Invisible Children/Boys of Baraka

Hey it's been awhile since I've been on to post, but hello to everyone, hope you are well. I just finished my comps - which was the big reason for my disappearance -, and am back in school - which will inevitably lead to more posts. Anyway in the post-comp hangover I got my hands on a couple of POV documentaries (It could be argued that all documentaries are POV but whatever) The Invisible Children and Boys of Baraka, and thought I'd point them out to other AMT viewers. While both films are flawed (the IC creators actually thinks that we value children in the US, whereas the Boys of Baraka counters that with children from downtown B-More), they do pose a few questions for our pro-neoliberal capitalists, and the supposed wealth and prosperity that the world has enjoyed through trickle-down economics. Anyway I thought some people might want to check these out and discuss them here.
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I'll have to check them out.