Was what m.moore said true? (oil shareholders)

The percentage of what oil shareholders own has increased over the years.
….on Larry King Friday night.
If this is true, why didn’t anybody stop the increase?
Why is it even legal to own stock in oil?
Yes, I’m young and naive. lol
….on Larry King Friday night.
If this is true, why didn’t anybody stop the increase?
Why is it even legal to own stock in oil?
Yes, I’m young and naive. lol
*~Pearl Jam will be blasted from speakers until morale improves~*
Post edited by Unknown User on
98 CAA
00 Virginia Beach;Camden I; Jones Beach III
05 Borgata Night I; Wachovia Center
06 Letterman Show; Webcast (guy in blue shirt), Camden I; DC
08 Camden I; Camden II; DC
09 Phillie III
13 Wrigley Field
16 Phillie II
Is it a matter of whistle blowing? I’m guessing, no. From what I see here a lot of people understand what’s going on.
I have oil company stocks in my retirement funds. Right now some of them are the only ones keeping me from losing a ton of money, because the financial sector stocks are just tanking.
People complain about high gas prices.
But yet congress hikes up the percentage of what they(congress themselves) own.
So if prices rise they’ll do nothing about it because they’re making money.
They’re not helping the people that elected them.
Too busy making money.
I don’t know about you, but that seems pretty corrupt to me.
But anyone can buy stock in oil companies. And as far as politicians owning oil company stock, how is that different than them owning stock in any other company (ie banks, food companies, car companies etc)? Plus oil companies making money benefits a lot of people, from the stock holders, to the employees to the people who benefit from the shit load of taxes oil companies pay, so in a way it is good for a lot of people if they make a lot of money.
Plus correct me if I am wrong but don't most politicians disclose their tax returns and stuff like that during an election. If a politician says he owns a bunch of oil company stock and people still elect him, then they have no one to blame but themselves.
i've said before here i don't why people vote for the person for their hand in the cookie jar.
yes, i knew it would end like that. but still i wanted to post.
the world runs on money.
profit, profit, profit.
i don't think it should be.
same with healthcare.
but like i said, i’m young and naive.
But the big difference is that if you can't get health care you will die. If you can't get gasoline there are other options, just like there are if you want to buy GE lightbulbs, Pepsi Cola or go to Disneyworld for vacation.
I'm pretty sure oil has been on earth for millions of years.
Lil Wayne is better than Pearl Jam.
Bitches ain't nothin' but hoes 'n tricks
Who raised the percentage of what shareowners own?
Or did that just happen on it’s own?
Yes, it’s legal for people to own stock.
That’s not what I’m trying to get at.
Got me on that one, what are you doing in this neck of the woods anyways?
they both own oil stock. wonder who owns more?
You own stock in oil and hope that they don't actually deliver the barrels to your residence. It is the speculation that is the corrupt part of it all. Don't think spec is bad just check out the Yankee housing market and they keep getting bailed out to lend another million suckers money for a house they can't afford.
So do you think they should not be allowed to own stock in any companies or just oil companies?
read post #16
i said that wasn't my problem with it. :rolleyes:
What exactly is your problem with it I read post 16 I still don't understand. Especially this line:
Who raised the percentage of what shareowners own?
Once a company releases shares anyone can buy them. If they want to make some more money they release more shares after that. If you had enough money you could buy all the outstanding shares of any given company. And in your other post about the presidential canidates you mention oil companies specifically. How are oil companies different then any other publicly traded company?
and i can base my vote on who owns more stock too.
it's just how I view it.
i asked because i truly didn't know.
moore said something like ten years ago people own 1%, now they own around 15%.
why didn't people go crazy and buy up more stock before ten years ago?
or am i misunderstanding?
or was moore lying?
Who are you talking about when you say "people" are you talking about people in general or are you talking about politicians like you were in some of your other posts. Personally I don't see what is wrong with a company making its stock available to the general public. The larger a percentage of a company available for purchase as stock the more democratic it becomes. I mean if an oil company was owned by one guy he could pretty much do whatever he wants within the limits of the law. But if it is a public company the share holders have a say. If you own shares you can go to the general meetings and voice your opinions on how you think the company should be run, as well as vote on major company issues?
Plus I am curious why you are singling out oil companies. It is true that people rely on things like gasoline, natural gas and heating oil. But people don’t require oil to survive like they would food or clothing. So do you have a problem with people owning stock in companies that make money selling food or clothing?
so is anybody going to answer my question?
why the huge jump in the last ten years?
and did moore just pull that figure out of his ass?
Not sure what hasn't been answered, but...
Why the huge jump? Probably because oil companies have a solid business with a product that is in demand, and they keep turning record profits. More people have seen it as a solid investment so ownership increases.
Did Moore pull it out of his ass? Who knows. But at the same time, who cares? I guess I don't see this as an issue so it is hard to have an opinion. People own shares of lots of public companies (by definition), and that includes oil. Some sectors have seen investments go down (financial services, real estate), and some have seen investments increase (oil). That all could completely change next year or in 5 years.
I'm not telling you to shut up, and I hope you didn't take it that way. I just honestly don't know what issue Moore was trying to make of this.
which is why i started a thread.
but i think 'the horse is dead' now........can't beat it anymore.