Can you give a valid reason for her using a personal email account to conduct official business, thereby circumventing laws on having those emails archived?
Besides, she has nothing to hide right?
I work for the government and EVERYTHING I do on my work computer is subject to a Public Disclosure Request - even the personal stuff. I have to acknowledge that fact everytime I log in.
Walking can be a real trip
"We've laid the groundwork. It's like planting the seeds. And next year, it's spring." - Nader
Prepare for tending to your garden, America.
I work for the government and EVERYTHING I do on my work computer is subject to a Public Disclosure Request - even the personal stuff. I have to acknowledge that fact everytime I log in.
my guess ... again, guess ... is that she's using her home e-mail on her home computer ...
didn't they jsut say she spent a ton of time at home (but still charged for meals and expenses)?
Again, a guess.
"You're one of the few Red Sox fans I don't mind." - Newch91
"I don't believe in damn curses. Wake up the damn Bambino and have me face him. Maybe I'll drill him in the ass." --- Pedro Martinez
Nothing substantial in it. But seriously, come on people. That's just wrong in my opinion.
Can anyone supporting Obama condone this?
for disclosure, I think palin is a horrible choice for potential VP, and I'm an Obama supporter...
with that said, it's pretty fucked up that someone hacked into her matter what she supports or who she is, this should not have happened...
however...I think there is another story here....mcpalin will be "a heartbeat away" from the oval office if her ticket wins this November...for me, her judgment and lack of comes into play here...why is she using a yahoo account for gov't business...? is she trying to hide things by using this account...? did she not worry about security issues with this account...? sure, this may have been a "personal" account...but, being he governor, surely she would have thought about the implications of using such an email account...
again, I'm not ok at all with this happening....I just wonder about her judgment...
I work for the government and EVERYTHING I do on my work computer is subject to a Public Disclosure Request - even the personal stuff. I have to acknowledge that fact everytime I log in.
We'll never know what were in those emails, but the Alaska Public Records Act which the governor is subject to does have an exception by the Alaska Supreme Court which ruled that there is a limited "executive" or "deliberative process" privilege that protects communications between the governor and his or her aides about policy matters.
Again without seeing the emails no one knows what exactly she was discussing, but from the limited knowledge we have of the situation she wasn't violating the Public Records Act.
I said it because of the expectation of replies, which I received. For proof, look at the posts by...
Strangest Tribe
...they all didn't seem to think it is wrong to do this. IMHO that's F'd up. If hackers hacked into anyones personal email account it is just plain wrong. But, people are too politically polarized to even admit stuff like this these days.
my thoughts arent political at all. i like it cause its cyber-vandalism. id like it better if they got obama or mccain. but this was just fine in my book. screw all of them. 4channers hack into peoples photobuckets and post pictures of girls and stuff all the time. i know its criminal but something about putting personal stuff on the internet is asking for trouble. its like hiding money in a park. it might work sometimes but if your luck runs out and someone else finds it its your fault kinda.
and what is this crap about the patriot act being a republican thing. maybe it was a republican congress that put it in place, but if i recall it was re-approved with the current democrat congress too. both parties are anti-american as far as i can see.
my thoughts arent political at all. i like it cause its cyber-vandalism. id like it better if they got obama or mccain. but this was just fine in my book. screw all of them. 4channers hack into peoples photobuckets and post pictures of girls and stuff all the time. i know its criminal but something about putting personal stuff on the internet is asking for trouble. its like hiding money in a park. it might work sometimes but if your luck runs out and someone else finds it its your fault kinda.
and what is this crap about the patriot act being a republican thing. maybe it was a republican congress that put it in place, but if i recall it was re-approved with the current democrat congress too. both parties are anti-american as far as i can see.
Fair enough. Honestly, I know very little about what cyber-vandalism is. So, how did these vandals even do this? How exactly is it possible to "hack" into someones email? I don't get it.
Nothing substantial in it. But seriously, come on people. That's just wrong in my opinion.
Can anyone supporting Obama condone this?
why would someone supporting obama have to condone this? you think it was obama's call to snoop her email? i cannot see how anyone would condone it, period. don't see why obama supporters, or mccain supporters, or nader supporters, etc...should condone this.
Fair enough. Honestly, I know very little about what cyber-vandalism is. So, how did these vandals even do this? How exactly is it possible to "hack" into someones email? I don't get it.
The hacker didn't so much hack into her account. He used a flaw in Yahoo's system to reset her password to popcorn.
He answered the security questions (what is your zip code, birth date, and where she met her husband) and yahoo let the person change the password to access her account.
why would someone supporting obama have to condone this? you think it was obama's call to snoop her email? i cannot see how anyone would condone it, period. don't see why obama supporters, or mccain supporters, or nader supporters, etc...should condone this.
I asked a question. To repeat, the question was.... does anyone who supports Obama condone this?
The hacker didn't so much hack into her account. He used a flaw in Yahoo's system to reset her password to popcorn.
He answered the security questions (what is your zip code, birth date, and where she met her husband) and yahoo let the person change the password to access her account.
Sounds pretty damn easy... especially for Presidential candidates. I'm willing to bet this (cyber security) will become a much bigger political issue for candidates as we age. Just imagine the dirt on some of these politicians on both sides. I hope it never happens because I don't want to read/watch/hear the news about this crap.
I asked a question. To repeat, the question was.... does anyone who supports Obama condone this?
Read the thread for the answers.
i got it thanks.
and then *I* asked a in, why should obama supporters even be questioned, or condone, or not.......what's the point of singling them out? i don't get it.
beyond that, it really is of no no interest to read others' answers as to whether they do or don't condone it...or if they are obama supporters or not.
Nothing substantial in it. But seriously, come on people. That's just wrong in my opinion.
Can anyone supporting Obama condone this?
On one hand, I am stunned at how many people are flirting with condoning this.
On the other, I don't condone putting Obama's name in the post, as he, I am quite certain, had nothing to do with this. I would not be surprised if this technique is used by AM Radio/O'Reilly/Hannity to try to turn people off to Obama.
I cannot come up with a new sig till I get this egg off my face.
and then *I* asked a in, why should obama supporters even be questioned, or condone, or not.......what's the point of singling them out? i don't get it.
OK. Since she is currently running for VP and in one of the largest polital races in history, anything she's involved in is most likely political. It could be hypothesized, quite easily, that the person who did this may have wanted to dig up dirt on her, thereby hurting her politically. So, the act was most likely politically motivated. Did Obama do this? Hell no. Did one of his supporters? I'd say it's more than likely a yes. But that's my opinion.
So, even if we discount what I just mentioned, Obama supporters typically do not like Palin. So, many wouldn't mind seeing negative information manifest itself regarding her. My original point basically said, even if you one of the many I just mentioned in the previous sentence, even you got to admit this is wrong,..... correct? That was the jist of it. So, if you'd like to read the answers be my guest.
On the other, I don't condone putting Obama's name in the post, as he, I am quite certain, had nothing to do with this. I would not be surprised if this technique is used by AM Radio/O'Reilly/Hannity to try to turn people off to Obama.
Fair enough. And I agree with you that those douche-bags will also try to use this for policial gain. But, I can assure you, by posing this question, I did not think I would change anyones mind on here. Further, I don't think it's really possible to change anyone's mind on here.... it's a political message board, people have undented opinions about politics here.
For all we know, this "Hacker" may have been "encouraged " to do such a thing by some Repub McCain/Palin supporter or campaign worker; for the purpose of trying to make Palin a victim and getting public sympathy.
Pure speculation on my part, but not entirely out of the question.
It does seem odd it was her yahoo account and that it was apparently so easy for this Hacker to reset her password.
Looks like the investigation might be shorter than anyone expected.
Authorities have contacted their first suspect a 20 year old engineering major, David Kernell, from the University of Tennessee who is the son of Mike Kernell, a Democratic State Rep from Tennessee.
If it does turn out to be this guy, this guy isn't the brightest picking passwords making the new password for Palin's account popcorn when his name is Kernell.
Looks like the investigation might be shorter than anyone expected.
Authorities have contacted their first suspect a 20 year old engineering major, David Kernell, from the University of Tennessee who is the son of Mike Kernell, a Democratic State Rep from Tennessee.
If it does turn out to be this guy, this guy isn't the brightest picking passwords making the new password for Palin's account popcorn when his name is Kernell.
That is funny. Kernell.
96 Randall's Island II
98 CAA
00 Virginia Beach;Camden I; Jones Beach III
05 Borgata Night I; Wachovia Center
06 Letterman Show; Webcast (guy in blue shirt), Camden I; DC
08 Camden I; Camden II; DC
09 Phillie III
13 Wrigley Field
16 Phillie II
I do. That's most likely why I asked the question.
I work for the government and EVERYTHING I do on my work computer is subject to a Public Disclosure Request - even the personal stuff. I have to acknowledge that fact everytime I log in.
"We've laid the groundwork. It's like planting the seeds. And next year, it's spring." - Nader
Prepare for tending to your garden, America.
my guess ... again, guess ... is that she's using her home e-mail on her home computer ...
didn't they jsut say she spent a ton of time at home (but still charged for meals and expenses)?
Again, a guess.
"I don't believe in damn curses. Wake up the damn Bambino and have me face him. Maybe I'll drill him in the ass." --- Pedro Martinez
for disclosure, I think palin is a horrible choice for potential VP, and I'm an Obama supporter...
with that said, it's pretty fucked up that someone hacked into her matter what she supports or who she is, this should not have happened...
however...I think there is another story here....mcpalin will be "a heartbeat away" from the oval office if her ticket wins this November...for me, her judgment and lack of comes into play here...why is she using a yahoo account for gov't business...? is she trying to hide things by using this account...? did she not worry about security issues with this account...? sure, this may have been a "personal" account...but, being he governor, surely she would have thought about the implications of using such an email account...
again, I'm not ok at all with this happening....I just wonder about her judgment...
We'll never know what were in those emails, but the Alaska Public Records Act which the governor is subject to does have an exception by the Alaska Supreme Court which ruled that there is a limited "executive" or "deliberative process" privilege that protects communications between the governor and his or her aides about policy matters.
Again without seeing the emails no one knows what exactly she was discussing, but from the limited knowledge we have of the situation she wasn't violating the Public Records Act.
- 8/28/98
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my thoughts arent political at all. i like it cause its cyber-vandalism. id like it better if they got obama or mccain. but this was just fine in my book. screw all of them. 4channers hack into peoples photobuckets and post pictures of girls and stuff all the time. i know its criminal but something about putting personal stuff on the internet is asking for trouble. its like hiding money in a park. it might work sometimes but if your luck runs out and someone else finds it its your fault kinda.
and what is this crap about the patriot act being a republican thing. maybe it was a republican congress that put it in place, but if i recall it was re-approved with the current democrat congress too. both parties are anti-american as far as i can see.
You say "condone" as if it were someone from the Obama campaign who did it
Fair enough. Honestly, I know very little about what cyber-vandalism is. So, how did these vandals even do this? How exactly is it possible to "hack" into someones email? I don't get it.
why would someone supporting obama have to condone this? you think it was obama's call to snoop her email? i cannot see how anyone would condone it, period. don't see why obama supporters, or mccain supporters, or nader supporters, etc...should condone this.
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
The hacker didn't so much hack into her account. He used a flaw in Yahoo's system to reset her password to popcorn.
He answered the security questions (what is your zip code, birth date, and where she met her husband) and yahoo let the person change the password to access her account.
- 8/28/98
- 9/2/00
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- 9/11/05, 9/12/05, 9/13/05, 9/30/05, 10/1/05, 10/3/05
- 5/12/06, 5/13/06, 5/27/06, 5/28/06, 5/30/06, 6/1/06, 6/3/06, 6/23/06, 7/22/06, 7/23/06, 12/2/06, 12/9/06
- 8/2/07, 8/5/07
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- 8/23/09, 8/24/09, 9/21/09, 9/22/09, 10/27/09, 10/28/09, 10/30/09, 10/31/09
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- 9/11/11, 9/12/11
- 10/18/13, 10/21/13, 10/22/13, 11/30/13, 12/4/13
I asked a question. To repeat, the question was.... does anyone who supports Obama condone this?
Read the thread for the answers.
Sounds pretty damn easy... especially for Presidential candidates. I'm willing to bet this (cyber security) will become a much bigger political issue for candidates as we age. Just imagine the dirt on some of these politicians on both sides. I hope it never happens because I don't want to read/watch/hear the news about this crap.
i got it thanks.
and then *I* asked a in, why should obama supporters even be questioned, or condone, or not.......what's the point of singling them out? i don't get it.
beyond that, it really is of no no interest to read others' answers as to whether they do or don't condone it...or if they are obama supporters or not.
was my only curiosity on the topic.
Let's just breathe...
I am myself like you somehow
On one hand, I am stunned at how many people are flirting with condoning this.
On the other, I don't condone putting Obama's name in the post, as he, I am quite certain, had nothing to do with this. I would not be surprised if this technique is used by AM Radio/O'Reilly/Hannity to try to turn people off to Obama.
No problem.
OK. Since she is currently running for VP and in one of the largest polital races in history, anything she's involved in is most likely political. It could be hypothesized, quite easily, that the person who did this may have wanted to dig up dirt on her, thereby hurting her politically. So, the act was most likely politically motivated. Did Obama do this? Hell no. Did one of his supporters? I'd say it's more than likely a yes. But that's my opinion.
So, even if we discount what I just mentioned, Obama supporters typically do not like Palin. So, many wouldn't mind seeing negative information manifest itself regarding her. My original point basically said, even if you one of the many I just mentioned in the previous sentence, even you got to admit this is wrong,..... correct? That was the jist of it. So, if you'd like to read the answers be my guest.
I am too.
Fair enough. And I agree with you that those douche-bags will also try to use this for policial gain. But, I can assure you, by posing this question, I did not think I would change anyones mind on here. Further, I don't think it's really possible to change anyone's mind on here.... it's a political message board, people have undented opinions about politics here.
Pure speculation on my part, but not entirely out of the question.
It does seem odd it was her yahoo account and that it was apparently so easy for this Hacker to reset her password.
Authorities have contacted their first suspect a 20 year old engineering major, David Kernell, from the University of Tennessee who is the son of Mike Kernell, a Democratic State Rep from Tennessee.
If it does turn out to be this guy, this guy isn't the brightest picking passwords making the new password for Palin's account popcorn when his name is Kernell.
- 8/28/98
- 9/2/00
- 4/28/03, 5/3/03, 7/3/03, 7/5/03, 7/6/03, 7/9/03, 7/11/03, 7/12/03, 7/14/03
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- 9/11/05, 9/12/05, 9/13/05, 9/30/05, 10/1/05, 10/3/05
- 5/12/06, 5/13/06, 5/27/06, 5/28/06, 5/30/06, 6/1/06, 6/3/06, 6/23/06, 7/22/06, 7/23/06, 12/2/06, 12/9/06
- 8/2/07, 8/5/07
- 6/19/08, 6/20/08, 6/22/08, 6/24/08, 6/25/08, 6/27/08, 6/28/08, 6/30/08, 7/1/08
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- 9/11/11, 9/12/11
- 10/18/13, 10/21/13, 10/22/13, 11/30/13, 12/4/13
That is funny. Kernell.
98 CAA
00 Virginia Beach;Camden I; Jones Beach III
05 Borgata Night I; Wachovia Center
06 Letterman Show; Webcast (guy in blue shirt), Camden I; DC
08 Camden I; Camden II; DC
09 Phillie III
13 Wrigley Field
16 Phillie II
I'm still using my old college email account for personal documents and messages.
I'm pretty sure one of her 5 colleges can set up an alumna email account for her if she was smart enough to realized that. :rolleyes:
EV- 08/09,10/2008.06/08,09/2009
I kinda smell an inside job
She's taken a lot of crap about her emails.
if they come up in any kind of formal hearing, her lawyers will probably claim the evidence was compromised and therefore inadmisible as evidence.
Probably the "hacker" will join the ranks of Osama Bin Laden and the real OJ killer as the great criminals we just can't seem to locate.
I'm not saying it's possible or probable, just throwin it out there.
I mean, would you really put ANYTHING past them at this point.
as for the topic at hand, for me, it's this simple
It's wrong when the government does it, it's wrong when private citizens do it.
- 8/28/98
- 9/2/00
- 4/28/03, 5/3/03, 7/3/03, 7/5/03, 7/6/03, 7/9/03, 7/11/03, 7/12/03, 7/14/03
- 9/28/04, 9/29/04, 10/1/04, 10/2/04
- 9/11/05, 9/12/05, 9/13/05, 9/30/05, 10/1/05, 10/3/05
- 5/12/06, 5/13/06, 5/27/06, 5/28/06, 5/30/06, 6/1/06, 6/3/06, 6/23/06, 7/22/06, 7/23/06, 12/2/06, 12/9/06
- 8/2/07, 8/5/07
- 6/19/08, 6/20/08, 6/22/08, 6/24/08, 6/25/08, 6/27/08, 6/28/08, 6/30/08, 7/1/08
- 8/23/09, 8/24/09, 9/21/09, 9/22/09, 10/27/09, 10/28/09, 10/30/09, 10/31/09
- 5/15/10, 5/17/10, 5/18/10, 5/20/10, 5/21/10, 10/23/10, 10/24/10
- 9/11/11, 9/12/11
- 10/18/13, 10/21/13, 10/22/13, 11/30/13, 12/4/13