida effort to help high school students at risk of not making it to college.
University officials said they could not recall any precedent for the Senate rejecting the nominees put forth by the Faculty Senate's Honorary Degrees, Distinguished Alumnus Awards and Memorials Committee. The committee determines whether nominees deserve consideration according to standards that include "eminent distinction in scholarship or high distinction in public service."
"The committee endorsed him," Machen said. "It is unheard of that a faculty committee would look at candidates, make recommendations and then (those candidates) be overturned by the Senate."
An e-mail sent to Bush by The Associated Press was not immediately returned.;_ylt=AuDcZ.kfIru.JeN1YoEmVloDW7oF
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And what there are no Republicans/Conservatives with hate in their heart. They are all loving people. Face it there are assholes and good honest people on both sides of the fence.
^Now there's a study in self-absorption.^
all posts by ©gue_barium are protected under US copyright law and are not to be reproduced, exchanged or sold
except by express written permission of ©gue_barium, the author.
Sorry, I'm just tired of the liberals in congress and their witchhunts. Look at Alberto Gonzalez. He never was a given a chance. Never. Just because he was a Republican. Exhibit A is this ridiculous nonsense over these U.S. attorney firings. This is a NON-EVENT folks. The Democrats just want to tear down as many people as possible, and they will stop at nothing.
The sad thing for all you Democrat fans is that the party is still spineless. They are choosing to fight this U.S. Attorney battle because they are too scared to take a stance on the war. They have no idea what to do about the war, but they know they hate Bush, so they turn a non-event into some legal bullshit.
Republicans would do the same thing, but they aren't the ones doing it now. But at least they would fight for what they believe in. This Democratic congress is still acting like it lost the elections in 2006.
Frigid statue standing icy blue and numb
Where are the frost giants Ive begged for protection?
I'm freezing
Are you afraid, afraid to die
Don't be afraid, afraid to try
to add to this, when the attorney general lied about his involvement when there is hard evidence that he knew about and was involved in the planning, then my friend that is an event.
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
Totally agree with you
And what the Republicans never went on some witch hunt when they came into power, over 40 million dollars spent investigating an extra marital affair ring a bell. You and I both know that BOTH parties are fucking horrorable. Yes what the Dems are doing right now is some stupid fishing expedition to fry a guppy instead of growing a set of balls and going after the big fish for the real fuck ups like the Plame leak and the massive fuck up in Iraq, but it's the same exact thing the Republicans did during the Clinton era.
You are on point though about how spineless they are, but I think it's more than just being spineless. They are trying to find what will keep them in power just like Republicans did. Right before the 06 elections Republican candidates wouldn't touch Bush with a 10 ft poll but 2 years earlier they where tripping all over each other to kiss his ass. It's not that they give a fuck about the war or any other issue that is important to us. They only care about staying in power and the Dems got their by being the Anti-Bush party but now they need to figure out what will keep them there.
The thing of it is, I think the Dem's are onto something. I saw Gonzalez yesterday in response to all this, and he was calmly saying that he wasn't concerned about all the hoopla, it was a big mistake, that he was going to continue doing what he was doing, which was, PROTECT THE CHILDREN OF AMERICA. It was the most absurd comment I've seen since I don't know when. Something is askew.
all posts by ©gue_barium are protected under US copyright law and are not to be reproduced, exchanged or sold
except by express written permission of ©gue_barium, the author.
I do think that there might have been some unscrupulous (sp?) actions taken in the firing of these US attornies, but at the same time I think if we are going to investigate this administration for some wrong doings we should focus on the Plame leak and the Iraq War. Everyone and their mother knows that Plame's identity was made public on cheney's orders yet nothing is being done about this. This is a federal offense only supassed by treason and no one is being help responsible for it. Why? Even if you think our investigation of Iraq was justified, millions of dollars have dissappeared. No accountability, no idea where it went and no one is being held responsible for this. That is our tax money that just up and went into someone's pocket and our government has done jack shit about it.
So instead of going after Gonzalez or Rove for the US attorney firing why not try to figure out who was involved and who is responsible for the other incidents I mentioned that are of a far greater importance to this country.
witch hunt as in newt gingrich spending hundreds of thousands of taxpayer dollars to investigate bill clinton's sex life? there's no diff between republicans and democrats in this area. it's easier to rip someone apart than to prove your own mettle. when the voters stop falling for it, it will stop happening. but right now, it's easier to scare people into voting against the other person than it is to convince them to vote for you. plus, muckraking makes for better tv ratings than honest and thoughtful journalism. so you have both parties stuck in this cheerleading mindset... it's not about policy, it's about winning. it's about picking a team and doing whatever it takes to make sure your team wins and the other team is loathed. the republicans are no better. they fight for what they believe in? bullshit. after all the lip service christian republicans pay to values, how many have actually had the balls to propose a gay marriage constitutional amendment that their own president said he'd sign? how many will propose a constitutional amendment to ban abortion? none. cos they dont fight for what they claim to believe in. like the dems, they just latched onto a successful opposition stance (war v. abortion/gays) and milk it for elections with no real plan to do a damn thing about it.
didn't the house just pass a bill that included a date for redeployment by next september? of course, the president promised to veto it, but still.
poor alberto gonzalez? give me a break. documents released have proven that he was aware of the plan to fire the attorneys, contrary to what he's said in public statements. if this were a non-event, the justice department and the adminstration wouldn't be so loathe to cooperate with the investigation.
You almost have to lie now. If he would have said he was involved with it the liberals still would have crucified him. So why not lie and hope the liberals focus on something important instead? This lie is up there with me saying I ate a hamburger for dinner when I actually had spaghetti. It means nothing. But yeah, go after Gonzales instead of going after the war which I thought was the main reason Democrats were voted into power in 2006.
Oh yeah, and Diane Feinstein called for one of these attorneys to be fired last year, but now her tune is a little different.
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
yeah, man, i know! how hateful to not GIVE him a degree he didn't earn!!!!!
wtf???? i thought you cons were so against hand outs and getting things you didn't earn?? but they won't give jeb a college degree from this school and it's hate??? whatever, you are the one who seems consumed w/ hate
he had a voice that was strong and loud and
i swallowed his facade cos i'm so
eager to identify with
someone above the crowd
someone who seemed to feel the same
someone prepared to lead the way
I'm no fan of the Democrats, but sheesh ... you're grasping here!
first lewis libby, now al b. gone. geez, i thought republicans hated lawyers.
don't forget to include the republican members of congress who have called for him to step down. it's not just 'the liberals'.
by your logic, the a.g. would have gotten 'crucified' either way, so why not tell the truth? doesn't getting caught in a lie make him look even more incompetent than he would if he had been honest in the first place?
"I'm going to stay focused on protecting our kids."
They can't get rid of Gonzales .... THINK OF THE CHILDREN!!!!
Hahahahaha ... politicians :rolleyes:
bootligger and anyone else who feels this way, if this were al gore or someone lberal who the college wouldn't GIVE a degree to, would you be claiming it was still 'hate' or would you be laughing and saying 'why the fuck should they just give him a degree, anyway!?!?!?'
i think we all know which you would choose
he had a voice that was strong and loud and
i swallowed his facade cos i'm so
eager to identify with
someone above the crowd
someone who seemed to feel the same
someone prepared to lead the way
But seriously, these 'honarary' degrees are stupid anyhow. They need to get over themselves, their 'honarary' degrees mean jack shit.
I agree.
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lol, i couldn't help but think of this thread when i saw this.
12 people may make the one decision but that doesn't make it right.
Free Rob Farquharson, wrongfully imprisoned!!
East Rutherford '98
Merriweather '98
Gorge '05
Vancouver '05
Los Angeles I,II '06
Santa Barbara '06
Fonda Theater '06
Newsflash...EVERY President does when they come into office. It's when you do it because those attorneys were not going after Democrats hard enough that it becomes wrong.
WTF is this doing in this thread anyway?
I would expect an honorary degree if I helped make some advancement to educational content for a particular field. For example, if there was a field of study about botching election results so my brother could become president, Jeb would be a prime candidate for an honorary degree.