Who "REALLY" predicted the U.S. downturn a year ago?

saveuplifesaveuplife Posts: 1,173
edited October 2008 in A Moving Train
Nouriel Roubini


Let's be honest. I know a lot of people love Ron Paul (and I'd say he makes a very good argument), but he is not an economist.... PERIOD. This individual, however, predicted all this "IN DETAIL"....

please... google him... look at what he said would happen.... look at what has happened.... look at what he says will happen.

Of course, he could be wrong. But, he IMHO, has one of the most sound trackrecords out there.
Post edited by Unknown User on


  • How about Paulson and Bernake... etc themselves... they all knew what was coming...

    It's like 1+ 1....
    Progress is not made by everyone joining some new fad,
    and reveling in it's loyalty. It's made by forming coalitions
    over specific principles, goals, and policies.


    ( o.O)
  • John Bellamy Foster. One of the most influential and outspoken socialist/radical thinkers in america today. He runs/published Monthly Review magazine, a legendary socialist publication.

    He wrote in his magazine, and personally told my college class, as I took an entire course with him, that when the housing situation got really bad, things would really go bad, and that things would start to collapse. This was 2006.
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