The Most Important Documantary Ever Made!!

Im not kidding. I just watched this movie last night and it has forever changed the way I view the government and its role. I have watched a lot of documentaries out there on our economic system, corporate controlled media, unlawful surveilance, rigged voting machines, but this documentary puts it all together. We need to get this country back to the way our forefathers intended it. It will take a lot of work but seeing this movie will let you know what we are up against..
Coolest PJ Moment....
Watching Eddie swing his way around a dingy club in Tijuana Mexico by the pipes/plumbing. He was at least 30 feet up. He stopped on one of the speaker stacks...made some hand gestures for people to catch him and did a backward swan dive from 20 feet up... UNFREAKING believable
Watching Eddie swing his way around a dingy club in Tijuana Mexico by the pipes/plumbing. He was at least 30 feet up. He stopped on one of the speaker stacks...made some hand gestures for people to catch him and did a backward swan dive from 20 feet up... UNFREAKING believable
Post edited by Unknown User on
Democracy is two wolves and a lamb voting on what to have for lunch. Liberty is a well-armed lamb contesting the vote!
- Benjamin Franklin
If there are no dogs in Heaven, then when I die, I want to go where they went.
-Will Rogers
Yea, who the hell needs the Bill of Rights. I mean why should we care if the government basically has the right to invade every aspect of our lives.
It's hard, but if you have a flat panel monitor it probably is possible.
I don't know but it sounds like it would hurt.
Well at least that would be more comfortable than wiping your ass with a flat screen computer monitor.
Well he would probably have to wait in line to use it being that many memebers of our government have already or are waiting to wipe their ass' with it. So I think as far as sanitary you might be better off with the monitor.
~Ron Burgundy
I dunno, but like his argument, the word "remote" comes to mind.
Question, when your vote can be manipulated, how do you think you can make a change in this country? Six years and your vote is (may) still not be your vote. That should have been the most important eye opening documentary. At least with that vote you, (we) can begin to make some changes.
At least you guys have the right to fight the IRS and if you aren't totally destitute by the end of it, you probably actually win.
Watching Eddie swing his way around a dingy club in Tijuana Mexico by the pipes/plumbing. He was at least 30 feet up. He stopped on one of the speaker stacks...made some hand gestures for people to catch him and did a backward swan dive from 20 feet up... UNFREAKING believable
You know who likes a country/government like that? North Korea... Saddam Hussein's Iraq. The Government is there to make sure you don't have anything to hide... do you think you would fit in a society like that? Is it okay for a store employee to follow you around to make sure you don't steal anything? And who decides what you should and shouldn't hide? are you that trusting of Politicians?
Your utopia sound like the short, fat, chinese Elvis's wet dream.
P.S. You want to see the Law that creates income tax? Check the Bill of Rights... didn't you learn that shit in high school government.
Hail, Hail!!!
And P.S. to Cosmo - yes, high school taught the Bill of Rights and the Amendments. But what you may not have learned (I certainly didn't in high school) is how the high court has defined "income". Profit or gain is taxable. Labor isn't. Check out the film. There's another thread in this forum with a link to a streaming, youtube copy of the film.