Common Sense from a Naked Man: Global Warming

NakedClownNakedClown Posts: 545
edited May 2007 in A Moving Train
Forget about Glenn Beck and Al Gore.

Even forget about Karl Rove and Sheryll Crowe.

It makes no sense to me why people spend more time fighting over "who is making things up" than they do addressing the actual subject.

Both sides need to settle down. Get off the party bandwagon and move forward their initiatives without insulting others. That goes for both sides.

But here's what I don't get - and I'm not siding with one side or another (OK, I am, but I'm not going to shove it down anyone's throats). I'm just saying:

What's wrong with doing things to help our environment?

Is it really that much of a hassle to recycle a soda can instead of throwing it out?

If you can drive a car that gets you better gas mileage and is more emmissions friendly, why wouldn't you?

If you had the choice between smog or clean air, what would you pick?

What is a better use of energy: blasting liberals and crazy environmentalists; or just ignoring them but maybe saying "hey, I'm going to start making sure that I walk the extra 10 feet in the office to get all of my recycalables in the proper bins instead of just throwing them in the trash."

While the "global warming" issue is a hotly contested issue right now, lets not lose site of the fact that there are other benefits to doing things like reducing emmissions and keeping our environment clean: health, cleaner cities, cleaner outdoors, and more responsible uses of natural resources.

Whether "global warming" exists or not...

That's all I'm saying - I don't know that you can really argue with that.
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  • gabersgabers Posts: 2,787
    This is very much along the lines with what I've been thinking of lately. Or maybe to put it an even different way: Why wouldn't everyone want to reduce our dependence on foreign oil? I mean, I do believe that's something that virtually every American can agree upon, right? So why we're all bickering about whether or not global warming exists (for some), or at least whether we have control over it (for many)? Fuck it, let's move on to reducing our dependence on foreign oil. It will kill two birds with one stone. More fuel efficient cars, alternative fuels, better mass transportation - that's what we need to be working on NOW. How can anyone argue that, at the very least?!
  • Bu2Bu2 Posts: 1,693
    and every Thursday my boyfriend and I put our cans, bottles, etc out in a clear bag. Two weeks ago, the old man across the street came up to me and asked me to give him my rinsed beer cans that I would normally put out for recycling. He said he takes the "tops" off and saves them for the Ronald McDonald House program. I asked him if he'd rather I just give him the "tops" off my beer cans instead, but he said no, he'd like the cans as well. His wife recycles them and uses the cash for "house money".

    At work, only 9 miles away, we have no recycling laws. I'm saddened to see that our paper recycling effort didn't last long. According to our Office Services Manager, we actually ended up having to pay to have our paper recycled, so now it goes in the garbage. In our kitchen, we have no recycle bins for cans or bottles. One woman in our office saves the aluminium can "tops" for a Luekemia program, but other than that, nothing.

    If every town, city, state, made recycling mandatory, it would be a big step.

    Lord knows, I drink a lot of beer, but I have no problem thoroughly rinsing every can and putting it in a bag for the old couple across the street. Billy and I have no problem rinsing our plastic, glass and aluminium stuff while we do the dishes every night, and storing them until Thursday comes around. Couldn't everybody do just that?

    *EDIT* As for our dependence on foreign oil, hell yeah we should be looking for alternative energy!! Whether or not you believe in global warming, it just makes sense.
    Feels Good Inc.
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