A Call To Arms

recently; mexican gangs have been infiltrated and the purpose of their gathering arms is TO TAKE BACK THEIR COUNTRY. it sounds impossible to some; but to those who know that the US military cannot be deployed on american soil the threat is real. the automatic weapons coming into this country enter through mexico. the gangs have them but the citizens and police do not. the good news is that the US will have to invade and take mexico. this is our only logical defence.
i'm ready to hear i'm out of my mind because i'm used to it. a few weeks ago when i let you know that it is the polygamists stopping the gay marriage bill i was told i'm out of my mind in every possible way. a few days later the biggest pro-poligamy march was held.
in a time where a city will spend over $10K to save a kitten in a drain pipe; why do so many oppose tighter borders?
i'm ready to hear i'm out of my mind because i'm used to it. a few weeks ago when i let you know that it is the polygamists stopping the gay marriage bill i was told i'm out of my mind in every possible way. a few days later the biggest pro-poligamy march was held.
in a time where a city will spend over $10K to save a kitten in a drain pipe; why do so many oppose tighter borders?
Post edited by Unknown User on
Seriously, the Hell's Angels will take care of them... or the cops, not the army.
-Jean-Jacques Rousseau
I don't see Mexicans trying to win back their country a big threat since in 2010 we will all be part of the North American Union. I won't call you crazy though, nothing wrong with being a watchdog.
Any sources for this story?
i find it hard to compare those who enter legally and follow process to those who sneak over the border with machine guns. i agree with you and repeat it during every anti-american thread. the only americans are native american indians. everyone else is from somewhere else.
when i'm given information that doesn't hit the media; i try to pass it on. gangs run several cities. but; the only gangs getting reinforcements daily are the mexican gangs.
the legal mexican americans are not involved though. in arizona the legals voted in some of the strictest immigration laws. if another mexican american war does happen; it's sad that we won't be able to identify the enemy.
if you're right and in 2010 we have a north american union; mexico will be part of the US; and under US rule. the US will not surrender to mexico.
we have a problem brewing and i think it's best to start working on a solution now.
I think it is fair to say that some gangs run American cities as well, but I think it is obvious that you are more aware than I in this subject. I don't know the extent of these gangs, but if you have any links I would be interested in reading them.
I'm sure this isn't with you, but with a lot of people the reason for tightening the boarders is simply racism. Small towns don't want Mexicans moving in abd parents hate the idea of their child possibly having to learn Spanish for the next Generation of America. However when it comes to jobs that Americans could have but refuse to do, the SMexicans get hired and the same people who passed on those jobs are the ones bitching.
yes; a government official involved in the infiltration in california. just like watergate; because the details are not reported; doesn't mean it isn't/wasn't happening.
i was told why this is to be kept secret. to protect the mexican people against wrongful discrimination and attacks. i can understand that. i also think it's necessary to inform the people and i'm pushing for disclosure. i hope there's people on the board with the means to verify this and bring this to the medias attention. i have the word of one man and sometimes that's all it takes to break a story.
I live in Los Angeles... a city and region with a lot of Mexicans. My mom live in Northeast Los Angeles. Trust me... Mexican gangs are not running all over the city with automatic weapons looking to take over management of the DMV.
Hail, Hail!!!
i live in an area predominently mexican. they are a wonderful people and very hard working. i have only good things to say about them. i'm only referring to the criminals. i haven't looked for any links. i was told this last weekend and it's been eating away at me. americans have the right to bear arms and the people will protect the country. my concern is who will protect the innocent mexican americans?
in your area; most crimes are committed by mexicans. you can verify the number of mexican made machine guns seized too. i too live in an area predominently mexican and we have no crime rate. the last "crime" story in the paper was about a barking dog. every mexican i know is a kind giving person. this is why this information upsets me. the only way i can protect my friends is to spread the word about the gangs and hope we can get control of the problem.
I'm guessing that this uprising is led by Morrissey.
Yeah... the Emo/Goth Mexican Gangs rule the streets.
Hail, Hail!!!
"in your area; most crimes are committed by mexicans."
If working without official government, mark of the beast papers is a crime.. then, yeah.
Hail, Hail!!!
would be better to bring some numbers before posting stuffs like this, even the main point of the thread is not really clear... even if Mexican Gangs WANT to take control of anything (the State?), it's impossible, if they want to take control of an criminal area, then it's no different than white Hell's Angels therefore there's no point of bringing the mexican origins in the debate.
-Jean-Jacques Rousseau