
chopitdownchopitdown Posts: 2,222
edited April 2007 in A Moving Train
I saw this in the new Time and thought it was an interesting read. In many ways I agree with the author. Many of our societal issues probably do come down to narcissism to some degree.

It's All About Him
Thursday, Apr. 19, 2007 By DAVID VON DREHLE

My reporter's odyssey has taken me from the chill dawn outside the Florida prison in which serial killer Ted Bundy met his end, to the charred façade of a Bronx nightclub where Julio Gonzalez incinerated 87 people, to a muddy Colorado hillside overlooking the Columbine High School library, in which Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold wrought their mayhem. Along the way, I've come to believe that we're looking for why in all the wrong places.

I've lost interest in the cracks, chips, holes and broken places in the lives of men like Cho Seung-Hui, the mass murderer of Virginia Tech. The pain, grievances and self-pity of mass killers are only symptoms of the real explanation. Those who do these things share one common trait. They are raging narcissists. "I died--like Jesus Christ," Cho said in a video sent to NBC.

Psychologists from South Africa to Chicago have begun to recognize that extreme self-centeredness is the forest in these stories, and all the other things-- guns, games, lyrics, pornography--are just trees. To list the traits of the narcissist is enough to prove the point: grandiosity, numbness to the needs and pain of others, emotional isolation, resentment and envy.

In interviews with Ted Bundy taped a quarter-century ago, journalists Stephen Michaud and Hugh Aynesworth captured the essence of homicidal narcissism. Through hour after tedious hour, a man who killed 30 or more young women and girls preened for his audience. He spoke of himself as an actor, of life as a series of roles and of other people as props and scenery. His desires were simple: "control" and "mastery." He took whatever he wanted, from shoplifted tube socks to human lives, because nothing mattered beyond his desires. Bundy said he was always surprised that anyone noticed his victims had vanished. "I mean, there are so many people," he explained. The only death he regretted was his own.

Criminologists distinguish between serial killers like Bundy, whose crimes occur one at a time and who try hard to avoid capture, and mass killers like Cho. But the central role of narcissism plainly connects them. Only a narcissist could decide that his alienation should be underlined in the blood of strangers. The flamboyant nature of these crimes is like a neon sign pointing to the truth. Charles Whitman playing God in his Texas clock tower, James Huberty spraying lead in a California restaurant, Harris and Klebold in their theatrical trench coats--they're all stars in the cinema of their self-absorbed minds.

Freud explained narcissism as a failure to grow up. All infants are narcissists, he pointed out, but as we grow, we ought to learn that other people have lives independent of our own. It's not their job to please us, applaud for us or even notice us--let alone die because we're unhappy.

A generation ago, the social critic Christopher Lasch diagnosed narcissism as the signal disorder of contemporary American culture. The cult of celebrity, the marketing of instant gratification, skepticism toward moral codes and the politics of victimhood were signs of a society regressing toward the infant stage. You don't have to buy Freud's explanation or Lasch's indictment, however, to see an immediate danger in the way we examine the lives of mass killers. Earnestly and honestly, detectives and journalists dig up apparent clues and weave them into a sort of explanation. In the days after Columbine, for example, Harris and Klebold emerged as alienated misfits in the jock culture of their suburban high school. We learned about their morbid taste in music and their violent video games. Largely missing, though, was the proper frame around the picture: the extreme narcissism that licensed these boys, in their minds, to murder their teachers and classmates.

Something similar is now going on with Cho, whose florid writings and videos were an almanac of gripes. "I'm so lonely," he moped to a teacher, failing to mention that he often refused to answer even when people said hello. Of course he was lonely.

In Holocaust studies, there is a school of thought that says to explain is to forgive. I won't go that far. But we must stop explaining killers on their terms. Minus the clear context of narcissism, the biographical details of these men can begin to look like a plausible chain of cause and effect--especially to other narcissists. And they don't need any more encouragement.

There's a telling moment in Michael Moore's film Bowling for Columbine, in which singer Marilyn Manson dismisses the idea that listening to his lyrics contributed to the disintegration of Harris and Klebold. What the Columbine killers needed, Manson suggests, was for someone to listen to them. This is the narcissist's view of narcissism: everything would be fine if only he received more attention. The real problem can be found in the killer's mirror.,9171,1612688,00.html
make sure the fortune that you the fortune that you need
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  • JeanwahJeanwah Posts: 6,363
    I agree that narcissism is a big part of the problem. There's a lot of factors in our society that let kids and even adults now, believe that being that self-centered is justified. It's definately part of the problem.
    I love the Freud quote in the article, (narcissism as a failure to grow up). I feel that this is so true.
  • catefrancescatefrances Posts: 29,003
    i can imagine that people such as bundy are narcissistic and that to a degree fueled their rampages. or their bravado to commit such crimes. i would also wager that it led them to believe that they were above the morality of society and thus they saw their crimes as justifiable.
    hear my name
    take a good look
    this could be the day
    hold my hand
    lie beside me
    i just need to say
  • chopitdownchopitdown Posts: 2,222
    Jeanwah wrote:
    I agree that narcissism is a big part of the problem. There's a lot of factors in our society that let kids and even adults now, believe that being that self-centered is justified. It's definately part of the problem.
    I love the Freud quote in the article, (narcissism as a failure to grow up). I feel that this is so true.

    I agree. We've helped create a culture where kids don't fail and we have to do everything we can for kids so they don't feel "bad" or essence allowing a culture of selfishness to persist well after it should not persist. I liked this sentence the best "we ought to learn that other people have lives independent of our own. it's not their job to please us, applaud for us or even notice us--let alone die because we're unhappy."
    make sure the fortune that you the fortune that you need
  • soulsingingsoulsinging Posts: 13,202
    chopitdown wrote:
    A generation ago, the social critic Christopher Lasch diagnosed narcissism as the signal disorder of contemporary American culture. The cult of celebrity, the marketing of instant gratification, skepticism toward moral codes and the politics of victimhood were signs of a society regressing toward the infant stage.

    spot the fuck on. this is what i've been trying to formulate for months. we have a culture that glorifies shallow self-centeredness. i was at the zoo yesterday... 10 year old girls wear skirts that would make a college co-ed blush. the children's section of clothing at the rainforest cafe has sleep pants bearing that are covered in writing saying either "it's all about me" or "thank god im pretty." i only point out the girls' stuff becos it's an easier example, but in general we start training our kids early: you and getting what you want are the only things that matter. get all the attention you can and do whatever you can to get what you want.
  • macgyver06macgyver06 Posts: 2,500
    the kids are fine...its the ones who think they aren't...well...u r fucked :)
  • pjfanatic4pjfanatic4 Posts: 127
    Thanks for sharing the article.

    I tend to agree, but don't necessarily believe it is something new. Narcissism is part of human nature, just as selfishness, greed and other characteristics of the human being. Everyone suffers from them to a greater or lesser degree.

    It just seems that society is encouraging this. They are really selling to what, by human nature, you are looking for.
  • drivingrldrivingrl Posts: 1,448
    I read this essay in Time magazine over the weekend, and I couldn't agree more. Thanks for posting this.

    I have to say I agree with Rosie O'Donnell (yikes) when she says that all we're doing when we go on and on about what happened at Virginia Tech is feeding into the killer's BS. In my opinion, let's discuss the victims until we turn blue in the face. The guy who killed them, keep him out of the picture completely.
    drivingrl: "Will I ever get to meet Gwen Stefani?"
    kevinbeetle: "Yes. When her career washes up and her and Gavin move to Galveston, you will meet her at Hot Topic shopping for a Japanese cheerleader outfit.

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