Holy Shit Roland MArtin!

Did anyone see the rant Roland Martin just went on???? WOW - lay it out like it is Roland...
I'll post a link as soon as someone gets it up on Youtube...
I'll post a link as soon as someone gets it up on Youtube...
Post edited by Unknown User on
Ya. Pretty awesome.
And he who forgets, will be destined to remember...
...are those who've helped us.
Right 'round the corner could be bigger than ourselves.
I guess no one else found it as great as I did - it's not up on Youtube...
Wolf Blitzer had just announced that John McCain pulled out of an interview with CNN because he felt his spokesperson, Tucker Bounds, was treated unfairly in this exchange yesterday:
Wolf then interviewed Cambell Brown about the interview - they basically came to the same conclusion : it was good journalism - Tucker refused to answer her question, and then when he tries to fake it, she calls him on it... he is embarrassed badly...
So then Wolf goes to the roundtable to get their thoughts on it - when he asks Roland MArtin what he thinks, it went something like this:
I think John McCain needs to man up and not be so sensitive with the media - Cambell did nothing wrong, she posed a question and his talking head got it embarrassingly wrong. This is a situation where you need to be honest with yourself and not cry about the media being unfair when it was your own guy that screwed up badly. And while I'm at it, I think the way the McCain camp is handling the media, in general, is sad. And it's not just pulling out of the interview with Larry King. Today they had Carly Fiorina (former HP CEO, if I remember right) out there as a spokesperson for the campaign and when they asked her about Sarah Palin she said all this criticism was unfair and sexist. WHAT?! This is a presidential race! You want to be #2 in this country you better be prepared for scrutiny. Fine, if that's how it is, every time anyone levels any kind of criticism against Obama I'm going to stand up and scream "THAT'S RACIST" because it's the same absurd argument. They should be ashamed...
So again, that was paraphrasing... but it was awesome and a shocking bit of common sense from a TV pundit - they then cut to Lyndsey Sanchez, a Republican operative, and she was stunned - said something along the lines of "There's so much wrong with that I'm not even going to address it..."
Sorry, there was nothing wrong with it - he hit the nail on the head...
Why won't the McCain camp make the princess available for interviews? Is she an empty suit like the prez?
Roland Martin sounds like he was right on.
was like a picture
of a sunny day
“We can complain because rose bushes have thorns, or rejoice because thorn bushes have roses.”
― Abraham Lincoln
i don't agree with Roland on one aspect. some of the issues peopel have brought up about Paulin have been sexist. for example, i was watching CNN with Brown and she said why would Paulin say yes to be VP with teh pressure that would be placed on her children now with 1 child having a baby. that in my mind is sexist. basically it is calling Paulin a bad mom becuase she decided to go for VP.
however, i agree with Roland that Paulin must get critized about issues that are relevant. for Roland to say that Obama shoudl just cry out Racism every time someone questions him is just plain dumb. unless of course the questions is about his race and why he should not be President. thats just my opinion.
- Soren Aabye Kierkegaard (1813-1855)
If you haven't got anything nice to say about anybody, come sit next to me."
- Alice Roosevelt Longworth (1884-1980)
maybe becuase she is writing her speech for the convention, like Obama was. i don't know?
- Soren Aabye Kierkegaard (1813-1855)
If you haven't got anything nice to say about anybody, come sit next to me."
- Alice Roosevelt Longworth (1884-1980)
Exactly. Calling Palin out for being a governor in addition to being a mom is bullshit; anyone who does should be reminded that Obama's been in office since the birth of his kids and leave it at that. It's a knock on neither. They should go after Palin for the stuff that matter, experience, her policy positions, what it says about McCain's judgment. I've really only seen FoxNews in the past few days (I live in a conservative household), so I don't really know how the rest of the media is addressing the situation. If they're going after her on the former charges, then they're barking up the wrong tree. If they're going after her on the latter stuff, fine.
I read that her speech has been written for her; I forget where I saw this article, but Steve Schmidt, McCain's main campaign director, said that the speech was originially written for a man and had to be redone from scratch.
I hope you aren't an Obama supporter because no supporter of his should call anyone else an empty suit.
Hence Roland's response...
The question is fair. Whether it was a rookie mistake or not, the run for the White House has become an open book, a trashy book, a book of half truths and outright lies. Either Palin wasn't paying attention during the primaries or she was under the assumption that the topic would be off-limits. The fact that Senator Obama and his campaign see this as irrelevant, doesn't mean the American people as a whole agree. Palin should have talked to her family about what would happen once she hit the national political scene. So much has happen to the American people during the past seven years that they no longer accept being force feed the same old lines. If she can't handle local media interviews, how can she be trusted to sit across the table of our allies.
I think Laura Bush has proven to be very classy and well rounded First Lady on all levels, yet at one point last night that 'country girl' attitude creep across her face during the praising of Palin where even she had brief look of 'wtf'.
i am sorry to say this but what i got from this post is. it does not matter if it is no-ones business you must sell-out your kids for the american public and if you do some will say that you are whouring out your daughter. also noen of us know if she didn't talk to her kids abotu this an dmaybe the kids said don't worry.
- Soren Aabye Kierkegaard (1813-1855)
If you haven't got anything nice to say about anybody, come sit next to me."
- Alice Roosevelt Longworth (1884-1980)
You know. Kind of like how McCain uses his "POW" card?