Gore greening his house

Since I was so vociferous in chiding Al Gore for his electricity bill, I thought it would be only fair to post this:
Post edited by Unknown User on
So in Nashville, you can only save the environment if no one can see it...............:rolleyes:
this is so sad ...
retrofitting a home is much more eco-friendly than building a new one ... his footprint is still gargantuan compared to the average folk but he compensates in other ways ...
Well from what the article states local zoning laws where making it difficult for him to do so.
If you read carefully it says "The city of Belle Meade, Tennessee, had blocked his application until new rules were approved unanimously " and that he bought that home in 2002. It doesn't say when he started greening his house.
My money's on the fact that it came AFTER the bad press:
anyways - every good environmentalist has to accept criticisms ... it's much easier for people to harp on the hypocrisies then actually look at themselves ... people rather spend energy trying to shoot gore down then actually doing something themselves ...
I 100% agree....the key thing is that he is DOING something....while 90% of those bitching about him sit on their ass twidling their thumbs doing nothing....
nope ... his talk is the same as the movie ... you won't necessarily get any more out of it ...
at least that's what i heard ...
but, all you have are preconceived notions ... everyone is motivated by different things ... al gore has done more for the environment movement then anyone on the planet right now ... some may want to nitpick by how he's done it ... but he has done it ...
in all honesty - if bad press made him make his renos - GREAT i say ... isn't that partly what the press is supposed to do ... hold people accountable?? ...
We have all been in situations where we do not live up to the standard of what we want to obtain (I know I have in many aspects of life)....
My point being at least he is owning up to it....plus I give him credit for getting the word out...regardless of your belief in climate change...the facts he shows are pretty horrifying and ones the nay-sayers seem to avoid.....I give him kudos for giving enviromentalism some main stream attention...that to me is a great feat...stop the steretypical "tree-hugger hippie" environmentalist out-look that some people want people to preceive and push the issue into the main stream.
Yes is it somewhat bothersome that the changes did occur after....however does it not bug you just a little bit more that the city is making it very difficult to go forward...that to me disgusts me much more.....
Funny they hold an individual trying to do some good accountable (which is great do not get me wrong) but yet their are many more powerful individuals doing far from ideal things, who can do anything they want and all accounability is thrown out the window with no questions asked....another disturbing trend I see in the current media.....
that's on you...
it seems you are more upset with the messenger, thus ignoring the message...
If this was really a problem on this board, then most on this thread talking about Al Gore in such a positive light would at least find it within themselves to give Bush the same kind of praise for having a much more environment friendly home than Gore.
That press was terrible for Gore though. It was like an anti drug counselor telling others not to do drugs while borrowing their lighter to light his crack pipe.
well, if bush has an environmentally friendly home, I say good for him...
Although Bush's environmental policy is at best shitty.....if he has a good environmentally friendly good on him I say...my point Gore has done good by spreading the word and has now been held accountable....but it is disturbing that cities are trying to make environmentally friendly options hard to obtain....