
I've asked this in AET and Poetry, but I guess it's more appropriate to ask you all:
What is a zine to you? What must it include, what is the format, what are key elements?
Also, what is an e-zine to you? What would differentiate it from a hardcopy e-zine besides not being hardcopy?
I think it is more appropriate because it was brought to my attention in the wiki definition of a zine that Thomas Paine was referenced. A little light bulb went up - AHA! Moving Train should be asked this, also.
What is a zine to you? What must it include, what is the format, what are key elements?
Also, what is an e-zine to you? What would differentiate it from a hardcopy e-zine besides not being hardcopy?
I think it is more appropriate because it was brought to my attention in the wiki definition of a zine that Thomas Paine was referenced. A little light bulb went up - AHA! Moving Train should be asked this, also.
There is no such thing as leftover pizza. There is now pizza and later pizza. - anonymous
The risk I took was calculated, but man, am I bad at math - The Mincing Mockingbird
The risk I took was calculated, but man, am I bad at math - The Mincing Mockingbird
Post edited by Unknown User on
are you creating a zine?
cross the river to the eastside
The risk I took was calculated, but man, am I bad at math - The Mincing Mockingbird
what's the message you're trying to get out? i think it helps to have a clear idea of what you want first, and then seek out the audience. zines are a labor of love and take up considerable time, you'll want to be interested in what you're doing. do you know other zine makers?
cross the river to the eastside
It would be a PJ fanzine, basically we would put something together, with submissions from anyone who wants to submit, and maybe post it on someone's blog, but then I would like to send a copy to PJ via the fanclub address. I still don't know if it's better via paper or CD. CD is more environmentally friendly, but it seems a gift of a physical zine would be better.
I once asked on a thread if people would prefer to receive Deep in hardcopy or electronically, and I think everyone wrote hardcopy. I expect the same of the PJ members/staff of a gift zine.
An e-fanzine could include music, and videos I guess. I'm still trying to figure out the topics, if that even needs to be figured out, and the amount of space allotted to each person, if that needs to be figured out. I'm willing to let the project drop if it isn't fair in any way. I think it needs to be a reflection of many voices/one fanclub address. However, as you can guess, I need a little direction. I want it inclusive, but focused. That someone above already offered some help on the final product. Just like with the Secret Santa a couple+ people doing the organizing could end up with a great product.
It's really in it's early stage.
The risk I took was calculated, but man, am I bad at math - The Mincing Mockingbird
oh thanks, now it all makes sense. that's a big audience you'll have! to clarify, are you thinking hardcopy for pj members/staff only, and then electronic version for all the other readers? that's a good idea otherwise all those paper copies would be really expensive for you . . . unless you did a mail order operation. but that e-version could include music like you say.
if you're going to seek submissions from a large base, how about a theme for every issue? people can come up with their own topics on a broad theme. you can probably easily set standard length guidelines, depending on how big you want the entire thing to be (figure that part first).
and if you need any editors, *cough* i know one.
cross the river to the eastside
Cover page
Inside cover page, with writer/artist credits and contents listing
Editorial page (with some illustration to fill up space. or a subscriptions form)
One article by a special guest writer
An interview article
Some kind of creative writing page, related to the subject
Your main article
A competition page
Forthcoming events in the news or media, relating to your subject
Trivia/miscellaneous/next issue preview
And you can flesh the format out with photos or illustrations.
On the Internet, well, you'll probably need a domain name, and a good web design package. You could add a proboards or conforums message board to your 'zine, I guess.
The thing is I don't want to cut up anyone's work. I just plan on compiling it in a desktop folder or something, and then when the deadline is up email it to the *someone* who'll make it look cool. Then when *someone* is done, I was thinking I would send a physical copy/CD to PJ via the fanclub address. I was hoping the *someone* or myself or someone else could post it on his/her blog. I could just post the deadline, size allowable etc, and you take it from there before it's sent to the *someone*?
I guess a better question is what would you like to do as Editor?
The risk I took was calculated, but man, am I bad at math - The Mincing Mockingbird
cross the river to the eastside
Here's how I see it so far:
Cover page
Inside cover page, with writer/artist credits and contents listing
Editorial page (with some illustration to fill up space. or a subscriptions form) - who writes?
Poetry - multiple authors
Reviews (book/movie/music) - multiple authors
visual art (painting/photographs etc) - multiple authors
A couple main articles about what is happening now - single focus - a piece of music; a piece of legislation; etc. I guess those are editorial pieces.
Prose/memoir/other writing - multiple authors
Forthcoming events in the news or media, relating to your subject - not sure
Trivia/miscellaneous/next issue preview - maybe not there yet
The main question is how to ask for submissions? Would I or whoever write:
Need 5 articles on blah blah blah by suchandsuch date, who's willing to write them?
Need 3 recipes by suchandsuch date, who's willing to write them?
etc.? Again, I want focus, but not to restrict expression, or to have authors feel inhibited by the focus.
The risk I took was calculated, but man, am I bad at math - The Mincing Mockingbird
there are different levels of editorial duties and i guess you'd have to decide how much involvement one should have with the piece. it sounds like you want pieces to be published as-is for the most part, and to be pretty hands-off with the content of a piece. how about a little style/grammar clean up (depending on the type of the piece)? or do you want everything as-is? you may have to cut a little in order to fit. guidelines aren't ever perfect, but the designer could help with that too--and size, place graphics appropriately.
you as the 'publisher'
how exciting!
cross the river to the eastside
What should it be called?
Just thought of another thing: rotating editors, and designers. I think it would be monthly or quarterly.
The risk I took was calculated, but man, am I bad at math - The Mincing Mockingbird
The risk I took was calculated, but man, am I bad at math - The Mincing Mockingbird
sure i can help, and that's a good idea to rotate too. do you have an overall page count in mind? if you do, then you can decide on page counts for individual features (and within that the designer can help you determine word counts by the layout depending on fonts used, etc.). or you can just be fluid with the whole thing (although you may run the risk of 'blowing your wad' in the first few issues). i'd suggest some structure to make your life easier. since this will be electronic for the most part, you aren't as restricted by signatures in a way and zines seem a little less strict anyhow. so i guess first think of how standardized you want it, then you can figure out all the other little details. and you'll definitely want to decide how often you want to publish, so you can set up a team in advance and solicit submissions in time.
ha, i'd have to think about the title. that's a difficult question.
cross the river to the eastside
The risk I took was calculated, but man, am I bad at math - The Mincing Mockingbird
if you're doing a monthly one, i'd suggest a small issue. it's a lot of work and you don't want to run out of submissions or interest. quarterly might be a lot easier, but you'd have to decide what you want.
let's see, here's your list:
Cover page
Inside cover page, with writer/artist credits and contents listing
Editorial page (with some illustration to fill up space. or a subscriptions form) - who writes?
Poetry - multiple authors
Reviews (book/movie/music) - multiple authors
visual art (painting/photographs etc) - multiple authors
recipes - multiple authors
A couple main articles about what is happening now - single focus - a piece of music; a piece of legislation; etc. I guess those are editorial pieces.
Prose/memoir/other writing - multiple authors
Forthcoming events in the news or media, relating to your subject - not sure
Trivia/miscellaneous/next issue preview - maybe not there yet
as for the theme idea, do you want people to write/design new pieces for a theme? or were you looking for more freedom for people? you have a lot of creative features here. since you have this structure you could go without a theme, or you could do one. if you do a broad theme, people could interpret that any way they want. and, you don't need to apply the theme to every feature, though you could. however, it might be harder to use pieces in another issue that don't get used in another because of space. although again, you could have this be any size you want so that doesn't really matter.
sorry, i'm thinking as i type. basically, you have a lot of freedom with an electronic version. you may only really need to come up with limits just so you're not overwhelmed by the work and that it isn't a 200 page thing.
if you do a theme, you could print the creative features at whatever length it turns out to be. if you don't do a theme, i'd suggest page limits for the feature so you don't run out for future issues.
can i suggest a feature? if this is to be all put together by the pj community, how about an interview with a fan in every issue? one fan can interview another.
i need to eat something before i think more.
cross the river to the eastside
Theme - so far I have Albums. So, authors would focus on the songs/themes/words of one particular album for their submissions. I could pick the album title out of a hat
I was going to look over the lyrics this weekend and try to find a word or phrase that involves creative movement, and suggest that as the title until someone suggests something better. Given to Fly is too easy
The risk I took was calculated, but man, am I bad at math - The Mincing Mockingbird
see, you got it! that all sounds fabulous. yeah, regarding the interviews, it could be one fan by another, and you could pick from a group who is interested in doing those things. the interviewer would think of their own questions, so you would get different styles in each issue, each in that individual's own voice. alternately, you could also do a standardized interview to see everyone's different responses to the same questions. either way.
there are so many titles you could come up with from lyrics. something like 'trading stories with the leaves' is kind of cool, but there are so many good ones to choose from. that will be the fun and frustrating part.
cross the river to the eastside
The risk I took was calculated, but man, am I bad at math - The Mincing Mockingbird
from 'in my tree', although i'd definitely do what you were thinking and check out songs this weekend. i'm sure there's something better, or something that will click with you.
edit: i just thought, you could do something similar to name features. that could go with the prose section or something, too.
cross the river to the eastside
Trading Stories with the Leaves
is it. I won't look at other lyrics this weekend, and I'm done with the title. If someone else thinks of something then it could be put to a review, but that's it right now. I think of trees often in an incredibly powerful and positive light, so it works for me
What I could do as you suggested is look for names for the different sections of the zine based on lyrics/titles. For instance, what would be the feature section title, and what would be the poetry section title etc.
The risk I took was calculated, but man, am I bad at math - The Mincing Mockingbird
whatever you say, boss.
cross the river to the eastside
just to butt in and say my £3.29worth, i was going with the idea of a digital download fanzine that would be downloadable as a pdf file (I have all the software and everyone has Acrobat Reader)
The pdf would/could then be hosted on a web page that would enable people to download and print if they wish (some people, me included, like having hard copies of stuff)
now, even though i have around 12 years experience as a graphic designer I'm no Klausen
But all in all we could have some great stuff on it and i'm pretty sure the majority of peoples on this forum would be interested in looking and most importantly contributing to it.
all said and done, i'm willing to offer up time and i have a good buddy on here who publishes his own cartoons on his own blog (they're very good) and he might be interested in submitting!
p.s. Finsy! who was the comedian... was it Jim Davidson?
Design the Pearl Jam Bookmark
The *someone* who is helping with the graphic designer could be the judge unless someone else wants to judge. Really, how do you pick a judge - AHA! - name out of a hat!
The risk I took was calculated, but man, am I bad at math - The Mincing Mockingbird
Also, since it is a download I can still print off the PDF like an actually physical zine, and make a nice presentation to the Fanclub PO Box, right? I mean with pretty bows on the packaging
That's really awesome that you'll put a website together! Since it is a website does there need to be a submission length or number maximum. For a paper copy what would be the maximum as ultimately they would be paper for some, and we don't want to tax printers.
The risk I took was calculated, but man, am I bad at math - The Mincing Mockingbird
The risk I took was calculated, but man, am I bad at math - The Mincing Mockingbird
an option for the fanclub p.o. box printout is to layout the pages so you can print on 11x17 paper and then fold over and staple. that would give the printout more of a zine feel, over just 8.5x11 sheets stapled in the corner. though someone may have a much better idea of how to achieve that if you want that effect.
cross the river to the eastside
The risk I took was calculated, but man, am I bad at math - The Mincing Mockingbird