Ramifications of us pulling out of Iraq
I know that most of you guys feel that we need to pull out of Iraq immediately. I was wondering what you think would happen in Iraq if we pulled all troops out today and completely left the country? What would be the social and political fallout of this kind of action? Would Iraq be better off without us there? discuss...
“May you live to be 100 and may the last voice you hear be mine.” - Frank Sinatra
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...are those who've helped us.
Right 'round the corner could be bigger than ourselves.
with the current non-plan, I say it would be best if the US cleared out and let them "work things out themselves"...
if a plan is proposed to split up Iraq, then perhaps we can help the parts secure themselves, otherwise, more of the same...
at the end of the day, wondering "what would happen" won't be answered until it happens...
These are questions for Iraqis, not Americans. It's extremely arrogant for us to say "ok, we invaded this country, and now WE have to decide what's best"...no. We wouldn't be asking these questions if North Korea invaded South Korea. We'd be telling them to get the hell out.
So your saying we stay, right?
I understand what you are saying, but what I'm asking is if we pulled out today completely, what would happen to Iraq in your opinion? It's easy to say that they should "work things out themselves" but what does that mean exactly? Will they be peaceful about it or will there be genocide, does it open the door for other countries to invade? what do you think?
I'm saying we should analyze which plan would minimize the killing in the next 5 years and go with that.
...are those who've helped us.
Right 'round the corner could be bigger than ourselves.
based on what I read, I think they need a better trained military and police force. I'm in favor of gradually drawing down our combat forces and increasing our training people.
pulling out every american troop will sink the country into utter choas and leave the possibility of some el queda linked person to take power. or at least someone who will allow el queda to flourish. not good.
How do you go about doing that?
I don't know.
But I can't see how someone could support pulling out if it meant the deaths would increase.
...are those who've helped us.
Right 'round the corner could be bigger than ourselves.
I could guess....perhaps the a full-blown civil war would breakout, perhaps they would get together, smoke a spliff and make peace...honestly, I don't know, nor does anyone....as I've said, we could guess...
I'm guessing a full blown civil war....
I think that a full blown civil war would happen too...this could result in a country that is waaaay worse off than it is now or even when it was controlled by Saddam. I think the only option now is to stay, try to keep it stable, continue training the Iraqi forces and minimize the killing.
What a rotten attitude. Before the US invaded, this country was stable. Now its not. It was stable BECAUSE Saddam was a tyrant who ruled the place with an iron fist. While rank and file americans could not have seen a civil war coming, you bet your ass anyone in the know must have. America did know or should have known (evil or stupid take your pick) that civil war would happen.
It IS the USAs responsibility to fix or at least help fix this, and if they aren't willing to, they never should have indaded in the first place.
What do I think would happen if we pull out? Civil war, sectarian killings, and then intervention by Iran for the Shia and Saudi Arabia for the Sunni.
the iraqis will be free to go about their daily lives without fear of being raped, brutalized, and murdered or having their son or daughter have a bomb dropped on them
consequence 2: our soldiers will be out of harms wa and will be home with their families. They will be safe, away from danger and away from war
consequence 3: the increasing number of troops who have mental disorders will in fact decrease and we can begin to actally treat and help those who do have disorders and diseases as a result of war.
Consequence 4: we can assess the damage we caused the iraqis, in terms of lives, money, lost buildings etc... Although their isnt any amount that could make up for it, reperations could be payed when the war ends.
consequence 5: young kids, 18 years old wont have to die in Iraq as a result of lies and greed,
consequence 6: The daily news wont be littered with crap about how another 20 year old was killed in iraq.
Gee, these are some horrible consequences! I laugh at the idea that was floated during Nam and is floated today. That if we pull out, the iraqis will kill each other and a massive bloodshed will occur. Its such a stupid statement.
I say, end the goddamn war now, bring our troops home, start the healing process, and publicly apologize to our troops for sending them into a battle based on a lie.
U.S. soldiers aren't the only ones killing over there - nor are they the only ones holding people against their will and torturing them. I agree that we need to leave, but it's a question of when. Perhaps now is the best answer - but I'm not really sure. I don't think it is. But, then, I think staying too long would be worse. Difficult. Fuckers never should have taken us there in the first place.
Get the neighbors involved. The last thing they want is a Civil War on their borders and refugees pouring into their country and creating problems for them. Tell them that they NEED to get involved now, because we are unable to control the place with the amount of resources we have invested in it.
Let them know the consequences of our increasing of our forces. If we can supplement our upgrading of 60,000 U.S. troops... they would need to ante up the remainging 100,000 to 150,00 troops to meet the security requirements.
We will move the re-trainning on the Iraqi Forces to a neutral NATO base (such as Turkey or Germany) and re-deploy them as they are trainned and equipped. This will weed out the al Sadr and former Baathist loyalists that are already in uniform. When the troops have been trainned, they will be deployed to existing units under the coalition command and eventually graduate into full blown Iraqi Divisions.
Once the Security concern is satisfied... the rebuilding can commence. Do not hire American Contractors. Put Iraqis to work instead of Americans. Iraqi men are the ones running around and shooting up the place... give them the truck driving jobs instead of Americans from Tennessee looking for high paying, tax-free employment. Put Iraqis to work rebuilding the infrastructure that was either neglected by Hussein or blown to bits by Bush.
When the Iraqis feel safe and find out that working to build hospitals and schools and homes for their families beats shooting and being shot at by people of their own kind, then we can say the 'Job' is done.
oh... and America pays for ALL of it. We bought it... why should Saudi Arabia, Germany, Turkey and anyone else we drag in have to? and we need to quit being pussies and making our kids pay for our shit... grow some balls, America and own up to your support for this thing. This means YOU and I pay for it.
Hail, Hail!!!
The problem is... we're the ones getting fucked... actually, our troops and their families are the ones getting fucked.
And not to worry about them getting pregnant... they are getting fucked in the ass.
Hail, Hail!!!