"War" on drugs

OK so after watching the Zeitgiest movie I was thinking situations in America that could be fraud as well
How about drugs?
Makes sense...follow
- US creates and grows drugs such as weed, coke, estacy, etc
- agents sell the shit out in mass quantity
- people get addicted so those addicted are distracted from what the US govt is truely doing
- people are put in jail for selling/using drugs and pay legal fees that go to the govt
- society believes that the war on drugs is one of our biggest problems so most of the attention is focused on the war on drugs
How about drugs?
Makes sense...follow
- US creates and grows drugs such as weed, coke, estacy, etc
- agents sell the shit out in mass quantity
- people get addicted so those addicted are distracted from what the US govt is truely doing
- people are put in jail for selling/using drugs and pay legal fees that go to the govt
- society believes that the war on drugs is one of our biggest problems so most of the attention is focused on the war on drugs
2003: Uniondale, MSG x2 | 2004: Reading | 2005: Gorge, Vancouver, Philly | 2006: East Rutherford x2, Gorge x2, Camden 1, Hartford | 2008: MSG x2, VA Beach | 2009: Philly x3 | 2010: MSG x2, Bristow | 2011: Alpine Valley x2 | 2012: MIA Philly | 2013: Wrigley, Charlottesville, Brooklyn 2 | 2014: Milan, Amsterdam 1 | 2016: MSG x2, Fenway x2, Wrigley 2 | 2018: Rome, Krakow, Berlin, Wrigley 2 | 2021: Sea Hear Now | 2022: San Diego, LA x2, MSG, Camden, Nashville, St. Louis, Denver | 2023: St. Paul 1, Chicago x2, Fort Worth x2, Austin 2 | 2024: Las Vegas 1, Seattle x2, Indy, MSG x2, Philly x2, Baltimore, Ohana 2
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Everyone’s answer will be personal conjecture, which leads to all kinds of theories, right and wrong. Does a sedated population benefit the government? Absolutely…. Is the government intentionally allowing drugs to become more prevalent to facilitate that sedation? Who knows….I think most likely it is a case of an off-the-books “cash cow” that the government has become addicted to, not some form of mind control.
The CIA is said to be behind the crack epidemic in urban areas in the 80’s. The Iran-Contra affair was largely tied to drug money. Foreign aid to S.American countries to fight their own war on drugs allows the US to influence policy in those countries, essentially bribing officials. Hell, the US even uses the WOD to pressure Canada in trade agreements. Poppy production in Afghanistan was way down before the war started, and has skyrocketed since NATO forces have taken control of the country. Read into that what you like, but it’s getting out of the country somehow. Air America pt.II?
Essentially, I view the war on drugs as a funding source for all of the dirty tricks the US govt plays around the world. It is a multi-billion (trillion?) dollar a year industry that completely lacks transparency and accountability. I’m sure this is what people don’t take into account when making the old argument for legalization and taxation of drugs. Between on-the-books tax funding for all the war’s propaganda programs, additional police and security funding, property seizure laws, etc. as well as political advantage gained thru bribery of foreign states, money and kickbacks from the privatized prison industry, tobacco, alcohol and pharma lobbies,…..taxing the sale of drugs would probably translate to an overall loss for government coffers.
hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. coincidence? Probably not really all that much of one in this case.
and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
over specific principles, goals, and policies.
( o.O)
Remember Olie North? What was he doing again?
~Ralph Waldo Emerson~
The Tie-Dye Lady is HOT!!!
That would be like saying that underage drinking happens because the CIA is dealing fake IDs to high schoolers.
Unfortunately as the Ollie case clearly showed the CIA have been running drugs.
Also in Afghanistan this year they are expecting one of the largest poppy harvest ever. How can that be with the might of the US patrolling everywhere? Large fields of poppies in the desert are fairly easily spotted from satellites.
~Ralph Waldo Emerson~
The Tie-Dye Lady is HOT!!!
Roland - hadn't seen that story....not covered by any msm sources at all....but all over the interweb. huh. The plane was said to be chartered for rendition...drop someone off to be tortured, pick up your 5 tons of blow. woot!
Then there's Gary Webb, the guy that broke the story of CIA involvement in the coke trade....who took his own life shortly after by shooting himself in the head.......twice.
Exactly right. It is an opportunity, just like the war on terror, to take away liberties, and exert more controls and restrictions.
The problem with many on this board is many try to spin the most fantastic and outrageous tale, and it completely hides the real issues. The original post is something that Oliver Stone might create when doing a fictional film. Your post is probably much closer to reality.
I remember the cops faces when they took me in on a 1.7 gram pot&pipe charge, you would've thought they caught usama bin ladin, they were that happy. i still don't know why I was slammed against their car hood. oh yeah I asked for a warrant before they searched my car. but that's perhaps another issue.
You pay them, hrs later they let you go, then you gotta go to court and you got court fees, I think mine was 300? can't remember I was high, anyway someone/some system is making lots of money off of the people.
Most of the opium grown in afghanistan ends up in europe. the heroin that ends up in the US comes from mexico and further south mostly.
You really have no way of really defining the word "failure" as it relates to the war on drugs. Drug use is a crime just like any other. You can't expect to "win" a war against a certain crime.
Murders, robberies, and littering happens every day. Does that mean those things are being kept illegal on purpose to keep cops in business?
The war on drugs is lost in the cases of a certain percentage of people, but there's no way of knowing how many people are deterred by the illegality of drugs.
If my analogies seem weak to you, it's because they're above your level of comprehension.
The government could make money if they legalized and taxed drugs just like cigarettes...think about why those are still legal.
It's about social control.
Reefer madness, eh? Interesting read?
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Sure, money is an element in almost everything...but I'm saying the prime reason for the war on drugs is not to make money. The prime reason is social control. Of course people are going to try to make money off of this just like they do in almost any situation.
I guess my point is that the government didn't implement the war on drugs because they wanted to make more money. The few people who make money from it is just a natural side effect.
I didn't write that other stuff you quoted me on btw.
Ya, we agree on both counts (money and social control).
Believe me, if just "fresh air" was used in fighting this so called drug war. then you can bet the war on drugs would not exist. I mean fresh air is free. well most of the time anyway.
it's always about money. money is always the number one goal.
iraq? costing america huge amounts for the war. but right now whos getting rich? contracts? weapons? these guys. like most wars, it's a money game. war on drugs no different.
Military contractors don't really make money off the war on drugs.
What groups make money from the war on drugs?
Also note that military contracts are legal, unlike the drug trade.
If they aren't they are completely blowing a huge marketplace.
So SWAT teams, the ATF, DEA...etc etc etc they don't use the same contractors as the military? Why not?
Legality is completely determined by a governing body.
Prohibition is proven not to work. The only way to reduce drug use is to reduce demand.
Treatment and education are the only effective methods of keeping large numbers of people off of harmful recreational drugs.
This is not and never will be about money for the government. It's about power and staying in power. Instead of doing something effective they choose to pander to voters and point to thier "records on crime and drugs" nd all they've done to irradicate this scourge from society.
Check out a few Puritan sermons from the 1600's in Massachusettes... same arguments same results... 400 years later... imagine that people still use drugs recreationally. Where there is a will, there is a way.
The only real cost effective solutions are to pour the money wasted in criminalizing drugs into treatment of addicts and education to prevent further addicts. Get the non violent drug users out of jail and it frees up space in prisons for the people who need to be there.
I for one would be quite happy with banning the public advertisement of perscription drugs, if we are going to disallow the public to purchase them without the permission of a doctor neither should they be advertised. They can spend all that marketing money on research and make the drugs cheaper.
prisons? loaded jails, more work force. don't forget when the war on drugs is taken to other countries such as latin america. nevertheless if it was mainly about social control then the government both local and federal would come up with a better way, like really trying to end the drug trade not keep it going. they need people to become addicts, they need people in prisons.
Money is a main issue.
The war on drugs is also used as an excuse to enter other countries, now is that social control or money for big business? I dunno? I lost track of my points and need to step back and return to this later.
So prison employees make money from the war on drugs..
Prisons are public institutions. They don't turn profit like a A&D company does. They typically lose money if anything. And as far as I know, there aren't any real huge contracts that companies bid on for providing prison food or whatever other services prisons require.
I dunno, I'm just not sure where you're getting the idea that the war on drugs is about filling prisons so more money can be made.
I can see the point about using it as an excuse to invade other countries, but that's pretty rare. We usually come up with better excuses to invade (or MAKE up excuses).
if the government legalized weed or coke, a regular dub (20$) of weed would be about 30$ people will still sell on the streets for cheaper plus the shit thats on the streets will probably be "better"
even if its about social control, the government still lied and conspired in this case
No way. Look at the prices of alcohol during prohibition compared to just before. If weed was legal, the price would drop dramatically...with legal competition, you'd see more of a price war going on.